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Heroes of Arnor: Shrine of the Seven Stones

Chapter Three

In March (the 25th Day of Gwaeron, T.A. 1641), the heroes receive word that the Lord Elesander’s wife Morwen has taken ill. The heroes are joined by their newest companion, a dwarf named Crom, fresh from Rivendell where also Aldin, Éothain, and Adrahil had sojourned this winter.

The court’s healers can do nothing for her, and the ancient scrolls and books in her chamber suggest some foul work of the Shadow has caused her malady. The heroes examine Morwen’s desk and see scroll fragments that suggest she read a cursed spell which put her into enchanted and fitful slumber. Other scroll fragments also suggest a cure.

Morwen’s first scroll fragment reads:

In a high mountain valley south of Ossarnen lies Setmaenen, the place for which the town was named, a large man-made mound of earth supported and strengthened by stones. Seven stone pillars, 30′ Standing-stones surround the mound, within an age-old ceremonial ring.

Everyone knows that Setmaenen was a holy place of the ancient Daen Coentis, one of their calendar-temples, but no one remembers what festivals were celebrated on its hallowed grounds. Few have gone in there, and those few reported nothing spectacular: old carvings, sacrificial basins of stone. Yet no one has dared desecrate the place, and those who go in report a feeling of being watched that is so strong that they dared do nothing but look about quietly and then leave.

Morwen’s second scroll fragment reads:

In the time after the Last Alliance of Men and Elves, just following the fall of Sauron of Mordor, a Dark-priest called Brues Cuerd broke tradition and entered the Stone Mound. Bearing the stolen holy jewel called the Star of Gobha (which is called in Dunlending, “Gobha Reui”) and believing himself protected by its power, he sought healing.

Piecing together lore and these scroll fragments, the heroes believe that Setmaenen’s waters may hold the mystical healing that alone can cure Morwen.

Guthorn’s knowledge of lore leads him to recall legend of Setmaenen’s Location. The stories say it is along the East-West road, 7 leagues (25 miles) east of Hoarwell’s Last Bridge where the Trollshaw’s forest grow dense, is a town called Ossarnen. From there, one travels south 6 leagues. There, between two sharp-angled hills rests the shrine of Setmaenen.

The heroes set off. As they journey, Crom recalls a recent premonition of a silvery mist filled room where a malevolent force awaited. Could this room be inside Setmaenen?

The party journeys through snowy lands (for in north-eastern Arnor, it is a cold time of year indeed) and days later, find Ossarnen. Their they encounter a bard who offers to lead them to Setmaenen, since he is familiar with it and with Haedric, a conjurer of cheap tricks who lives in the area. The bard tells them this of Setmaenen:

Setmaenen was once one of the holiest sites of the Daen Coentis, so much so that even in their sad latter days — the Time of the Oathbreaking and the downfall to Darkness — none of the Darkpriests dared to adapt it to their barbaric rituals. Called in the old tongue Setmaenen (which also means “Seven Stones”), it was dedicated to Fois (Este), Vala of healing of the body and spirit. At Years-end, in the darkness before the Yule dawn of the winter solstice, those who still suffered despite the soothing hands of healers, those touched with madness, and those crippled by sorrow, guilt, or other painful emotion would gather in this high valley and listen to the Priests and Priestesses of Fois sing sweet hymns of praise to their gentle Goddess.

They travel to Haedric’s, and after he lies to them about his interest in Setmaenen, the heroes work to eventually uncover the truth. Haedric is actively studying the shrine in hopes of unravelling the secrets of a spell book he has found chained to a dais inside. Haedric’s former friend died in a trap in the temple, so Haedric has dared travel no further into its depths.

The following day the heroes (absent the bard, but with Haedric in tow) arrive at Setmaenen. This is what they see.

Many of the party initially flee in terror after trying to enter the circle of the seven pillars. Apparently, ancient wards guard the temple site. Many minutes later, the last of the party finally gathers their courage and steel themselves to enter the massive dome, its door twenty feet wide.

Inside the party finds basins reflecting the worship of the former followers of Fois. Searching the dome, they enter parts which Haedric had never before dared visit. A trap in the floor springs and leaves Aldin injured and trapped in quicksand. His friends retrieve him before the trap door again slides shut.

Finally, the party enter the lowest and main chamber of Setmaenen: a large dome, adorned by an underground tree that is part alive and part artifice. The room is filled with silver mists.

The dwarf Crom recalls his dream, and shivers.

(To be continued)

[su_button icon=”icon: map” background=”#000000″ color=”#FFFFFF” link=”https://dicehaven.com/map-arnor/?location=ta-1641-march-25″] View Adventure Location [/su_button]


[su_spoiler title=”Advancement Notes” style=”fancy”]

  • All characters level up to 3rd level.
  • Earned +1 on the next Embarkation roll.
  • Giles is now a troupe-style NPC controlled by the PCs; Giles will always be 1/2 the player’s level.


Adventures in Middle-earth News: Rules Clarifications and Other Updates

Campaign News

Lots of updates on our Heroes of Arnor campaign!
  • Read the recap of our last adventure (Chapter Two).
  • I’ve added two new maps of Arnor region and Elnost locale using a cool, scrollable map technology. Click the full-screen icon on the top right on the maps page — how cool! BTW, if anyone wants to use maps like these for your campaigns, it’s a plugin I bought and installed in WordPress called Mapplic (read the docs here), or I can train you in person how to use it if you like.
  • Read the official rules clarifications on our questions about the Journey Rules which I got from Jon Hodgson at Cubicle 7. I also added a resource page, renamed the top menu item to ‘Middle-earth’, and organized all our new content I’m mentioning under that menu.
  • I’ve also reread how Skills Checks work in 5e, and earlier posted on skill checks best practices, including Tracking.

