
Tabletop RPG Podcast and Roleplaying Resources

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Avoiding the RPG 'Shiny'

mwpGreat advice from Gnome Stew; this is my biggest temptation in roleplaying as a GM which I need to resist!


This isn’t original with me or unique to online gaming. But it is still good advice. For the most part, you should avoid too many campaign reboots, rules changes, or genre switches in your regular game. It’s much better to work around any quirks in your particular rules system (or post some house rules) than to ask folks to change editions or systems frequently.

Now, some groups may be fine with an occasional one-off in another system or genre. In general though, if your dying to run something different, you may want to just run it at a different time and send out a general invite to your social group. While your regular players may want to play, they won’t feel obligated to play something they are not interested in.”


50 Fathoms: Session 09-The Demise of Ian O’Connell


The Demise of Ian O’Connell


  • Mordecai
  • Liam
  • Daxon
  • Jagos (played by Chad)

Date: 8-1-15

XP: 3


When we last left the Crew they had just watched Mordecai slay the Ian’s 2nd in command, Gorgio. There was a large bloody mess in a brothel and a dead body to deal with.

This session picked up with the crew trying to cover up his death and dispose of the body. While attempting to hide the body offshore they were spotted by a town guard who quickly shouted for help. Suddenly a giant Scurillian appeared out of nowhere and worked up some earth magic to bind and silence the guard. The Crew thanked their new friend and found out his name was Jagos and he had beef with Ian as well.

The Crew waited a day and met with Eti at the pre-determined time and place and headed to Ian’s Fortress. After some scouting by Daxson, they found out the base was walled in with roughly hewed tree wall set up around the perimeter. While not sophisticated it would make getting into the encampment difficult. The Crew decided to implement a two prong strategy: 1) Fake a slavery transfer with Liam leading Eti’s men as “newly acquired goods” and 2) the rest of the Crew and Eti using Jagos burrow powers to sneak under the walls.

The initial plan partially succeeded. When Liam approached the wall announcing a slave delivery the base was already on alert for a human with a strange accent. Ians lieutenants recognized the accent, knew Gorgio was missing and did not fall for the trap. Instead a fire mage decided to toss a fireball at Liam while he was stranded outside of the wall. While the ruse failed, it did however make for a good distraction. Jagos and the other group  burrowed under the wall and started attacking. The Crew managed to open the gate enough to let Liam inside, but all of Eti’s men died in a massive wave of fire from the fire elementalist.

After a long fight the Crew pushed back the slavers and managed to get to Ian who had settled in behind cover and was prepared to fight. Jagos managed to severely wound Ian and his followers with a well timed blast which quickly ended to fight. Ian was bleeding on the ground when Mordecai sent a huge cone electrical energy at the wounded Ian, finishing him off.

When the dust settled, the Crew found cages full of slaves in the base which they promptly freed. While searing Ian’s body Liam found a punctured flask leaking golden brown fluid. Realized it was his beloved Scotch, Liam only was able to save a mouthful before it ran out. Poor Liam might never get a proper drink in Caribdus after all…

Camp_Slaver  Slavers_Camp_Drawing_1


Captain Liam

Captain’s Log,

Alright.  There’s days in life that can drive a man mad.  These past few were nearly such days for me.

I think it began the moment Mordecai killed that slaver in the brothel.  Not that he didn’t deserve it.  Having to dispose of the body was more than a wee problem, though.  At the docks, we met a relative of Brachus’ who seemed a bit off his head.  Crazy or not, Jagos helped contain what could have been a world of trouble.  He had his own issue with the slavers, something about a sack full of eggs, and joined us.  Sort of.  He just lingered in the distance most of the time.

Once we finally made it to the slavers fort, we needed a distraction.  I volunteered before the others could.  Aye, I knew I was the best man for the job.  All I got for my trouble was a fireball to my face, a group of Eti’s men being burned to a crisp before my eyes, and a drawn out fight with some spry wizard.  I just couldn’t get the upper hand.  I think I’ve been away from sea for too long.  Fortunately, the distraction worked and we took the fort.

Now came the worst part of it all.  After everything we’ve had to do on this blasted island, I find a flask on Ian’s body full of that sweet nectar of my homeland;  Scotch.  But the bloody thing had a hole in it and I got only a drop!  Oh, how this world teases me.  I suppose it’s a good sign.  There is scotch somewhere on this blasted world.  If I could only find some.

