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Redmark Sessions 13: Before a Long Journey

February 10 – February 17, Third Age 1331

Part I: Back to Nimroth

After defeating the vampire in the castle to the south of Nimroth our band of adventurers decide to rest in and around Nimrtoh for a few days.  Ghost dancer loads the large painting they found inside the castle and decides to take it to the Minotaur Inn to make sure it is the same lady in the picture.  No one seems to have much interested in the picture.  Although they do confirm that it is the lady that used to own the manor home to the south.

Marcus goes around town gathering supplies and laborers; he spent the journey back to Nimroth scribbling away.  He spends a week making improvements to the old manor house, occasionally asking his companions for various gold pieces to buy this or that.

Part II: Research does pay off…

While out of town Sophia had a chance to look through some of the books that Quintos left with her.  She found that there does appear to have been a singular great Orc leader before the Orcs were able to steal the Urthjarl Stones at Stormgate.  And it appears that there were other leaders under his rule.  Yet once the stones go missing, shortly after he seems to disappear from influence and reference.

Meanwhile, while researching and selling the picture found in the castle, Ghost Dancer finds that there was once an old citadel named Tul-Mac.  This citadel belonged to the Bat God, named Zott. Ghost Dancer makes note and feels that his fellow band of adventurers must seek out this mystery as well.

Lundie spends his days and evenings working at the smithy shop of Thoradin.  Lundie promises Thoradin a place on the lands they have lied claim to around the manor to the south of town.  Lundie prepares for the trip ahead by purchasing large amounts of rations and loading them on the wagon every evening.

Part III: On the Road … Again

It’s cold this time of year in the lands of Threa.  Our travelers bundle up for the long journey and begin the slow trek south.  Hours turn to days and the trails are hard on the souls and bones of our adventures.  Travelling Threa wears on the spirits of all who take long journeys.  Fourteen days will be a long time to make it to Stone Helm.

On February 20, Ghost Dancer finds a curious plant along the route.  He remembers it to be “Soldier’s Bell”.  Ghost Dancer remembers that this plant can ground up and inhaled to give a boost to the person taking it.

Part IV: Loot

  • Frosti
    • 37 GP
    • 5 SP
  • Ghost Dancer
    • 37 GP
    • 5 SP
    • Soldier’s Bell Plant (Advantage on STR, DEX, & CON for 1 hour)
  • Lundie
    • 37 GP
    • 5 SP
  • Quintos
    • 37 GP
    • 5 SP

Redmark Sessions 11 & 12: Mirror, Mirror in the Cave

February 6, Third Age 1331

Adventuring Party Present

  • Ghost Dancer—a man, with war chants and self proclaimed Indian
  • Ivamel—a man with a stranger past…
  • Lundie—the pious dwarf, devout and strong
  • Quintos—from a noble family and a roman veneficus, a warlock of the IX legion
  • Frosti—Dwarf rogue and barbarian

Marcus at the Lots

During his down time, Marcus visited the Temple of the Lots—and nearly got converted from Mars to Catholicism. He also discovered a wealth of information about destroying the Grissharl (the shamanistic bugbear summoning horn) and about the history of the Urthjarl Stones.

About Grissharl:

  • Destroying the horn will summon demon Bugbears
  • Some of the Bugbears will be under our control and some will be hostile
  • It was first used by a Bugbear in 530 of the 3rd age
  • Grissharl’s summoning was foiled by Caldyndia and Mykor, elf god and goddess of war

About Urthjarl history:

  • The rise of an orc lord united the orcs, ogres, kobolds, bugbears, gnolls, and giants
  • This army of darkness somehow managed to steal the Urthjarl stones, breach Stormgate, and invade the civilized lands
  • Nobody knows why the invasion slowed and stopped, but it is believed that today 3 Urthjarl stones reside in orc tombs, and 1 each in the tombs of the other evil races

February 7, Third Age 1331

Mirror, Mirror in the Cave

The heroes reunite with Marcus at The Minotaur and The Emperor Inn. There they meet Frosti the Red-Nosed Dwarf. He agrees to join the party on an expedition to Bone Hill to destroy Grissharl. Sober Quintos invites tipsy Frosti to the next Alcoholics Anonymous meeting.

