
Tabletop RPG Podcast and Roleplaying Resources

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Using Dragon Rampant for Middle-earth Wargames

Dragon Rampant is a fantasy version of Osprey’s Lion Rampant. Both have excellent reviews, and let you play fast-paced wargames with 60-100 models on the table in only an hour. I read Dragon Rampant and I am VERY impressed.

Over on the Wargaming in Middle Earth Facebook group, in an informal poll I ran, Dragon Rampant was voted the most popular ruleset to re-enact Middle-earth scenarios (at least for casual gamers), beating out even the various licensed Middle-earth wargame rules. While Adventures in Middle-earth is great for D&D 5e roleplaying, a 5e battle with 50 creatures is going to take over an hour. A wargame like Dragon Rampant has a different focus with rules like Morale and Glory which I think make it an ideal companion to Adventures in Middle-earth for a game club that wants to do multiple kinds of gaming in Tolkien’s world.

For the casual wargamer, these seem like ideal rules, much less crunchy than even Sword & Spear (which plays in about 2 hours). Only 66 pages packaged in a small, easy-to-read booklet. What’s not to like?

BoardGameGeek Overviews:

The books cost only about $12 to $14 on Amazon:

I definitely want to give these rules a shot.

Here are the first three scenarios I’d like to try (text is taken from the book). They give you a flavor for the book’s tongue-in-cheek writing style:


Bloodbath is a straightforward fight to the death between opposing Warbands. It’s a good scenario for multi-player games or for your first game of Dragon Rampant. Both the Attacker and Defender must attempt to slay or rout their enemies to achieve victory.


“Would you like a hand with that soup?” The attackers need to move quickly – the defenders have captured ten of your kin, and rather than selling them into slavery, they’ve decided to rustle up a tasty meat-based snack. The defender must attempt to rescue their medium-rare friends before the pot boils over.


Run for your life! Ambushed while out on a routine patrol, the defenders must flee for their lives, and the attackers must take those lives from them.

A 24 army point Sea Elf Warband: Prince and Bannermen (Elite Foot, eader, Reduced Model Unit) @ 6pts, Guardsmen (Elite Foot) @ 6pts, rchers (Light Missiles, Sharpshooter, Invisibility) @ 9pts, Spearmen (Light Foot) @ 3pts.

A 24 army point Sea Elf Warband: Prince and Bannermen (Elite Foot, eader, Reduced Model Unit) @ 6pts, Guardsmen (Elite Foot) @ 6pts, Archers (Light Missiles, Sharpshooter, Invisibility) @ 9pts, Spearmen (Light Foot) @ 3pts.



Redmark Session 33: The Lost Conclave of Dreams

Redmark Date: Third Age—April 17-?, 1331

Leaving the small village where the party had freed the young green dragon, the party headed north in an attempt to reach the middle of the plateau. After several hours of travel, the party could see a large thunderstorm heading their way and decided to try to find cover. The rain came with a vengeance and the lower portions of the plateau became covered in water. Seeing that they now needed higher ground and cover, our intrepid travelers spotted what looked to be an overgrown hunting path leading up a small hill. Rain drenched the travelers, wind howled and lighting struck ever closer to their location. Seeing a small clearing with some kind of structure up ahead they made a run for it. Near the edge of the path Quintos spotted some very large creatures that appeared to be ants the size of house cats! As the lightning struck, the ants seemed to glow and electricity ran between them. Covering a large potion of the path and well into the trees on either side, the ants were suddenly a formidable foe. The group took turns one by one jumping over the ants and made it across with only one stumble… a painful one at that as lightning coursed through the party at that one mistake.

In the clearing the party spotted a large structure that looked to be somewhat similar to a church, somewhat like a small fort, and somewhat like a very large house. Seeing this strange place as their only option they headed to the door and found the door open. On the door, in a language that only Quintos could seem to understand was the phrase “Herein lies the treasure of 100 kingdoms.” Finding this interesting Lundie, Marcus, Quintos, Ghost Dancer, and The Duke headed inside.