Captain Liam McCormic


50 Fathoms: Session 08-Adventures of Crow: Homeward Bound


Adventures of Crow: Homeward Bound


  • Crow
  • Liam
  • Rodrigo

Date: 7-20-15

XP: 2

Note: This adventure occurred before “Trouble at Jomba Town Part 1” and is a side adventure


Crow decided he would like to visit Maroa to try to find information about his people and parents. They arrives on the shores of Cuwayo to find the enormous Grove under lockdown. No Atani allowed in or out and Carroway fruit trade has been completely suspended. Crow tried talking to the guards but was told he was not allowed entry. He did succeed on giving them a letter of intent requesting permission to enter.

The Crew asked around town and found out that the Grove had been on lockdown for over 3 months. Later that night a contact from Maroa sought Crow out and told him that the Elder locked the city down months ago and then went into seclusion with the Clan leaders. Something was wrong with the city and a peaceful resistance movement was forming. They wanted to use Crow to gain audience with the Elder to find out what was wrong.

The Crew snuck into the Grove with the assistance of their resistance contact, Golodir.

They managed to get to the Elder unharassed via stealth and subterfuge. The elder was a withered old Atani with milky eyes and crippled on his throne. He got angry when he found out Crow had been let in and gave hint that he was over some type of influence. When Crow touched the Elder he got a vision of the Elder Tree radiation power but the power was corrupted by a sickly green infection. In a misguided attempt to help the Elder, Crow slit his wrist imitating a Blood Magic Ritual he observed on Torath Ka. This made the dark energy pulse and grow and only with the help of his two friends was he able to push back this darkness and dispel the infection of the Elder.

With the Elder cured and revitalized they found out that a darkness has been slowing growing in the Elder Tree and affecting the Heartwood (source of power) for several years. It has gotten worse and affected the Elders mind. The Elder told him he had to go into the Heartwood and purge the Infection and free the Tree.

Crow and friends enter the Heartwood and fight Infections Oozes, deadly molds, and plant monsters. While exploring Crow finds a pulsing seedpod and carries it with him.

The Crew finds themselves in the Heartwood which is totally infected by a huge black/green mass that is draining the trees entity. This mass is huge with several tentacles and is breeding Infections Oozes through disgusting orifices. The Infection is being protected by corrupted Dryads and the battle to kill the beast is intense. At their darkest hour Golodir and Etlin rush in to help push the Oozes back. This frees up Crow to make a final strike against the pulsing Infection and eradicate the plague.

After the battle the Heartwood gives Crow the option to join the Shiani (Grove Protectors) and he learns his true Atani name is Kadian. Kadian accepts and gains the Spirit of the Heardwood forever changing who he is.


Captain Laim

Captain’s Log,


Crow has always been a lad of extremes.  As a youth, it’s no real surprise.  It’s the way of the young to live with reckless passion.  Friendships, enemies, even life itself are things he does in full measure.  Aye, more than full measure in most cases.  He saw Captain Abrams as a father and tried harder than most natural sons to win and keep his favor.  He argued for stealing a ship from pirates in Brigandy Bay with a burning passion.  On old Stumpy’s treasure island he just couldn’t leave that little magic head alone, so I had to take it from him.  Only the good Lord knows what would have come of the lad’s meddling.  When the undead beast came after us, Crow jumped from a tree onto it’s back like some half crazed lunatic.

I don’t think it’s lunacy that drives Crow, though.  Just willful undisciplined youth.  I’ve often found myself concerned for the wee lad.  Such unbridled passion ends in an early death more often than not, and Crow’s seemed almost impossible to keep in check.  Despite my best efforts.  But he’s not that Crow any more.  He’s not even Crow, in truth.

Aye, he’s the same person.  Full of passion and zeal with the same love for life.  Yet, after our crazed trek into the heart of a gigantic tree(this world never ceases to amaze), he’s no longer that wee lad.  Now I’d say he’s more a man than lad.  He’s found true purpose, a connection to his people, and his true name; Kadian.  The tree itself, which I gather to be some kind of god for his kind, has dubbed him a Shiani.  Where Crow once stood reckless and undisciplined, now stands Kadian.  A champion of his people and a young man I’m proud to call friend.

