
Tabletop RPG Podcast and Roleplaying Resources

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50 Fathoms: Session 19- The Sphere


The Sphere


  • Mordecai: Human Air Mage Puritan from Earth
  • Daxson: Doreen treasure diver native
  • Crow/Kadian: Atani guardian of the Great Tree
  • Kaliferous: Kraken mage


Date: 2-13-16

XP: 2


The Crew after much deliberation decided that they had to go after the Kraken Sphere and through the Burning Sea to get it. Navigating the treacherous maze of flames they managed to find the Sphere and not to set their ship ablaze in the process. They find the object covered in a mass of seaweed but towering 200’ above the water. With some effort they recover ropes from nearby wreck and secure it to the ship, the task of towing this huge object before them.

Without warning they are attacked by fiery creatures from below. Half man half reptile and covered in flames. These creatures board the ship and attempt to set it on fire while attacking the Crew. As the crew battle against these fire salamanders, the mass of seaweed covering the Sphere sloughed off and begins to coalesce into a large Seaweed Fiend. Its first action is to grab two of the cannons and pull them off the ship. Crow, thinking quickly, glides to the deck and sets both cannons to fire, unfortunately for the Seaweed Fiend they are both point blank and aimed at his face. The Fiend being blasted into oblivion changes the tide of the battle for our heros and the Crew manages to fights off the fire salamanders and escape the Burning Sea. Fortunately there are healers onboard because Crow was heavily wounded and incapacitated during the battle.

Upon leaving the inferno, they find the colossal Kraken Great Ship waiting for them. They are invited aboard by a host of amazed Kraken and taken to see the great Admiral Caspian. He thanks them for their bravery, listened with fascination to their story and then to the surprise of all the Kranek under his command, gives the Sphere to the Crew. He tells them that the Sphere is a great weapon to be used against the Sea Hags. While its power is great, but he does now know what it will do or how exactly it can help. In order to open the Sphere the Crew will need both an Archmage and a Human to lay hands on the device and agree to some unknown sacrifice. He tells the Crew he will tow the Sphere behind the Great Ship and the Crew can use a magical bone whistle to summon him when the time is ready for it to be used.


Fire Salamanders_1


Fire Tests Gold – Suffering Tests Brave Men
– Through the Eyes of a Crow

As we are heading for Brigandy Bay, we navigate by the edge of the Burning Sea and encounter a smoldering and badly damaged Kraken Skiff. Aboard we find a burned and dying kraken named Halimas, who with a quiet and wounded breath, tells us we must find an important object in the Burning Sea.

We realize Halimas is a Military Officer, in the Kraken navy and a Captain.

We discuss as a leadership of the mighty Liberator’s Wraith, should we enter the burning sea to secure this vital object. Daxson’s concern over fire, makes our mighty captain deeply concerned of the risk. We have these discussions in private, as so the crew will never see Daxson’s concern. For he is our Captain and shall always be strong in front of the crew.

Finally, after long debate, Daxon agrees to allow me to shift into the beautiful Carroway Screacher and fly over the burning sea to determine distance, confirm the object and even see if we can navigate a course.

During my flight, I locate a path, even though the fire of the burning sea is shifting. In addition, I see a large object some couple of miles in. Covered in moss and battered ships. There are hints of gold beaming out from the wreckage and moss that covers this enormous orb.

Upon my return from the flight over of the burning sea, we discuss as the leaders of the Liberator’s Wraith and agree to nurse Halimas to health. He is an able Captain and Daxon agrees to allow him command the ship in the place of Daxon. We tell the crew that the Kraken captain has experience in entering the burning sea, as he has done so before, as to not tip the crew to Daxon’s fear. Then Captain Daxon goes below deck, as we enter the burning sea, it seems to be allot to handle for our leader.

We all support our captain, his actions have saved our very lives as recently as the last ship battle vs. the Spanish Inquisition ship. We will always support him, as he is our captain.
After navigating through the burning sea, loosely following the path I had just flown just hours before, Halimas safely navigated us to the large golden circle, this supposed weapon of the Kraken empire..

In this area the fire was less intense, and Daxon sensing the ship stopping, fought his fears and came above decks. He and I discussed using his swimming and my gliding to use ropes and tie a tow line around the massive golden orb. We set about our task of securing the orb and completed it quickly.

Once back on the ship, suddenly these burning elementals appeared climbing out of the water itself attacking and killing many of our crew. I quickly flew to the Crow’s nest to fire my musket. They were killing our crew with their violent flames. I yelled the order for the crew to throw water on these foul creatures. As our ship fought to defend their very lives.

Then suddenly as if these deadly flame creatures were not enough. The Moss on the very orb itself formed into a massively large Moss Creature. This creature formed away from the ship, but was over 30 feet high rising out of the water. It then flung moss onto the boat and moss men started to attack. Next it grabbed the cannon’s from our ship in an attempt to rip them from the mooring.

