
Tabletop RPG Podcast and Roleplaying Resources

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Mini-Series Podcast Games

Some one-shots and mini-campaigns I’d like to run on the actual play podcast at some point. — Stan

The Secrets of Cats (Fate Core)

The Secrets of CatsCats are magical; cats understand sacrifice and the power of names. 

A decapitated mouse left on the doorstep or pillow is a powerful ward, and a spell wailed by the cat chorus confers even greater protection. When evil is on the rise and the safety of the neighbourhood is at stake the Parliament of Cats is there to stand firm against the darkness.

Take Silver Ford, for example, a sleepy tourist town near a played-out old silver mine. When kids messing around in the mine accidentally rouse an ancient evil on All Hallows’ Eve, the secret and magical cats of the neighborhood are the only thing protecting their special people from the things that go bump in the night.

Loose Threads (Fate Core)

Loose ThreadsOn the edges of fairy tales live members of the Company—collateral damage from someone else’s Happily Ever After.

Maybe their fairy godmother got lost on the way, or they failed to solve the riddle, or their siblings forgot to save them before riding off into the sunset. Now Company members live on the edges of tales and travel the In-Betweens, helping others like them who need rescuing from ogres, reversing of curses, and freedom from the evil clutches of bandits. People who the stories have forgotten. It’s difficult work, and every story must end eventually.

How will yours turn out?

Masters of Umdaar (Fate Accelerated)

Masters of UmdaarRise up against the Masters of Umdaar!

Behold the fallen world of Umdaar, home to savage warriors, cyborg insects, and merciless warlords. Oh, and lasers—lots and lots of lasers. The Masters rule with an iron fist, and the people’s only hope are the archaeonauts and their quest for long-lost artifacts of power. But will the Masters get there first? Masters of Umdaar, our latest Fate World of Adventure by Dave Joria, is a retro tribute to such shiny serials as John Carter of Mars, Flash Gordon, He-Man, and Thundercats.

Firefly (Cortex+)

Firefly RPGKeep Flyin’! Prepare for thrilling, new adventures in the ‘Verse with the Firefly Roleplaying Game! Set six years after the Unification War, the Firefly Roleplaying Game faithfully branches story elements from the popular FOX television series, while simultaneously expanding on the Firefly setting. Powered by the Cortex Plus system, which emphasizes character interaction and story development, this core rulebook features everything you need to venture into the black, including character archetypes, ship stats and creation rules, locations and planetary systems, a detailed Episode guide, story hooks, and more.

In our campaign, we’ll pick up where Mal and his surviving crew have started a rebellion against the Alliance and now have their HQ aboard a captured Alliance vessel. Your crew has taken over the Serenity and now take various odd jobs between helping out (as best you can) the burgeoning rebellion.

(This will be a continuation and conclusion of this earlier mini-campaign which was put on hiatus).

Gaslight Heroes (Cortex Prime)

Gaslight HeroesEvery few centuries, hidden cosmic energies align and make possible the origins of super-powered individuals. In ancient Babylon, Greece, and many other cultures, these rare people wielding their unusual powers became the stuff of legends. Many legends and even pantheons arose based on the half-truths about these super-powered people.

In 1800s London, the ley lines foretold by Stone Henge converge to again enable select individuals to gain untold powers. Now, these chosen individuals begin to discover one another.

But not all these powers belong to benevolent souls. In the misty shadows of late-night London walk both heroes and horrors.

Welcome to the world of the Gaslight Heroes!

(This will be a continuation and conclusion of this earlier mini-campaign which was put on hiatus).




Redmark Campaign Midpoint Updates

Last week we finished session 42. At the beginning of session 45 you’ll be 10th Level! I’m committed to getting you to level 20, and we’re half way there. Since this is roughly the half-way mark of the campaign, I’d like to suggest the following changes in focus, some new add-on rules, and a new way of leveling. We will discuss this week and firm up how the second half of the campaign will work.

New Focus

Levels 1-10 had a big focus on ‘can I live through these adventures?’ and ‘can I acquire wealth, magic, and knowledge?’. At this point you’re all rich and hard to kill. Although there will be a continued chance of death, as we slide into the end game of levels 11-20, I think the focus will shift to ‘can I effect the people and places I want to impact?’ and ‘can I accomplish my goals to shape the world?’