Captain Liam McCormic



50 Fathoms: Session 07-Trouble in Jomba Town Part 2


Trouble in Jomba Town Part 2


  • Mordecai
  • Liam
  • Daxon
  • Bracus

Date: 7-19-15

XP: 2


The crew continued on the Ghost Trail, briefly stopping at Calib’s Rock to weather a storm. While waiting the storm out they met a local drunk named Owen McDougal which regaled many tall tales but also told his story of finding a strange pit in the jungle. He swears there is pirate gold below but none of the locals believe him. Not wanting to waste time on a local drunkard’s tale the group continued down the ‘Trail.

Reaching Tuck they bought and sold some produce and Daxson stumbled upon “The Clockwork House” run by Joshua Goldstein. He happened to be trying to produce a working Chronometer here in Caribdus and was amazed by the quality and rarity of Daxson’s chronometer he had been carrying around. He sought Daxson’s helps calibrating by gathering sunset, noon, and sunrise measurements and bringing these back to Joshua.

On the last leg of their journey the crew is finally approaching Caresia and are waylaid by a group of strange people with very distinctive tattoo markings covering their body. They heard the Crew was asking questions about Ian and wanted to see the reason. The Crew is surprised to learn that Jomba had a son and even more surprised to see he is a huge Graul name Eti. Eti, who is covered in Maori tattoos, told them the tale of how Jomba saved Eti while whaling and adopted him. He also told of how kind Jomba had founded the free “Jomba Town” and how his father was killed and those closest to him scattered by the new Council. The group now fights for the freedom of slaves and hope one day to take Jomba town back. They call themselves the Kaumatau (elder in Maori) and follow Jombas culterate herititate a sign of respect and independence. Eti pledged to help take down Ian and tells the Crew they he frequents the “One-Eyed Jax” (seedy Tavern).

Heading into Caresia and directly to the tavern, Liam decides to boldly proclaim he is looking for Ian and a bar fight shortly follows. After mopping up resistance the Crew finds out that Ian, when in town, stays at a brothel called “The Rusty Nail”. Using subterfuge they find out that Ian isn’t present but is right hand man Gorgio is.

Easily catching Gorgio with his pants down, they question him and discover Ians’ hidden encampment and details of his slave trade. Ian has setup a deal with the Kieran Empire to supply “prisoners” to work in the slave mines. He has forged documents showing these pour souls arrest and “legally” supplies these prisoners to the Kieran Empire to work in the Croaker Mines. Gorgio also gives the Crew a plan of the base and location.

Mordecai, who normally quiet, is enraged by the slavers careless disregard for life and sentences him to death. Much to the surprise of the group he offers him absolution for his sins and declares his life is forfeit. Gorgio leaps for his weapon and Mordecia easily slays him.

The Crew now is making plans on the assault on Ian’s strong hold.


This road from Jomba Town seems to never end. While I don’t question our decision to investigate the mysteries of this trail, especially with a $2,500 reward on the line, I do question leaving 3 holds of food on our boat with our crew. I’m going to try and make up some of this lost cash along the way… although that food may rot before we can sell any of it.
I was able to sell off our load of sugar cane and purchase a load of fruit. So far, we’re up $75 and if I can manage to sell this load for a profit, we should see our original investment double. At least it’s giving me something to do while we investigate this road.

Day 2:
Damn this fruit. Nobody wants it. It appears that a shipment of the stuff arrived at port the same day as we did, and the price is terrible. I fear I may be taking a loss on this load, but perhaps if I can piece it out along the way, we can at least break even.
Some people are so touchy about it too… “You dare ask me if I want to buy fruit at a time like this?” Of course I do, you idiot. I carved the heart out of a zombie dinosaur, do you really want a piece of this? I want to sell you fruit!
That’s what I thought.
Some battles happened, but I don’t make money from fighting… I need to sell this fruit.
If we stay on dry land much longer, I suspect I’ll be cured of my seasickness, so it’s not all bad.


I do not like Jomba Town. Really it is the people that I do not like. Actually it is just the people in charge of Jomba Town. The town itself is actually quite nice. It is in a great location, mostly sheltered from storms, pretty much impossible to assualt from sea, and if what Equias says is true about the seas continuing to rise, it will be one of the last places to flood. But that council seemed like bad news from our very first encounter with them. They have dirty hands, and I doubt we have had our last dealing with them.