Inside the front door was a beautifully hand carved small stone entryway. After some careful inspection Lundie noted that the very stones this structure was built from actually originated in Redmark! A larger, second door sat between the party and true respite from the storm, and without much effort they were able to open it and head inside. On the back of the door was another message in the same unfamiliar script, “Within these halls rests weapons to remove oppression, defend the feeble, and weaken the mighty. Enter with caution if you are not of like mind.” Inside the compound was a sweet smell of baked goods, distant laughter and revelry, and incredibly cleanliness.

Searching around the party stumbled upon a small sleeping quarters with some immaculately kept skeletal remains. Suddenly specters appeared and attacked the group. Reacting quickly and efficiently, the party dispatched the spirits, composed themselves and began searching the rest of the rooms they came across. Directly after the fight, the party noticed the absence of Ghost Dancer and began their search for their companion in earnest. In a small storage room the group found some potions of healing, then headed into what looked to be a musical performance room. After stepping inside, the heroes were assaulted by dozens of skeletons and some sort of magical leader who used music to both direct his minions and to distract, delay, and damage the heroes. Quick thinking and decisiveness lead the day as the skeletons were dispatched in short order only to have a more prolonged battle as more of the Died Piper’s tricks came to light. Shadows attacked the warriors, noises blared in their ears, and disgusting long, gangly fingers attempted to worm their way into the minds of those brave enough to stand toe to toe with this foul being.

One final blow from Marcus felled the wicked creature and the party decided to rest in a small stairwell within the room. Quintos read through a small journal that granted insight into what exactly happened in this beautiful place that turned each entity into some sort of undying beast. Before they could barricade the doors, a swarm of hungry ghouls burst through the door stench first. The party sprung into action and quickly took down all six of the lecherous, unnatural things. Having destroyed the bodies and finally closed themselves inside the stairs, the party were able to break away for an hour to truly rest. Opposite the entry door is a larger double door leading to a hall of former heroes. Inside were statues and plaques memorializing the fallen warriors of this compound. Lundie, after some careful searching, found a secret doorway at the back of this hallway and the party turned a small corner to find themselves in another small hallway. Here were two doors. One at the end, about 25 feet away and another midway down the hall, with just a small nondescript door. Opening the door, the party quickly realized their error as two large wights wielding large weapons laid into the group. The battle was incredibly tough and much damage was taken, but the heroes did manage to survive the ordeal and strike down the dead but still alive disgusting creatures. Further inside the small room was a shrine of some kind and Marcus and Lundie were able to sanctify the area and rest with guidance from some sort of goodly deity or instinct.

Fully rested, the party returned to the hallway and opened a large door into what appeared to be a ballroom. Nothing but tables, chairs, centerpieces, and chandeliers were in the room lined with mirrors. Out of the corner of their eyes, each member spotted movement…in the mirrors. That’s where we will pick up next adventure!

Redmark Session 32: The Green Dragon

Redmark Date: Third Age—April 16-17, 1331

April 16

Having recovered from his the bad burrito he ate, Quintos rejoined the party at the small fort that once held those crazy spider lady creatures. As they further investigated the camp, a strange old man approached the party and motioned for them to follow him. His language was unknown to the them and theirs to him. Save but one word, “pe-ale-poose”, nothing could be gained from the party’s attempt to question him. Nevertheless, brave souls that they are, the party decided to follow.

April 17

After travelling through a dense area of forest, they come to a small village engulfed in a green fog. Malo, the village elder, greats them and explains to them that Dayate, their deity and most likely a dragon, is either angry or awakening. This is apparently the cause of the green fog. Agreeing to help bring an end to the fog and find Malo’s missing son, the party heads to the temple.