Industry News

I ran a converted adventure of The One Ring adventure ‘The Battle for Ringfort’ a few months ago. Someone recently ran this game and constructed some cool terrain — see his full set of photos on this blog post. I love it! I aspire to build terrain and have better production values in the years ahead. So cool!

Cubicle 7 has unveiled the cover to the forthcoming Adventures in Middle-earth Loremaster’s Guide by renowned fantasy artist Ralph Horsley. See below.

D&D 5e Skill Check Best Practices

I’ve reread the 5e skill check rules and looked at adventure examples from the 5e Starter Set, as well as best practices folks have posted on the forums. Here’s my summary of skill check in my own words.

Investigation versus Perception

If a check relies more on reasoning than on the senses, roll Intelligence (Investigation). If the check relies more on the senses than on reasoning, roll Wisdom (Perception).

Passive and Active Checks

In the D&D Starter Set adventure, under Secret doors it lists two different DCs, one for passive and one for active (15/10).

If you’re not actively searching or on look-out, then you invoke Passive checks (which have a higher DC). If you are actively searching or on look-out (such as on watch, guarding a camp), then you roll active Perception check at a lower DC.


Use Wisdom (Perception) to find the tracks.

If found, then use Wisdom (Survival) to follow the tracks.

Use Intelligence (Investigation) to learn information about the tracks, such as movement patterns or how and why they end.

For the full rules on Tracking, see DMG page 244.

Example from a forum:

The party needs to hunt a beast that terrorizes a village.

  • The group arrives to the scene, they try to find some kind of thread to follow,
  • Wizard starts investigating, making sure that this is an animal attack, and then proceeds to deduce where it came from and it’s motive, hunger, territorial (Investigation)
  • Party finds some tracks to follow (Automatic or Perception most likely)
  • Ranger tries to identify the beast (Knowledge Nature)
  • Ranger follows tracks (Survival check)
  • Ranger notices that the party came by this place twice (Perception Check)
  • The wizard tries to deduce why would the creature move in circles (Investigation Check)

Heroes of Arnor: The Two Troublesome Trolls


Chapter Two

In Oct. (the 13th Day of Urui, T.A. 1640), the heroes are in Elnost and receive a summons to meet with the governer. En route to the audience, the scouts see Morwen arriving from her morning ride. She has the swiftest horse west of the Misty Mountains and rides unattended, despite the ongoing objections from the governor’s guard.

The heroes meet with Lord Elasander, who bids them investigate the prey that is killing sheep among the farm of the East Wood.

The party journeys and meets with Lien, a farmer, and his wife Lillen, who report details about the missing sheep. Lien leads the adventurers into the woods and shows them a clue he has just found. Footprints in the mud. Very large.


The heroes set out to track the beastly predators. Just as the sun sets, they find the trail terminating into a mountainside where no doubt the trolls shelter from the sun in a cave. Taking to the cliffs above, the heroes wait and watch.

As night fully darkens, two trolls come out, arguing and complaining. From their conversation it appears they are named Gwilam and Floid. After they trolls are out of earshot, the heroes investigate the stinking filth of the cave the trolls call home.

Aside from the carcasses of sheep and the remains of some unfortunate wandering men, there is nothing of interest in the cave.

The heroes hatch a plan. A few hours later, an elaborate trap made from the spears and debris of the dead men is put into place. Now, the heroes must but wait.

Around 3 a.m., the trolls return, a sheep under each arm. As they pull back the doors to their cave, Gwilam, the larger troll who went in first, takes a rack of spears in the chest! As the troll screams in pain, the heroes attack. The battle rages, and the trolls throw hapless sheep at the heroes until finally the two sides engage in melee. A couple of blows from the trolls remind the heroes that they are one troll-swipe away from death! In the end, the spear trap gave the heroes the edge they needed, and Gwilam falls dead. Floid flees momentarily in panic, then turns to face his pursuing foes before going down under the flash of swords glinting by the starlight.

The heroes return to Elnost, troll heads in sacks as proof of their victory. In court, Coronthir rolls the heads in front of Lord Elasander, who then kicks them into a sunbeam, where they turn to stone.

In days to come, Lord Elasander mounts each stone troll-head on pedestals which adorn each side of the entryway to his audience chamber, a sober reminder of the courage of his scouts, and of the looming threat outside Elnost’s walls.

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[su_spoiler title=”Fellowship Phase” style=”fancy”]

Fellowship Phase Activities

  • Éothain — Éothain is researching lore, asking: 1) What is the Witch King in Angmar doing?, 2) What are the Witch King’s weaknesses?, and 3) What are the domestic politics in Angmar?
  • Carthaen — Carthaen, an heir of the lost kingdom of Carthedian, is researching Lore, searching for Elendilmir,a token of royalty throughout the Kingdom of Arnor crafted and presented to the High King of Gondor and Arnor, Elendil the Tall. He is specifically looking for 1) when Isildur was last seen with the Elendilmir (presumably where he died), 2) the location where Isildur died, and 3) if anyone else had progress in looking for this heirloom.
  • Coronthir — Healed from the effects of Shadow.
  • Guthorn — Changed a trait.


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