I realized this was our only hope and glided from the crow’s nest to the deck of the ship and lit the very cannon it had in its mossy grasp. Blowing a huge piece out of the creature. Then before it could act, stunned by the very force of the first cannon, I moved to the second and blew the creature into oblivion.

We were all fighting side by side to eliminate these deadly living flames from our ship, one crew, and one purpose. Brave and mighty men of Caribdus battling for the freedom of the world. Then, in the midst of the fight, out of the corner of my eye, I see the new Kraken mage cast a spell on the blade of our Captain Daxon. Daxon’s arms and blades burst into flames, I feared he would panic, but instead in the midst of this burning sea, fighting these burning creatures, with his arms and sword ablaze. The very fear of flames was burned from his soul and he fought with the courage of the great whale to protect his crew. Perhaps cured of his fear of flame.

Then I turned and saw our crew, many dead at the hands of these flaming demons. And I started to fight these flaming beasts for our very lives. As I acrobatically dove into the fight, one of the flaming elementals continued to challenge me at every turn, I could not avoid him and finally I was lost. As I passed out from the pain and the flames, I dreamed is this my end… I just died after my dear friend and mentor Captain Liam.

Then suddenly, I awoke at the hands of Father Rodrigo, who heals me with his pure waters and brings me back from near death. All was quite the flaming creatures were no more.
So in my weakened state, I helped the Captain to successfully navigate out of the burning sea. It seems something changed inside Daxon this day. Seemly no longer concerned with the flaming waters.

Upon our exit within a short period of time we see the Great Kraken Ship on the Horizon. We are invited aboard and meet the mighty leader Admiral Caspian of the Kraken. After a long discussion, he realizes we have the same cause to cure this land of the curse of the Hags and lower the waters. He agrees to puts the mighty Kraken weapon in our control. Huzzah! One more piece in the puzzle to defeat the hags. Once again tested and we pass the ordeal of fire.


High Admiral Caspian,


Being you have already been made aware of the events which transpired regarding the Sphere’s retrieval, I will discuss my thoughts on my new crew within this report.


One of the most striking characteristics of the crew is their resilience.  It is most notable in their handling of the recent loss of their captain.  He was, from all accounts, a most capable and extraordinary man who the crew depended on heavily.  To be sure, the crew as a whole is full of such men.  Yet, they are not the captain and to lose such a captain amidst the great struggle they were in has broken lesser crews.  Those of the Liberator’s Wrath, however, still stand as unified and determined as they ever were.


Their new captain, Daxson, is proving rather capable.  His willingness to seek and truly consider the counsel of his officers is commendable.  Mordecai and Rodrigo have surprising magical talent for individuals not native to Caribdus.  Kadian, the Atani you met, is a Shiani and practices an extremely rare form of magic gifted to such.  My impression is the Shiani are a rare kind of holy warrior.  I intend to make extensive notes of my observations of his magic for further study.  I will include these notes with my reports for our mages.  Even Brachus, the ships super, is atypical for his species in his apparent overcoming of the greed which is so prevalent among the Scrurillians.  Perhaps the theory that greed was an inherent characteristic of the species is in correct.  Given my familial link to these creatures, I am most intrigued by Brachus and his attachment to this crew, and shall make further study.


I must confess, High Admiral, that some recent actions of mine have potentially damaged my position with this crew.  As you have advised, I have been cautious in the use of magic around new crews.  Unfortunately, I was forced to take action which resulted in the death of several crew members.  While I am confident it was the right choice, the crew will not likely agree.  Hopefully, reason will trump emotion and I may continue serving as a member of this crew.  If events go unfavorably for me, I will strive, as always, to continue the great mission to the best of my abilities.


Kaliferous, Archmage of the Kraken fleet



50 Fathoms: Session 18- Escape from Paltos


Escape from Paltos


  • Mordecai: Human Air Mage Puritan from Earth
  • Bracus: Scurillian merchant and Super native
  • Daxson: Doreen treasure diver native
  • Rodrigo: Human priest and water Mage from Earth
  • Crow/Kadian: Atani guardian of the Great Tree

Date: 1-30-16

XP: 2


After the loss of the Captain, with no time to regroup the Crew set sail in an attempt to avoid the Galleon which is bearing down on them. While a good attempt was made, the ship was spotted by and marked with a light spell from the enemy. The Crew managed to put up a fight and fired chain shot at the Inquisition ship to slow it down. After a furious exchange of cannon fire the Liberators Wrath was seriously damaged, but managed to slip away. As a fog bank descended on the sea the Crew fired one last departing volley and with a spectacular explosion the Galleon was no more.

