
Tabletop RPG Podcast and Roleplaying Resources

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1600jfortBeric’s Blessing and Baron’s Revenge headed south from Constantine’s Land, in search of better weather and a larger land mass.  (Also putting some distance from the clockwork Automoton). A sheltered Bay revealed a small river delta, with a deep water estuary.  The two carracks sailed upriver for an hour, until they came upon a point where the delta forks met up to become one river.  In the distance to the east lay a vast forest, while at the river fork point, flat, solid ground stretched as far as the eye both to the north and south.  The party decided that providence had brought them to the right spot, and the colony was founded on October 10, 1115 (YOTE).

Soon, lumber parties went into the forest to fell the resources needed, while tenements and a palisade were quickly raised.  A chill hit the air the next week, and the workers redoubled their efforts to house the settlers. Captain Rannic of the Baron’s Revenge asked to take his leave, but put off his journey when convinced his departure would be futile. His deferral was timely, as activity and arrow flight was spotted in the forest.  The party was dispatched, until confronted by a party of green scaled lizard like short creatures, armed with spear and cross bow.  Attempts to parlay were for naught, and battle ensued.  the party was victorious, but not before the “Dragon Kin” leader spoke threats to the party in broken Gothic.  Odd.

The next week brought the first snowfall, and the dispatching of the ships to the Bay.  Two days later, Beric’s Blessing returned, and announced that Baron’s revenge had departed early, back to the Old World.  A second encounter with the Dragon Kin was more successful, and ended in a stand off.  Later that week, the entire settlement was surprised by a large floating object coming towards the Settlement. An Airship of some kind perched just above the entrance to the Settlement, and three “Lizardmen” repelled down ropes.  led by a fine speaking Aristophenes, the Party learned that the Lizard Empire had been in contact with the Gothic Empire for some 200 years, and had invited the Gothic Empire to settle the new world in a fulfilment of an alliance. The party, perplexed by the lack of intelligence provided to them by their own government, pondered their next moves, in an ever more hostile land.

Star Wars: Dawn of Rebellion — Episode 13

The Tyrannus emerges from hyperspace, and the heroes find themselves in the middle of an asteroid field. Alderaan, their destination, is nowhere to be found. In the distance, a grey moon looms. After a tractor beam snags the Tyranus, the crew realizes it is no moon!

Soon the Tyrannus is aboard the Death Star. Emerging from smuggling compartments, the heroes steal an officer’s ID, weapons and officer uniforms. Logging in to a wall terminal, they seek a way to shut down the tractor beam, only to find someone on the opposite side of the Death Star has already dismantled the tractor beams.

They also discover that Agent Lu’Nimah is aboard the Death Star! The heroes quickly ‘transfer’ Agent Lu’Nimah out of her detention block while distracted guards listen to a cell block escape on the opposite side of the Death Star.

The rebels sneak past Stormtroopers and board the Tyrannus only to have an Imperial officer recognize them. Blaster fire ensues, with unarmed Ishtatha nearly perishing in the cross-fire. As the heroes fly into space and punch in astrogation coordinates, they see another ship leaving the Death Star, TIE fighters in hot pursuit. Who were the other escapees?…

Stan’s New RPG Books

fullsizerender-1I picked up some Solomon Kane and Sundered Skies books on sale at Madness yesterday. They look so amazing! Not sure I’ll get around to running them anytime soon, but I’m happy to stockpile them for future years when opportunities arise for these campaigns.

See my writeup on Sundered Skies and Solomon Kane as possible future campaigns.

Of course, these would be after my Redmark, Middle-earth, and Imperium campaigns, heh 🙂

— Stan

Future Campaign Idea: Solomon Kane

1600’s Fantasy/Horror/Monster-Hunter Campaign

solomon_kane-e1334685648486Cut a righteous path in a world of evil! You have seen the path to redemption, a road paved in the blood and bones of the evil you must defeat to save the world from its unholy taint. Face that which preys on men’s dreams, their fears, and their very souls. Walk The Path of Kane.

Your enemies span the globe, reaching out from every shadowy corner of all four continents. Men, magic, and monsters of the darkest hearts and basest desires threaten the very world you tread. Humanity is lost without the will and steel of good folk like you.

Screen Shot 2014-10-02 at 6.11.43 PMWhether a Puritan wanderer, a misguided pirate, or a soldier of fortune, a time of legend has come and fate has chosen her champions. Kane began the fight against an ancient evil so great it could destroy humanity, but now others must carry the torch into the darkness.

Stan Comments: If I run this, with regard to magic, I’d run it like Robert E. Howard wrote the stories: a world where protagonists are Puritan-minded holy warriors on a mission from God, along with their allies, ever vigilant against the vile forces of darkness. A bit different than some of the universalist, syncretistic assumptions of the RPG adaptation. Howard’s Kane was mistrustful of magic (at least in the stories I read), sort of like Conan.


Also, the production values of the adventures and maps are top-notch!


Future Campaign Idea: Sundered Skies

Dark Fantasy/Black Powder/Sky Pirates Campaign


A shattered world. A thousand floating islands. A constant glow of madness. Sundered Skies begins where every other world ends.

sundered-skiesIn an age long past, the world was blasted apart by primal forces. Now the races of the Sundered Skies live amongst the debris; the floating islands of land left over from the destroyed planet. Some islands are small as a house, some as large as a mountain. They float in unending patterns throughout the eternal orange Glow, a maddening light that suffuses the air with a constant illumination, so that there is never night in the Skies. Many grow mad from exposure to the voidglow. The elves (often evil!), dwarves, humans, dragons, orcs, and stranger folk that live amongst these islands travel from one to the other on majestic flying ships, trading, exploring, and fighting.

But the fate of the Skies is in danger! The magic of the glow is not the only taint in this unforgiving realm. Dark forces conspire to bring the Skies to the brink of an even greater catastrophe. Can you survive long enough to discover the secrets of Sundered Skies?


Stan Comments: Written for Savage Worlds, if I run it, I’d probably convert it over to the Rarescape rules which should be out by the time I ever got around do running this campaign, which would likely run 20-30 sessions.


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