Lyndette helps the group hustle a diamond from grotesquely obese and hideously unreasonable merchant, Winston. Quintos gives her 300 gp and tells her that she can keep the difference. Then, he utters the words that still echo through Nimroth: “You can keep all your sex money.”

Frosti joins Ghost Dancer for evening performances at the Inn. It’s an interesting show. While Ghost hops around in his loincloth, Frosti cranks on the hurdy gurdy. The mellow crowd smokes some righteous lucrative.

At Bone Hill, Lundie strokes his beard and suggests destroying the horn in the cave with the mirror that transports people to another plane. The party stands by the mirror as Lundie smashes the Grissharl with his war hammer.

Sixteen bugbear demons—including Hashar (or, Hell-shar)—appear before the group. Many get sucked into another dimension through the mirror. Many more perish at the deft use of sword and sorcery by Marcus, Ghost, Quintos, Lundie, and Frosti. It’s an epic battle that sees Marcus call upon his spiritual guardians. We’re all just a little sad that it seems Marcus has outgrown his habit of falling unconscious in every battle. [sniff-sniff] Our little Marcus is growing up.

Finally, Hashar charges Marcus, screaming for revenge. But the heroes send him back to hell, even as the mirror explodes, trapping all the bugbear who were flushed in.

February 7–8, Third Age 1331

Die, Vampire, Die!

The heroes get sidetracked on their journey south, finding wargs, ettin, and a giant. They dispatch them all, and discover a manor. Frosti shows the group how one can go through a door without destroying it. The party remains baffled by this new technology.

Once in the manor, they discover a crypt room, and a hot vampire chick emerges to kill them. Frosti rages, charging the sarcophagus. Lundie joins him. Dwarves—what you gonna do?

Quintos, Marcus, and Ghost keep the pressure on from afar, and the vampire falls to her death as she almost makes her escape as a bat.

After claiming the manor, in addition to Bone Hill, the group’s real estate portfolio is expanding.

Loot Report

120 gp (300 gp in hot vamp chick’s castle and a ruby-crusted tiara thing sold for 300 gp) each for:

  • Quintos
  • Marcus
  • Lundie
  • Ghost
  • Frosti

Redmark Session 10: An Affection for Holy Places

February 5, Third Age 1331

Adventuring Party Present

  • Ghost Dancer—a man, with war chants and self proclaimed Indian
  • Ivamel—a man with a stranger past…
  • Lundie—the pious dwarf, devout and strong
  • Quintos—from a noble family and a roman veneficus, a warlock of the IX legion

Having cleared Bone Hill of its evil denizens and retrieving their first Urthjarl stone, the party sets off for Nimroth (now know as Restenford).  On they way, a small group of orcs attempted to ambush the heroes.  Unfortunately for the orcs, the heroes, made wiser and stronger from their ordeal in Bone Hill, easily spotted the ambush and quickly dispatched their foolish and under prepared foes.  Fortunately for the heroes, this kept the trip from being entirely…uninteresting.  Interestingly, these orcs were branded with a skull and would appear to belong to a different group than the orcs who attacked Sophia’s caravan about a week ago.

The deceased elf swinging from the newly constructed gallows outside Nimroth’s north gate did little to deter the parties plans.  Still riding the confidence of their week long string of victories, the heroes shun rest in favor of pursuing various leads or time for meditating on their new found powers.

Lundie sought out Thordin, a highly skilled dwarven blacksmith, in the hopes of learning something about the smithing techniques used to make an ancient shield found in Bone Hill.  Lundie’s hopes are to employ the techniques to improve his own shield.  Thordin thinks it can be done with a few days work.

Ivamel heads for Elinae’s Reliquary where he seeks information on a mystical item know as The Deck of Many Things.  He learns that such an item is rumored to be in use within the citystate of Redmark, itself.  Also and rather oddly, Elinae has some probing questions for him about his thoughts on the current political climate of Redmark.