Without further drama the Crew set sail to Kiera, repaired and then departed for Brigandy Bay. Along the way they stumbled across a sunken ruin which they looted and on the edge of the Burning Sea a badly damaged Kraken Skiff. Aboard they find a burned and dying kraken named Halimas who tells them they must find an important object in the Burning Sea.

What is this object? Is it important enough to risk their ship and their crew again?




Out of the Frying Pan and Into the Fire.
– Through the Eyes of a Crow
We broke and ran to the cliff, I glided down after Tomas was over the side. As I was gliding down, I saw another ship full lights on heading down towards our ship. Out of the frying pan and into the fire.

At the orders of Captain Daxon, I worked to get the rigging and sails unfurled. We are on the move. Then I looked to the sky and saw Liam my surrogate father and mentor being clutched in the Rocs talons fighting fiercely as he was carried north towards the mountain peaks.

The Captain is dead, long live the Captain. His bravery will last in us all forever.

We did not have time to honor him, as we should have done that will come later. But his blade fell to the deck, I asked Daxon if I could carry it. As we carry the spirit of Liam. Daxon honored me by allowing it. At that moment, sadness at the loss of the man and happiness to have known him and the bravery he has shown to save our Caribdus.

No time for more thoughts of the captain as an Inquisition Galleon was bearing down on us at an amazing speed.

At Captain Daxon’s orders we worked to evade quickly away, then in a moment we were illuminated by a blinding light. A mage had flown over to our ship an cast a light spell. We fired arrows and cast spells at the mage to get him to evade. Then Inquisition Galleon fired upon us, striking the ship, all of us crew wonder would she hold, would the Liberators Wrath take the round. She was wounded but we kept moving. We then returned fire furiously targeting the sails of the Galleon, working to slow down the advance of the larger ship. Then fire hit the back decks, the Captain froze, we knew of his fear of flame. But as a family and crew we helped the captain, Father Rodrego putting out the fire and I barked orders to the crew to keep firing at the sales of our enemy.

Then Daxon snapped back when the flames died down and he masterfully captained us to a major victory. As we were slipping away, a fog bank descended we fired one last departing volley and with a spectacular explosion the Galleon was no more. Huzza!!

We set sail to Kiera, for repairs. But on the way, we honored Captain Liam and had drinks in his honor. We all said kind words for the heroic leader and mentor.

After repairs at Kiera, we then departed for Brigandy Bay. Along the way they stumbled across a sunken ruin which they looted and on the edge of the Burning Sea a badly damaged Kraken Skiff. Aboard they find a burned and dying kraken named Halimas who tells them they must find an important object in the Burning Sea.



50 Fathoms: Session 17- Tears of Lys- Part 2 The Great Sacrifice

Liam Pic 3(croped)

Tears of Lys- Part 2

The Great Sacrifice



  • Mordecai: Human Air Mage Puritan from Earth
  • Liam: Human Shipmaster from Earth
  • Bracus: Scurillian merchant and Super native
  • Daxson: Doreen treasure diver native
  • Rodrigo: Human priest and water Mage from Earth
  • Crow: Atani guardian of the Great Tree

Date: 1-16-16

XP: 3


The crew decided to assault the prison from the ocean side cliff face. At night they scaled the cliff face and snuck over the outer walls without raising the alarm. Daxson proved especially deadly taking out the guards silently. Crow flew into the prison to locate and free Tomas while the rest of the group managed to take out several guards before the alarm was raised. A furious fight broke out aboveground while Crow tussled with some guards in the underground portion of the prison. Unfortunately the max security area was being guarded by a fire mage who severely hurt Crow and slow down his progress in freeing Tomas.

Aboveground,the rest of the Crew managed to blow a hole in the prison building wall and the back of the fortification wall with Bracus’s quick thinking,  allowing for a hopefully quick escape. Once the Warden figured out things were dire, he used a magic crystal to summon an huge enthralled Roc to attack the party. The Roc killed several of Tomas’s crew mates and severely limit the options of those inside of the prison building itself..in the air there be death…

Unfortunately around this time the Crew spotted a large ship pulling up into the Paltos Bay…it was the Inquisition ship that chased them previous day. It was some ways off, but would surely see and hear the explosions and tussle that was occurring at the prison.

Now with a raging Roc overhead and a large Galleons between their ship and the open ocean they had to act quickly. Underground, Crow with the aid of Mordecai fought off the Fire mage and unlocked Tomas’s cell and freed him. Before leaving they listened to the pleas of an imprisoned  Kraken mage named Kaliferous and freed him as well. Emerging underground with their prize, the group fought bravely fending off guards as they attempted to circle and trap them. Outside the Roc waited and the Captain of the prison was seen directing it. The Crew could not flee to the cliff face without exposing themselves to the Roc and the 25+ guards were drawing close..

