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Stan’s New RPG Books

fullsizerender-1I picked up some Solomon Kane and Sundered Skies books on sale at Madness yesterday. They look so amazing! Not sure I’ll get around to running them anytime soon, but I’m happy to stockpile them for future years when opportunities arise for these campaigns.

See my writeup on Sundered Skies and Solomon Kane as possible future campaigns.

Of course, these would be after my Redmark, Middle-earth, and Imperium campaigns, heh 🙂

— Stan

Future Campaign Idea: Solomon Kane

1600’s Fantasy/Horror/Monster-Hunter Campaign

solomon_kane-e1334685648486Cut a righteous path in a world of evil! You have seen the path to redemption, a road paved in the blood and bones of the evil you must defeat to save the world from its unholy taint. Face that which preys on men’s dreams, their fears, and their very souls. Walk The Path of Kane.

Your enemies span the globe, reaching out from every shadowy corner of all four continents. Men, magic, and monsters of the darkest hearts and basest desires threaten the very world you tread. Humanity is lost without the will and steel of good folk like you.

Screen Shot 2014-10-02 at 6.11.43 PMWhether a Puritan wanderer, a misguided pirate, or a soldier of fortune, a time of legend has come and fate has chosen her champions. Kane began the fight against an ancient evil so great it could destroy humanity, but now others must carry the torch into the darkness.

Stan Comments: If I run this, with regard to magic, I’d run it like Robert E. Howard wrote the stories: a world where protagonists are Puritan-minded holy warriors on a mission from God, along with their allies, ever vigilant against the vile forces of darkness. A bit different than some of the universalist, syncretistic assumptions of the RPG adaptation. Howard’s Kane was mistrustful of magic (at least in the stories I read), sort of like Conan.


Also, the production values of the adventures and maps are top-notch!


Future Campaign Idea: Sundered Skies

Dark Fantasy/Black Powder/Sky Pirates Campaign


A shattered world. A thousand floating islands. A constant glow of madness. Sundered Skies begins where every other world ends.

sundered-skiesIn an age long past, the world was blasted apart by primal forces. Now the races of the Sundered Skies live amongst the debris; the floating islands of land left over from the destroyed planet. Some islands are small as a house, some as large as a mountain. They float in unending patterns throughout the eternal orange Glow, a maddening light that suffuses the air with a constant illumination, so that there is never night in the Skies. Many grow mad from exposure to the voidglow. The elves (often evil!), dwarves, humans, dragons, orcs, and stranger folk that live amongst these islands travel from one to the other on majestic flying ships, trading, exploring, and fighting.

But the fate of the Skies is in danger! The magic of the glow is not the only taint in this unforgiving realm. Dark forces conspire to bring the Skies to the brink of an even greater catastrophe. Can you survive long enough to discover the secrets of Sundered Skies?


Stan Comments: Written for Savage Worlds, if I run it, I’d probably convert it over to the Rarescape rules which should be out by the time I ever got around do running this campaign, which would likely run 20-30 sessions.


Heroes of Arnor: Gathering at Elnost


Chapter One

On the 1st Day of Urui, in the year 1640 of the Third Age, morning dawns at Dispar. It is a small Arthedain border town east of Rhudaur. As the cock crows at the The Grey Fox Inn, several adventurers gather.

The elvish scholar Coronthir and the wandering dwarf Valin make introductions to their new fellow scouts. Guthorn, Aldin, Beorn, and Adrahil, are all men weary of travel but yet eager to join in service as scouts for Arthedain.

Coronthir relates news he has heard of events in Rhudaur. King Broggha, a Hillmen ruler at the citadel of Cameth Brin, has married a blonde Northman woman. This is causing some controversy among the Hillmen tribes.

Aldin shares something darker: in the night, he had a troubled vision of three smokey symbols. Sigils of a Hand, an Eye, and a Mouth appeared, vomiting forth from Angmar, coming across the mountains towards Arnor. Aldin knows not what this portends, but he fears something evil is afoot.

Krelman, the inn’s bartendar, stares at the travellers from his one good eye and shoes away Zaranda, a local hag who sits near the company and laughs wickedly at their odds of living through the winter.

Boarding a local barge, the company journey up the river Caranduin and make their way to the fortress of Elnost, foremost of the Arthedain allied border settlements east of Rhudaur. Lord Elasander, the local governer, greets the travellers. Although Elasander’s first wife died some time ago, he recently remarried; his new wife, the beautiful, raven-haired Morwen, attends the audience.

Elasander receives the company into his service as scouts, and tasks the heroes with exploring and opening a safe route across the East-wood. The goal is that trade may commence between the towns Dispar and Carandor.

Hirgon, Elasander’s red-haired son from his first wife, departed abruptly the day before to blaze a trail across the East-wood. He was not content to wait for the new scouts. Elasander charges the company with keeping an eye out for his hot-tempered son as they make their way across the wood.

The company prepares to depart. They each have a stipend of 20 silver pennies a month from which some borrow to improve their armor and gear. A squire named Giles is to accompany them with a pony to carry their provisions.

As they set out, Valin the dwarf takes great care to find Hirgon’s trail. After many difficult hours, the company makes camp. At the end of the following day, as the party makes camp, they find signs that Hirgon’s group was ambushed.

Investigating, they find signs of orcs. They follow into the night hours, the nearly-full moon lighting their way. They finally find the bodies of Hirgon’s unfortunate companions, all slain and hanging from a tree near a stream. Dead orc bodies are in a pile nearby. Signs are that Hirgon yet lives, and so the company pushes through their weariness, hoping to find Hirgon before the worst happens.

Finally, the company come upon a group of orcs led by a shaman. They chant “Angmar, all must serve Angmar!” Before them, in front of a bon fire, Hirgon is alive but tied upon an altar, soon to be sacrificed. The orcs continue to chant with frenzied voices:

The witch-king has his allies three:
a hand to make enemies flee,
a mouth for spies whispering lies,
and an eye which hidden things see.

The Hand from shadows tests his might
against the ones who dare to fight
the looming scourge, sent forth to purge
the land from those who thwart the night.

From Gundabad the Mouth decrees
the work of spies who move with ease
in Rhudaur’s lands, where darkest bands
proclaim ‘Angmar all must appease’.

The hidden Eye is seen by all
those low and high under the thrall
of the Eye’s gaze, which on men stays,
turning the pure towards their fall.

From the woods, the company attacks with bowshot. Outnumbered nearly three to one, the fight looks hopeless, but the brave scouts fight without fear. Two of the company go down, terribly injured. Giles, unarmed, but showing courage far beyond his years, takes up a fallen orc’s weapon and jumps into the fray. Finally, when only two orcs remain, the orcs break and run, only to be hunted down and slain. As dark clouds drift across the night moon, the company’s cheer in saving Hirgon is cut short.

Valin the dwarf lies dead.

As the heroes nurse their wounds and make plans to honor the body of their fallen companion, they talk in somber tones of what they’ve learned. Something dark is afoot. All signs point to a new darkness issuing from Angmar.

[su_button icon=”icon: map” background=”#000000″ color=”#FFFFFF” link=”https://dicehaven.com/map-arnor/?location=1640-08-01″] View Adventure Location [/su_button]


[su_spoiler title=”Advancement Notes” style=”fancy”]All characters level up to 2nd level. Scouts are receiving 20 silver pennies a month as a stipend (some have borrowed against their pay to acquire gear from the armory). A new character will need to replace poor, deceased Valin! [/su_spoiler]

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