The plant life has grow at an accelerated rate. Heavily covering the temple in the process. Surviving an attack from some tree creatures, owlbears, the possible desecration of an alter by a party member (this was hotly debated among the group) and living evil vines the party makes it to the center of the temple. And here their be dragon. A green one. Concerned about their impending doom, rightly so I might add, they attempt to parlay with the dragon. It works! They will be allowed to live and the dragon will leave. All that’s required is for them to find her missing younglings. Fortunately, they had been stole by a crazy and rather incompetent local who was hiding just down the hall, which was to small for the dragon to get through. Hmm….come to think of it, how’d the dragon get inside in the first place? But I digress. The party easily dispatched the fool, who’s name was Shell or Shale (does it really matter? He’s dead now) and safely returned the baby dragons to their mommy. True to her word, she leaves and life goes on for the village. Well, for everyone but those poor saps killed by the dragon. Malo’s boy (Dorrick) among them. Life definitely ended prematurely for them. But everyone else was just peachy!

Redmark Session 31: Man on a Buffalo!

Redmark Date: Third Age—April 14, 1331

A Long Rope Bridge

The party finds themselves at the base of an impossibly long rope-and-plank bridge. It rises nearly a mile up the sheer face of a cliff, hanging over a depression roiling with fog. The heroes decide to camp the night and enjoy the amenities of Leomund’s Tiny Hut. It’s a nightly rave now.

April 15

Quakes and Shakes

The heroes climb the rope bridge. Reassuringly, an earthquake tremor occurs just as they get on the rickety old bridge.

It takes four hours to climb the bridge to the top, and it gets progressively steeper and more difficult. Near the end, it’s like climbing a ladder, and several in the party get exhausted as they climb.

Near the top, Lundie crests the ridge of the cliff just as another earthquake hits, violently shaking the bridge until it snaps just below the party. Most of the party manages to hold on, but Akamu, the eagle-eyed barbarian native, tumbles off the bridge.

Fortunately, he’s tied to the rest of the group and he doesn’t plummet to his death. Unfortunately, he’s tied to the rest of the group and nearly tugs his friends off the bridge to plummet to their deaths.

However, thanks to the mighty strength of Marcus, the Roman priest suspends Akamu’s fall and saves the party.

“I Have Bugbears”

Akamu finds Bugbear tracks on a trail leading into the wooded area on the top of the plateau.

Out of game, Stan apologizes for having lost all his Bugbear minis. To which, Bailey responds: “I have bugbears.” Which sounds like he’s admitting to having an STD. We all laugh and Loftin suggests Bailey see a doctor to have that looked at.

Back in game, sure enough, the party encounters two patrolling bugbears. Ghost Dancer runs forward, lifts his loincloth, and casts Tasha’s Hideous Laughter at a bugbear. Sadly, the bugbear just shrugs and rolls his eyes, unaffected by terrible sight of Lil Ghosty.

The party dispatches one of the bugbears and capture another. Ivamel talks Marcus from the ledge of wanting to adopt another pet bugbear to convert to Mars. They tie the bugbear to a tree, gag it, and continue on the trail.

Fortress of Hot Ladies and Sticky Goo

So, yeah. The party discovers what appears to be a fortress. More patrols of bugbears march around it, but the party stealths like unholy ninjas and aren’t spotted. Ghost snorts some pixie powder to fly and casts Invisibility on himself. He floats over, around, and into the compound.

He sees huts on the ground with two hot chicks wandering about. He sees this is not a fortress but a jail—the gates are locked from the outside. Up in the giant trees, he finds huts made of sticky goo. He floats into a hut and discovers a bookshelf and a chest, also made of sticky goo. Ghost can’t resist. He plunders several of the books and nicks a Periapt of Proof against Poison from the chest.

Ghost Dancer returns and reports. Ivamel and Lundie reason that the bugbears have built this prison and hold within it something of good alignment. They decide to liberate the prison on their way back. For now, the party forges ahead to find the mythical buffalo.

They Exist!

A few miles down the path, the party crests a rise that overlooks a lush valley filled with a herd of buffalo!

Ghost Dancer turns into Usain Bolt and sprints to the valley, where he falls upon his knees and offers a prayer of gratitude to the Great Spirit. Then he uses a potion of animal friendship donated by Ivamel, while also casting Speak with Animals upon himself and approaches the biggest buffalo in the herd. He and Ghost Dancer chat for a while, mostly discussing the stock market and what offshore banks they prefer.