Knowing the situation was dire and yelling for the Crew to flee, Captain Liam McCormic rushed headlong to engage the Prison Warden, guards and the deadly Roc. Captain Liam fought bravely as the rest of the Crew escaped out of the prison and over the cliff face.. The price was high but the Captain managed to buy his Crew some much needed time. During his fight he wounded the Warden and damaged the crystal that enthralled the Roc, but as fate would have it the magical energy didn’t dissipate fast enough. Giving the Roc one final command, the Warden ordered Liam’s doom. Captain Liam was pierced savagely by Rocs huge talons and carried high into the air with the deadly intent of dashing him on the rocks below.  Instead the Roc broke free to the spell and flew off. The last the Crew saw of their Captain was of him being clutched in the Rocs talons fighting fiercely as he was carried north towards the mountain peaks.

The Roc, you see, needed to feed her young and as Captain Liam fell towards the razor sharp beaks of the hungry brood, he thought of his wife, his sons and the new family he made in this strange world before he lost himself to the darkness…

The Captain is dead, long live the Captain. His bravery will not soon be forgotten.






























Joy and Sadness, Hope for Caribdus costs the death of a legend our Captain Liam, you will be missed.
– Through the Eyes of a Crow

We are finally getting closer to saving the forests. I beam with hope as I realize we may be able to actually turn back the tides of Caribdus. The Tears of Lys may prove to unlock the secrets of destroying he hags and freeing the land..

Someday we shall have the forests back across Caribdus. My life has purpose, this is my course. I know my path to heal this land..

To get this key in our journey, we must attack the dread prison of Paltos, which many claim is un-escapable. The same prison where “The Great whale” imprisoned my own parents..

It’s just that I help lead the assault on this terrible place. We must free Tomas and get the Tears of Lys.

We discussed the attack and decided to assault the prison from the ocean side cliff face. As the crew climbed the walls to take out quietly the guards, I transformed into a Carroway Screecher and flew into the prison through a very small air inlet. My mind racing, would I see my parents?, is this place truly impenetrable?

We shall see, my family and crew are planting explosives to blow a hole in this prison. We shall not only free Tomas, we damage “The Great Whales” influence and reputation. I beam with delight. I wish someone like my crew could have freed my parents some years ago. I might have been raised by my real parents, no get that thought out of your mind “man” focus on the task at hand.

As I entered, I stealthily flew quickly to the bottom level to locate and free Tomas. Quickly, I took the life of a Paltos prison guard, did this man see my parents, was this guard here that long, I wanted to talk to him…. No, Focus Crow, that voice in my head said. Yes, I need to focus on the mission.

Suddenly, I flew around the corner and before me was a fire mage, he blasted me mightily in the chest. Knocking the wind out of me and burning my wings. This mage was the guard for the max I security area. My mind racing, how do I stop this powerful mage. My only hope was to charge him as the Screecher and at the last moment, transform into my Atani true self. I wrested with him on the cold stone floor of the prison. Then suddenly, above me, I heard a deafening explosion. My ears ringing, I hoped the mage was also disoriented. I feared, I may die in the same prison as my parents. NO that voice in my head said, push those thoughts from your mind Crow, you must save Caribdus, you are here to return the forest to glory, you are Kadiam Letia, son of the greatest Atani diplomats, you are the chosen one the Shiani, chosen by the trees, selected to defend the heartwood.

Above ground, I found out latter the Crew managed to blow a hole in the prison building wall and the back of the fortification wall with Bracus’s quick thinking. Latter my crew and friends told me the Warden figured out things were dire, he used a magic crystal to summon an huge enthralled Roc to attack the party. The Roc killed several of Tomas’s crew mates and severely limit the options of those inside of the prison building itself..in the air there was death…

I was fighting for my life, this mage was not going down easily, when Mordecai arrived (my crew, my family) to assist in the defeat of this fire mage. We then quickly found Thomas, I was able to pick the locks, possibly inspired by the spirit of my parents, as I had never done that before. We also located and freed a Kraken mage named Kaliferous, who we freed.

Mordecai, Tomas, Kaliferous and myself, all burst up to the upper level of the prison to find death and destruction at a level I had never seen. The wall on the back of the prison was destroyed, the front door was blown off, a huge Roc was flying around to kill Tomas’s crew and threaten our lives.

At that moment, Liam yelled for the crew to flee, Captain Liam McCormic rushed headlong to engage the Prison Warden, guards and the deadly Roc. This was a death sentence, I could not leave the captain, but in that moment he winked at me. I knew this was his wish, he gave his life to save a land that he was not born in, he gave his life to save his family, his crew. I strive to do something so great with my life. The captain had now saved me three times, he was a father and helped me survive the pain of the death of Captain Jones, he and Father Rodrigo saved me at my darkest moment in the tree of my people, when I called on the power of blood magic and they healed me and showed me another way and finally he not only saved my soul, but saved the very lives of us all.