I had no idea that the town of Tuck would bring me such good fortune. I do not know why Mr. Joshua Goldstein chose that little town to open his Clockwork House, but I am glad to have stumbled upon it. I have carried Fletcher Christian’s clock with me everywhere I went for the last eight years because I knew it had to be special even though I could not make it work. Mr. Joshua said it is a marine chronometer that ship captains can use for very perfect navigation, but it does not work here because it is from Earth. He says he can make it work if we get him some measurements, but I was reluctant to part with my clock and leave it for him repair. It has been with me for a long time now and I feel it is important. I will hand it over to him when we return with his measurements. That is, if we return. I have not even told Captain Liam about this little treasure of mine and these measurements will require some sailing, a lot of sailing. I do wonder if Equias could help us make the recordings though. Brachus seemed very interested in doing business with Mr. Joshua. I will trust his judgement on that arrangement, but if we can make good money that way, I feel it would be better than transporting illegal goods or chasing ghosts and murderers.

For now our ghost chase continues. When Eti’s men stopped us on the trail, I feared they worked for Ian O’Connell. I am not sure we would have won a fight against them with their men in the woods getting the drop on us. My heart broke to witness Eti’s pain when we told him of Jomba’s fate and our encounter on the trail. I have known that kind of sorrow.

He and his men may be able to help us set this situation to right. I feel that it has become more than a job to us, except maybe to the crab. But better that, as the more we learn about this rotten business, the more I feel we are unlikely to be paid. This business is more rotten than the crab’s cart of fruit. heh heh heh

Ian’s trail led us to Caresia. I had hopes we had finally caught up to him at the Rusty Nail, but instead we found his second in command and more trouble than we have ever had before. That is saying a lot. Basically… we are murderers now. I mean, he was a bad guy. But yeah, we are bad guy murderers. I had no idea the wind mage had it in him. We have really swam into the net this time.



Captains Log

Oh, how I miss my boat. Or our boat rather. I have to remind myself that she belongs to each of us in equal measure. At least when it comes to deciding where to go, what jobs to take, and how we split the profits. But not a man on board knows her as I do. Or the sea for that matter. Hah. Most every sailor I’ve met takes one or two women on almost every island they visit as a mistress. My ship and the sea are mine in this alien world, just as they were on earth. It is a different ship than before, to be sure, but I still love her. As I will my next one. Hm. Maybe it’s more what she represents than the ship itself. Regardless, I’m anxious to return to sea. If not for the situation in Jamba Town, I’d have already voted to head back. These council members, though, are being revealed more and more to be tyrants to the core. After having fought to be free of one myself, I’ll not turn my back on others who seek the same. To that end I push forward and now make plans to assault a makeshift fort. I sure hope someone in our group knows something about such fights, because I know little of engagements on land. Luckily, a gun kills just as well on land as on see. So I can still do my part.

Now, I’ve heard it said that throughout a mans life come various moments that will forever define us. I believe that Mordecai just had such a moment. Before my eyes…before all of our eyes, he unleashed his vengeful furry on a captured slaver and spilled his guts all over the floor. I never doubted his ability or willingness to kill when necessary. This, while understandable given his past enslavement, wasn’t particularly necessary. I just hope it isn’t the beginning of a dark path for him. I’ve come to respect both his and Rodrigo’s dedication to the faith. Seeing Mordecai stray down a dark path would be a terrible thing.

Here’s hoping we can wrap up our business here soon.

Captian Liam McCormic



Star Wars: Dawn of Rebellion — Episode 02

As the Empire ramps up its Thorilide mining operations on Vor Deo and its moon, Thrin, the Rebels grow concerned.

Meanwhile, the crew of the O.R.C Tyrannus, all sworn to the Rebel Alliance for their own reasons, detours their cargo run for a top-secret Rebel mission: to pick up Agent Lu’Nimah.

But instead of finding Lu’Nimah, the Tyrannus finds only the Star Destroyer, Ultimatum, under the command of the despicable cyborg, Count Vidian. The quick-thinking teamwork of A9-LX and Vin Sai, however, narrowly averts disaster.

Once on Vor Deo, the Tyrannus crew delivers their payload of Baradium for Moonglow Polychemical, and then follows a lead to the grub restaurant of Bennbus Polag in Tanga City. The grubs are good and the information better—the crew gets the last-known coordinates for Lu’Nimah.

They find and rescue her at the bottom of a crumbling mineshaft, only to discover that they have been betrayed by a spy. The 20 Storm Troopers sent to kill them, however prove no match for the ragtag rebels and Dr. Tark Malin’s Rapid Happy Orb.

Now the rebels receive instructions for a secret rendezvous on Thrin despite the threat of Count Vidian and his retinue of Stormtroopers …

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