Ghost Dancer, yet again, bee-lines to Sister Sophia.  He claims he is just informing her of the parties progress and to be looking for rumors.  But everyone knows it’s just a cover for his deep affection for… holy places.  During his visit, Sophia tells him that, according to ancient text, another Urthjarl stone is located in the ruins of a place once known as Xikchulmak, which is about 30 miles north west of Ulpar.  Ulpar is at least a months journey south of Nimroth.

Quintos heads for The Minotaur and The Emperor Inn in hopes to have a quiet meal and drink before retiring to begin a 10 hour ritual he’s just learned that will find him a familiar.  This dream is ill-fated, though.  It is soon discovered that Stanford, a mercenary several bricks shy of a load, has been abusing Quintos’ current favorite tavern winch, Lyndette.  Quintos will not abide this and waits for Standford to arrive.  Stanford does not disappoint and shows up with two friends.

A fight breaks out almost immediately and definitely before Quintos finishes his drink or food.  With the clever use of his new spell Hunger of Hadar and a wand of fear, Quintos is able to dispatch his foes and finish his drink and food at the same time.  However, this is not likely the end of this feud but the beginning of something bigger.  Each of these mean apparently belonged to a large and powerful mercenary group who’s symbol is a two-headed eagle.

Having finished their various errands, the party settles down for the night with the familiar, lively, and surprisingly soothing performances of Ghost Dancer being heard in the inns main hall.

Rumors & Insights

  • The orc raiders appear to be from different factions. Session 01 had squirrel skulls, Session 10 had skulls branded onto shoulders.
  • Deck of Many Things rumored to be in use in Redmark (of interest to Ivamel).


  • 1 ok scimitar
  • 3 longswords
  • 3 chain mail
  • 1 shortsword
  • 1 light crossbow
  • 1gp
  • 2 sp
  • 17 cp

Redmark Session 09: Marcus who?

February 4, Third Age 1331

Adventuring Party Present

  • Ghost Dancer—a man, with war chants and self proclaimed Indian
  • Ivamel—a man with a stranger past…
  • Lundie—the pious dwarf, devout and strong
  • Quintos—from a noble family and a roman veneficus, a warlock of the IX legion

Part I: Morning Comes

Marcus left to visit the brothers at the Temple of the Lots the evening before. Wanting to spend as much time as he could researching the Horn of Bugbearhalla and the Urthjarl stone. Quintos, Ghost Dancer, Ivamel, and Lundie awoke to a deep chill and grey morning sky. A light snow had covered the ground, the adventurers, and their steeds as they slept.

As the three adventures broke their fast, they discussed what still needed to be done. More than just Bone Hill was on their minds. Rumors are swirling all around them. Each day seems to bring more urgency to their tasks. Rumors of magical beasts, towers of shadows, racial injustice in Nimroth, and what the Lady Sophia might find in her studies.

Quintos finishes his meal with a long drink from his water flask. Lundie, Ghost dancer, and Ivamel all lok at each other with raised eye brows. Quintos sees the looks of his companions, corks his water flask, places it back on his pack; raises his head with a smile. “What? I had to run out of the good stuff at some point in this gods forsaken land.”

Part II: Bone Hill must be cleansed

Our band of adventurers extinguishes the night’s fire and decides to handle the task in front of them. Not knowing what they may still yet find, they begin the trek back into the cursed lands that surround the ancient castle.

As they descend back into the underground caverns the group thinks to check behind the door near the end of the stairs of the bottom level. Behind the door they find a ladder. Ghost Dancer nimbly climbs the ladder and sees that it leads to a hatch that opens into the remains of the siege tower that had been against the castles outer walls. He finds odd footsteps in the snow but decides to lock back the hatch and leave that trouble to the outside.

Players had to fill out their Last Will & Testament before the encounter with the Wraith!

Players had to fill out their Last Will & Testament before the big encounter!