It is my honor to have known you Captain Liam McCormic. I know his strength is transferred to us all, we will carry the bravery of Liam with us always..
We broke and ran to the cliff, I glided down after Tomas was over the side. As I was gliding down, I saw another ship full lights on heading down towards our ship. Out of the frying pan and into the fire.

At the orders of Captain Daxon, I worked to get the rigging and sails unfurled. We are on the move. Then I looked to the sky and saw Liam my surrogate father and mentor being clutched in the Rocs talons fighting fiercely as he was carried north towards the mountain peaks.
The Captain is dead, long live the Captain. His bravery will last in us all forever

Captain Liam- Final Log

“Alright, lads.  Up and over,”  whispered Liam as Daxson dropped the first ropes from atop the prison’s outer walls, “And let’s be quick about it.  No need to let Daxson get all the glory.”  And for the love of Pete, don’t lose your heads when things kick off, he thought.  Of coarse, he wouldn’t say that to these men.  Most weren’t his crew and he wasn’t about to offer them reason to start doubting.  His men, on the other hand.  Well, he wasn’t worried about them.  He knew them well.  Even considered them his Caribdus family and held no doubts they could handle themselves.


Everyone scrambled up and began hoisting the crates of black powder over.  Each knew his part to play, so there was no delaying as everyone set about the task.  Good so far lads, thought Liam, impressed by everyone’s focus.  Daxson had already silently taken out several guards and Mordecai was making his way across the roof of the building the fire mage was being held in.  


Issuing orders as naturally as other men breath, Liam ordered some to help lower the crates off the wall and began prepping them for detonation.  The rest he sent down the wall to hold the position.


CRACK!  CRACK!  came the sounds of gun fire.  Smiling with a sly grin Liam laughed to himself, Aye!  It’s about time.  The quiet was getting uncomfortable.  Now just a few more seconds Crow and we’ll be right with you.  He lit the fuses and moved to safety.


BOOOOOM!  Dust and debris was flying everywhere.  For a moment Liam could hear nothing.  As the world regained sound he yelled, to know one in particular, “BLOODY HELL!  Why”d I stand so close!  I can’t hear a damned thing!  One of my ears is bleedin!”  He rushed into the newly forged hole in the back wall of the prison.  Sweet Mary and Joseph!, he thought as he made his way through the rubble and carnage of the prisoners housed just opposite the wall from the explosion.  Seeing two guardsmen near the front door and that Crow had yet to emerge from the lower levels, Liam rushed to take position at the top of the stairs.  He needed to buy Crow as much time as possible to finish his task.  More guards rushed in and Liam soon found himself in the midst of a veritable storm of swords.  In his typical fashion, he grit his teeth and refused to give an inch.  Come on Crow, we ain’t got all bloody day.


It wasn’t long before Daxson and Rodrigo came rushing in the back to aid with the desperate battle at the apex of the stairs.  Both yelled something about a rock but Liam was still partially deaf from the explosions and subsequent ringing.  So he wasn’t really sure what he heard.  Who cares if they have rocks!?  We have swords and guns, he thought, slightly annoyed that such a thing was deemed important.  Then came another explosion from near the wall and again the world went silent for Liam.


The silence seemed to slow things down.  His friends moved in slow motion.  Brachus had rushed in and seemed to paint the floor with the blood of his enemies as he snapped off limbs and spilled guts.  Is Brachus yelling about them having rocks, too!?, wondered Liam.  Swords, daggers, and bolts of water appeared as if he could just reach out and grab them.  This heightened perception afforded him a moment of clarity as he processed the entire scene.  Then a large dark shadow passed the ground just outside the front door and it clicked, Oh bugger!  Bugger it all to bloody hell.  That kind of Roc!


Liam knew this changed everything.  Their only escape was back down the cliff face.  With a Roc flying around, no one would survive the descent, the swim to the rowboat, or the short voyage to Liberator’s Wrath.  He quickly began running through all the possibilities, but nothing came to him.  For a brief moment, Liam was unsure of what to do next, which unsettled him.  It was only a very brief moment, however.  As if by divine providence, he knew what he must do.


His hearing was returning and the first clear thing he heard was someone in the courtyard yelling, “CAPTAIN MCCORMIC!!”  Liam looked up, The warden!  That bastard!  In a flash, it dawned on him….This is it!  It was for this moment I’ve been spared all these times.  If I run out there and attack the warden, I’ll surely attract the attention of the Roc of theirs.  All I need to do is buy everyone enough time to get off the cliff.