The King of the Buffalo welcomes the party and grants permission for them to camp in the Valley of the Buffalo. When Ghost explains the prophesy and shows the King the birthmark, the King feels a tug of destiny and agrees that he and the herd will go to the Land of the Apache to fulfill the prophesy.

As the party argues over how to get an entire herd of buffalo down the plateau cliffs and across the dangerous island and into Kat’s Claw, Fire Willow chimes in that the Chromatic Wizards can help get the herd back to Ghost Dancer’s people. She says that they wizards have been rumored to be near the middle of this very plateau.

Ghost casts Flight on Akamu who rises high and spots a chasm glittering with gold-colored reflections and an island in a volcanic lake where the Chromatic Wizards are rumored to be.

April 16

Man on a Buffalo

The party camps. When they awake, Ghost gets permission to ride the backs of the buffalo. Ghost rides the King and Marcus rides atop the one he names Scratchy. Marcus and Ghost hop aboard with huge goofy grins and their faces and they drag race around the valley high fiving and yelling back to the rest of the party, “We’re riding buffalo!”

Ivamel and Lundie just shake their heads and follow along, Lundie on his Celestial My Little Pony.

Marcus and Ghost ride around the valley toward the rising sun, which rises in the West in this crazy place! On the way, they spot an abandoned wizard’s tower.

The party stops to investigate. Ghost and Marcuse feed their buffalo friends apples and nearly cause a riot because they barely have enough to go around.

The group heads into the tower where they find magical treasures stashed in the upper rooms: a circlet of blasting, a bag of holding, and some dust of disappearance. And for Ghost Dancer, a Tan Bag of Tricks!

Spider Skanks

Not forgetting the hot chicks back in the palisade prison, the party journeys back and liberates them.

Turns out, they’re not really hot chicks—they’re hideous spider magicians who spew stinking clouds and split into three mirror images.

They, however, are no match for the party, who dispatches them. In the remaining huts, the party finds some oil of slipperiness (wait…what? I guess Quintos will need that for some of his exploits) and a potion of climbing.

Will the heroes find the legendary Chromatic Wizards? Will these wizards help Ghost get the buffalo herd back to Apache land in Redmark? What’s to be found in the gold-glittery chasm at the far end of the plateau? The party will find out…if they live long enough.


  • Helm of True Sight—given to Marcus by Lundie; and Marcus almost immediately begins griping about it (“I have to sleep with this on my head every night? Oh man, it smells like Lundie. I hate this thing. And I can’t even get the magic to work for a whole week? Ivamel, you want this stupid helmet?”)
  • Circlet of Blasting
  • Bag of Holding
  • Dust of Disappearance
  • Oil of Slipperiness (tee-hee)
  • Potion of Climbing
  • Tan Bag of Tricks
  • And one big-ass buffalo herd!

Redmark Session 30: Dino-riding Cannibals

April 10-14, TA 1331

April 10-12, 1331

The hunt for the fabled buffalo continues as the party treks further into the depths of this mysterious, humid, densely treed island. Oh, and It’s apparently packed to the gills with dino-riding cannibal jungle savages.


As an important aside, I don’t mean “savages” in the same vain that my Roman ancestors meant when referring to the various tribes of Guals which inhabited the lands of Germania. By which they simply meant,(remember to imagine this being said with a sort of high pitched nasally voice. “Oh! I’m such a stuck-up member of “real” civilization, I can’t possibly imagine there are other civilizations out there. They’re all just savages.” No, I mean literally savage and violent.

April 13, 1331

Remember our favorite jungle people I mentioned? Well, as if to prove my point, they tracked the party by means of some giant dodo bird thing. They attacked and, though they gave it their best, the party killed more of them. Again.

April 14, 1331

Hey! No savages! Not yet, anyway. The party did find an unbelievably long rope bridge stretching from the ground up into the mist/clouds surrounding the huge plateau in the middle of the island. Oh yeah…they made it the plateau they’ve been seeking. Here’s hoping there’s some buffalo up there. Several actually. Maybe we can use the extras as a sort of buffet distraction for the native crazies when we finally start making our way back. One can only hope.


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