Part III: Undead, and more undead, and more again

Back into the depths the four head with the confidence of youth. Beyond yet another locked door they happen appears what runes that when examined closer appear to form a doorway. Quintos reads the symbols and confirms that it does indeed to be a doorway of some sorts. Ghost Dancer and Ivamel work together to open the door using what appears to be some sort of magical hand holds. The door slowly slides open and foul air rushes out. Lundie says a quiet prayer to Dumathoin, the dwarven god of buried secrets.
The party descends more stairs and into a room. They feel the weight of evil on them; their weapons start to glow in a sinister blue light. Ghost Dancer moves forward wearily, his light spell only providing minimal light in this deep cavern. Lundie moves ahead to try and see the danger ahead in the dark without the source of evil gaining the upper hand. As Lundie edges closer he makes out a figure on a throne in the room before him. The evils of the world come full force on Lundie as his stare catches this creature. Lundie divines from his god Moradin that this is a dark undead evil, a wraith. Ivamel alerts the group to the sound of footsteps coming from behind them.

Quintos stands ram rod straight, “Guys, you handle this undead creature quickly. I’ll hold the back!” Ivamel and Lundie move forward slowly. Not knowing what to make of Qunitos’s command. A short time passes, “Go now! I mean this!” Quintos barks out. His three fellows feel the earnestness in Quintos and jump into action.

Lundie pray-begs Moradin to turn this evil creature and slowly enters the room. Ivamel runs to directly in front of the dark creature. The creature only moves to run away from the glowing emblem of Moradin on Lundie’s shield. Ghost Dancer moves quietly into the room, keeping his distance safe but within full range of his weapons.

Lighting glows from behind and the crackle resounds through the rooms. Lundie charges the wraith, Ivamel swings again. Ghost Dancer casts a spell to guide Lundie and Ivamel in their strikes. The wraith is floating between this plane and another. Lundie again calls on Moradin to bless his weapon and slams a blow into the wraith, the radiant glow seeming to have a good effect. The wraith reaches for Ivamel, Ivamel shifts his weight in time and the creatures reach is not enough. This continues, every combantat doing their part. More flashes of lighting. Lundie yells out, “Quintos, come on man! We need you in here! In here!!” No answer for Lundie.
Ghost Dancer times an arrow to land just as the wraith comes full into this plane. Ivamel commands Lundie to make a quick strike at just that same moment. Ivamel strikes as well. Lundie is then able to make his own attack on the back swing. All the damage mounting up, Lundie calls out again; “Quintos man, we need you in here man!!” Lundie’s pleas are met with just flashing lights and sounds of lighting and magic.

Finally, Ivamel, Lundie, and Ghost Dancer are able to vanquish the wraith. As they turn around to admonish Quintos for his lack of fight, they see a wide-eyed young man, sweat soaked, lighting staff glowing blue, and TWENTY dead bugbear zombies and skeletons across the floor. The closest one just 5 feet from Quintos the farthest all the way back to the door some 75 feet away! Quintos drops to the floor; Lundie walks over and places his hand on Quintos’ shoulder. “Well done, young man … very well done,” the dwarf gives a sly grin to Qunitos. Ivamel looks around, “So these all just stopped when we killed the wraith, right?”. Quintos looks around and with a broad smile says, “Who needs Marcus?!?” Ghost Dancer starts the laughter for the friends.

Part IV: Finally the tower

The four make it over to the tower the only place that has not been searched. Ivamel and Lundie lead the trek up the spiral stairs, to almost the third floor. When the old stairs give way and the two crash down. Ivamel looks up and says, “Look there…under the stairs.” Quintos lays down and starts to gather the bag, only to see it slip out of his grasp. The bag rips open and gold coins rain down on Lundie and Ivamel, both just laughing at the rain of gold. Ghost Dancer looks inside the bag to find a silver ring made to look like a wrapped feather, obviously of Elven making.

Part V: Afterwards

Quintos continues the ascent to the top of the tower and watches the sunset in the west. The rest attempt to setup some “bugbear scare crows” in effort to ward off others. Ghost Dancer collects a few books for Qunitos. Shortly after sunset, Quintos climbs down from the tower and joins his fellows on their mounts. Ghost Dancer says quietly but firmly, “Men…let’s go gather Marcus.” Ivamel adds, “Then to Nimroth, to visit Sister Sophia and plan our futures.”

Part VI: Loot

  • Ghost Dancer
    52 GP
    Ring of Feather Fall
  • Ivamel
    52 GP
  • Lundie
    52 GP
  • Marcus
    52 GP
  • Quintos
    52 GP
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