His faced hardened and he began his charge.  Looking over his shoulders he said to his friends, “Go!  Save Caribdus.  I can handle this.”  Then he was through the door in the chaos of the courtyard.  As he had believed, the Roc soon joined the battle.  “Aye!  Come meet your maker, you bloody bastard!!”, said Liam with the overconfidence he had become so known for.  The battle was fierce but Liam knew he had to stay on his feet.  Glancing back to check on his friends progress, he saw Crow looking on with what seemed like uncertainty.  That won’t do, he thought.  So he set his face into that defiant grin of his and gave Crow a wink, as if to say, “I’ve got this.  Now get to it lad.”  Having no time to wait for a response, he turned back to the fight.


It didn’t last much longer.  He managed to damage a trinket hanging from the wardens neck, before being picked up by the Roc as he fail.  Struggling to maintain consciousness, he saw that his friends had made it down safely when the Roc flew over the cliffs edge.


Haha!  They made it!  Well done, friends.  Well done, he thought as his eyes grew heavy and his fist loosened it’s grip on his prized sword.  Seeing it fall,  “No! No!”  He turned to the Roc, “You and I aren’t finished!”  With a brief burst of energy he tried to continue the fight, but soon weakened and let his eyes close.  


How long they were closed, he wasn’t sure.  Seconds, minutes, more?  But they did open again and he got a glimpse of where the Roc was taking him.  “Going to feed me to your little ones, eh?  We’ll see about that.”  Liam said between fits of coughing up blood.  He made a fist readying himself for the final fight and suddenly heard a faint singing growing in the distance.  


What!?  That voice….Jane?  What are you doing here, sweetheart?  Oh.  It’s no matter.  Just keep singing.  This is my favorite song.


Slowly, finger by finger, his fist uncurled.


I can not believe he is gone. What happened?

Things were mostly going to plan even though there were way more guards than we anticipated. I took out the first few pretty quiet but more kept coming. I should of bought the others more time to get set up. They were not in place. We were not ready. But the guards on the wall were on top of us too fast. It only took one to the sound the alarm…

Everything is a blur after that. We fought well, all of us, just like we usually do. But we kept fighting and fighting. What took so long? We never should have sent Crow in there by himself. I was truly afraid we would never see him come back up those stairs.

By the time Father Rodrigo and I made it into the cell block we were starting to be overrun. There was no sign of Crow. Mordecai was missing as well. Captain Liam was surrounded. Brachus had cleared an exit for us, but at that point I figured the mission was failed. We might escape with our lives if we could flee right then without the mage or his bloody (heh, a Liam word) tears of Lys we had come for.

I would not have believed that things could have gone even more to hell at that point. I still do not have a clear picture of the events. Brachus was screaming for us to go. Father Rodrigo charged into the fray. I was frozen for a moment until that great flying beast appeared. I followed Rodrigo into the cell block with Brachus bellowing behind me. I fully expected that this was our final stand together. None of us would make it back to the ship.

I could not overcome the feeling of futility in that moment but was determined to go down fighting shoulder to shoulder with these men. We have become like family and we would die together. Rodrigo and I joined Captain Liam who was holding the entrance to the cell block by himself, fighting like a man possessed. We tried to warn him of the Roc but in the chaos communication was all but impossible.

I can not even begin to accept what freed us from that certain fate. Finally Crow and Mordecai emerged from the inner depths of the prison with the mage in tow. All three looked somewhat dazed and stricken as I pointed them in the direction of Brachus whose screaming could be heard above everything else.

I turned just in time to see Captain Liam charging out the door into the midst of more enemies than could be counted. I was set to follow him on his suicide mission but Father Rodrigo stopped me with a knowing look. No. NO! How could we leave him? I could not do that. Frozen again, it was Brachus’ strong arm that propelled me out of the prison to make good the escape that the Captain had secured for us.

In that moment things changed. Everything changed. The lives of this crew were in my hands now. Their fate now fell to me. I dove somewhat recklessly (like the Captain would have done) off the cliff knowing I must reach the ship first.

I can see the Inquisition ship bearing down upon us as I stand here on the deck in a state of complete shock awaiting the longboats to return.

What would Captain Liam do?

What would my father do?

What am I going to do?


I keep my thoughts to myself. It’s been far too long since I’ve recorded anything other than numbers in this ledger, but I feel this past week’s events must be recorded because those events will shape the future of this world. MY world.


I’ve already lost one trade family, and I’ve been grateful to find a home amongst this ramshackle crew of natives and Earthlings. While I still don’t understand all of them, they are my shipmates and they have had my shell in some harrowing situations. For that, I owe them more than I can ever repay. Whatever wealth comes to me, goes to them, it’s the least I can do.


What happened during that assault will haunt me for the rest of my days, however short they may be. Struggling to try and climb that wall and failing… failing… failing, while my mates were battling forces that I have only heard of in legends, I have never felt so helpless. While I have prided myself as the Ledger Keeper and merchant of our crew, I have felt that I could lend… at least… a helping hand and some claws to a fight. My magic hook has aided me well too… but everything failed me on that night. I was fortunate that the keg of powder that Daxson threw off the wall was still in good enough shape that it could blow a hole in that wall… if it hadn’t, I’m sure that I would be penning this from a cell deep within the prison. However, what I saw after the smoke had cleared will never leave my mind. I will forever remember my friends in that hopeless situation and I will never understand what happened next.


Captain McCormick’s sacrifice will not go forgotten. I will never let what happened that night happen again. I am no longer going to stand back while my crew fights without me, for my world that is dying. I must get stronger. I must find get tougher.



Father Rodrigo







The IronOak Family Saga


Aelred’s Stand

Told through the eyes of Justin Ironoak, heir to the Iron Oaks

Justin withdrew his warpick from the twitching body of the orc he had just slain and surveyed the battle around him. He had broken through the line of orcs defending the tower, and was standing along the wall, beside the doorway into the tower that housed the strange, but powerful, weapon. He saw his brother standing atop a hill, deftly gesturing and firing bolts of pure heat to his foes. He loved his brother dearly, but never had felt quite as close as brothers ought to be. Maldrin spent more time pouring over his tomes, seeking the proper wording of some archaic spell, than he did outside. On a certain level, Justin felt this was wrong. The Ironoaks were men of the forest. They ventured out into the unknown wilds and tamed them. They didn’t hide behind their Oak Doors. But at the moment, he was grateful that Maldrin knew the ways of the elements, for it brought them great advantage in battle.

Sted and Sebastian were back to back, holding their own amongst the orcs bearing down upon them. Sted was more than competent as a combatant, and Sebastian, for all his talk of being a holy man of peace, swung his mighty Warhammer with the practiced ease of a man accustomed to violence. Kurst was charging towards another pair of orcs, roaring with rage. Kurst was not a man to be underestimated, his blades a flurry as he pierced the orc over and over.

Justin saw the dark form of the thief on the other side of the door, trying to be as unobtrusive as possible and avoid the notice of the orcs. Justin sneered unconsciously at his behavior. He had little love for the opportunistic thief, talented though he was. Justin was forced to constantly watch his belongings around the man, and knew his loyalty only extended as far as his convenience at the time.

At the far end of the battlefield, he saw Neara patiently and quietly biding her time amongst the trees. He was grateful she was not getting involved. The plane of forever had revealed his, their, future together. Justin did not know what fate truly had in store, but he knew that now was not the time to ponder such things.

As he scanned the field of battle, he realized he did not know where Aelred had gone. Concern welled in Justin’s chest as he considered his fellow hunter. Whereas Maldrin and himself stood across each other, separated by the canyon of the arcane, Aelred and Justin were true kindred spirits. They had hunted together and tracked together. While Justin was as savage a hunter at could be, taking down a full grown bear by himself in close combat, but Aelred was unmatched with his bow. Aelred said that he could pin the wings of a fly from a mile away, and Justin couldn’t help but wonder if he was truly exaggerating his prowess or not. Combined with his deep bond of friendship with his panther, Aelred was a hunter of the highest caliber. Reminded of his animal companion Justin instinctively reached down to pet the head of his wolf who was no longer there. Justin’s eyes burned as he felt the longing ache for that deep primal bon. But, again, there was no time to mourn. The strange weapon atop the tower must be stopped, or turned to their own purposes, or Silver Thorn would be lost.

Justin readjusted his grip on his weaponry, his war pick and war axe, and prepared to storm into the building, when he heard the hum of the strange weapon reach a crescendo. He was too late! The whine of the weapon peaked, but the blast was punctuated by a scream of pure agony. The destructive red light blasted forth, but shockingly had struck the ground not twenty yards away!

“Must’ve been Aelred. Crazy sonofabitch did it!” He muttered happily. He looked up at the parapet, and his joy died on his lips as he saw orcs manhandling a form.

“Aelred!” Justin shouted and ran into the tower, barreling up the stairs. He would not let Aelred be slain. His companions heard his shout and swiftly followed.

As he reached the top of the stairs, he saw there were two warrior orcs, and what appeared to be three technicians for the weapon. As his companions arrived behind him, he saw the orcs being to look less confident. Justin knew he had a chance to solve this without bloodshed.

“Surrender, and you will live. You are outmatched, outnumbered, and outgunned. But make one hostile move, and your lives will be forfeit. The dozen orcs below should tell you how serious I am.”

The orcs looked at each other, shrugged, and dropped their weapons. Justin mentally breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately for him, Orcs are not very intelligent and they failed to realize the value of their potential hostage. Justin looked over Aelred. He was tied up, but he didn’t appear to be too injured aside from the blood that led to his….

“Holy shit your arm!” The thief exclaimed. Aelred’s entire right arm was missing, his shoulder a burning mess of charred skin and muscle. Agony rippled across his body with every movement.

“Out of the way, let me attend to his wounds.” Sebastien pushed every aside and knelt next to Aelred. Summoning the holy light of his god, Sebastian laid his hands over Aelred’s body, and Justin could see the flesh of his shoulder mending and the charred skin sloughing off, but no new arm grew. After a few moments, he stood and looked at Justin with a dark expression. “His arm has been completely destroyed. I have not enough power from my god to restore him. A grand priest of my order could, perhaps, do something but that is a power granted to only the holiest of men.”

The group broke into disarray for a few moments. The thief inquired after whether or not Aelred still needed his magical bow, Maldrin suggested if he was in too much pain to continue that perhaps a mercy killing might be necessary, and Neara merely looked shocked. Aelred had always been such a strong figure, but without his arm he looked surprisingly small. Justin saw the tortured look in Aelred’s eyes that went beyond the pain of losing his arm. He knew that he would never feel the power of a fully drawn bow again.

“Sebastian, attend to Aelred, do what you can for his pain. We’re not out of this yet. Maldrin, investigate this weapon, let’s see what we can do with it. Kurst, interrogate these orcs, find out what they know.” Justin barked to his companions.

Much was learned in a short time. The weapon would fire automatically every ten minutes, although they could adjust the time to up to a full week. The weapon was too large to remove and abscond with, and even then would still have to be fired at regular intervals. To make matters worse, one of the technicians pointed out a marching company of orcs coming their way. They would arrive before the cannon could be fired again.

This information set the group roaring with argument once again. Maldrin suggested we still try to take the weapon, Sebastian demanded we destroy the device, and the thief quietly recommended they flee and hide until this was all over…the craven, Kurst suggested forcing the orc captives to stall the army and let the gun fire, with no one agreeing to anything. Shouts and threats of violence began to reach a fever pitch until two quiet words were spoken.

“I’ll stay.” Aelred said, propped up against the parapet, his words almost a whisper, but somehow managed to silence everyone else.

“What?” Justin asked.

“I’ll stay. You flee to the secret entrance to Silver Thorn. I’ll hold off the orcs and blast a hole for you to enter SilverThorne. But you can’t trust the orcs to handle this themselves. Someone will have to stay.”

“But why you? We’ll get you to safety. The Silver Oak will be able to heal your arm! I’ll stay, I’ll defend the tower.” Justin said.

“No, my friend.” Aelred said with a sad smile. “You must go. You’re an Ironoak. It’s up to you to fulfill the prophecy. I’m no Ironoak, I can stay.” Justin knelt down and looked Aelred in the eye.

“Today my friend, you are braver than any Ironoak. In your veins runs the courage of ten men. Hold them off long enough to get a shot off the weapon, then set it to a week to recharge. We’ll be waiting for you at the entrance.” Justin said. Aelred smiled, shakily stood up, and pulled his bow off his back.

“Justin, take this. It’s not good to me now, and no filthy orc deserves to get a hold of Ironoak weapons if I should….”

“You’ll make it. You had damn well better! I’ll be waiting.” Justin interrupted, but he took the bow all the same. Justin clapped Aelred on the shoulder and turned to the thief.

“You. Give Aelred your ring.”

“What? But it’s mine!!!” The thief whined.

“You’ll give him your gods blasted ring or I’ll cut it off your hand this instant.” Justin warned darkly. Sullenly, the thief petulantly handed his ring over to Aelred.

“You better give that back, or swallow it if you’re gonna die so I can find it again.” The thief said. Justin bit back a reprimand, for at least the thief was cooperating somewhat.

“No time for delay. Let’s move out!” Justin ordered, and with one last look at his noble friend and companion, he turned and swiftly made his way out of the tower, his other companions following behind.

With a grunt, Aelred struggled to his feet, the holy power of Sebastian reducing the thundering pain in shoulder and missing arm to a dull and distant throb. Aelred spent a few minutes pushing the dead orc bodies into the doorway, then splashing the stairway with a flask of oil he had been saving. Once he was finished, he walked up to the top of the tower and place the ring of invisibility on his finger.

“Three hundred orcs, and I’m beat to hell and back, missing my good arm, have no bow, and have no defenses other than a pile of dead orcs in front of the door. I guess for once those orcs might have a fair fight on their hands.” Aelred mused as he pulled his rapier out of his belt and prepared for the coming onslaught.

Blood & Steel — Episode 00

iMovie Spinward Frontier Title_Page_3Did a trial run of a new mini-campaign set in the Spinward Frontier of the Imperium. We did some word-building, talked about what we wanted in a campaign, and did a quick, 1-hour game to try out combat with 15mm miniatures. We decided it worked well, using the colored bases as a way to help distinguish the smaller miniatures. The small size allows us to tap into the large ranges of Sci Fi minis and use larger maps and terrains to make ranged gunfire more strategic.

I’ll post the XP and more details soon. Looking forward to this campaign!


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