Kingdom Building

Matt Colville’s ‘Strongholds & Streaming’ book won’t be out in hard copy till February of next year (possibly later if there are more delays). Only one player mentioned kingdom-building / stronghold rules as part of they want to do. I’m inclined to allow holdings to be a more narrative aspect of our game and not get into rules (although we could adapt the Adventures in Middle-earth rules for holdings in the Mirkwood Campaign if we did want formal rules). Next time we do a D&D campaign with a strongholds focus we can start with the strongholds rules at the beginning and then craft the campaign structures around those goals (which probably has you staying local with less globe-trotting and plane-hopping).

World of Redmark MapMass Battles

I do foresee mass battles with 1,000’s of combatants being part of the future in our story, so look for rules on this to come. I’m thinking it’s something similar to my Traveller ship combat rules where characters have an abstracted impact on a game run with miniatures (or tokens), with the option to ‘zoom in’ and do character combat for an additional effect on the overall battle. Stay tuned for rules on this front!

Legacy Leveling

Finally, with all the above in mind, I suggest that once we hit Level 10 we shift to what I’ll call ‘Legacy Leveling’. This is inspired by Adventures in Middle-earth and would work like this:

  • 3 sessions per level (but you advance during next Fellowship Phase): Starting at level 10, you earn the right to level up, but you don’t actually level up until you have your next Fellowship Phase (as declared by the GM). So if you started a dungeon the first session at Level 10 (session #45), and three games later (session #48) you’res still in the dungeon, you’d still be level 10, but with a pending advancement at the next Fellowship Phase. Then at session #50 you take a Fellowship Phase and finally level up. At session #51 you’d have earned another level, and if you took another Fellowship Phase after that session you’d level up again.
  • Narrative Fellowship Phase events: During each Fellowship Phase we’d narrative declare (after some discussion and GM consent) events that took place during the months of the Fellowship Phase. You’ll also hear about news of events in the world that the GM introduces.
  • Random events and loot in the Fellowship Phase: We wouldn’t use mechanics to govern the Fellowship Phase, with one exception. The GM will roll for some random events and magic items from some tables the GM will develop. You’ll get some magic items and have a brief story to tell of adventures that took place off-camera during the Fellowship Phase. If need be, we’ll roll play out a scene and adjudicate results (if for example, you get another ‘bag of holding’ that tries to devour its bearer!).

With this Legacy Leveling structure, at session 75 you’ll be at 20th Level. That puts our campaign coming to an end around the end of 2019, having run a total of about 3 calendar years of gaming.


Redmark Session 41: Steamed Crab

Redmark Date: Third Age – April 20, 1331

The doorway exiting the room with the seaweed monstrosities led our heroes to a hallway that contained two paths – one that would lead to what will be forever known as the Spinning Prophylactic of Doom and another leading to an innocuous doorway. Fearless, the party choose the spinning cylinder and struck forth. Once Ivamel stumbled his way across this slippery, spinning tunnel of ick, he signaled for his companions to follow suit. Where Ivamel stood was a small landing area no larger than 15-20 feet wide and of similar length. One doorway sat ominously to the side and the party attempted to cross (slowly but surely). Quintos attempted to come across first, albeit without any semblance of grace to him. Ivemel noted a handful of times that some of the spaces between stones would move and then be replaced – as if someone were watching the group. Then, with superhuman reaction speed, Ivamel spotted an arrow with only the smallest piece sticking out of the stone wall, aiming at the group. Lunging forward he was able to use his shield to block the arrow and sever the tip at the wall. When Ghost Dancer was on his way across, the door opened suddenly and three combatants surprised our heroes and attacked without warning.

Ghost Dancer was struggling to get across, slipping and sliding across the confusing and ever-moving surface of the Condom of Ever Present Doom. A flaming arrow flew from the adjacent room and hit the greasy surface, setting it alight. Ghost Dancer made it across with little damage, while Ivamel and Quintos approached the new enemies. Lundie followed across the Flaming Condom of Doom with minimal damage but much effort, and Ghost’s axe beak sprinted across with relative ease. An enemy spellcaster flung spells and illusions, taking blows from the powerful warriors and, as a last ditch effort, turned herself into a werewolf. Now across, Lundie approached and began to waylay the evildoers (whose home was invaded…), joining Ivamel, Quintos, and Ghost Dancer in slaying the foes. Beyond the current room lay another smaller room with a chest inside. A few pricey baubles lay within, but most importantly was an ornately made bag. Deciding to investigate the bag further, Lundie peered inside and was abruptly swallowed up to his calves. Being the hero he is, Quintos sprung into action and quickly grabbed Lundie, then teleported some distance away, leaving the bag (named Steve) on the ground, looking for food. A short rest ensued as the party gathered their wits and headed back to the only path still available.

Beyond the other door in the hallway lay a stairwell that led downward into the ground. The party descended the steps, and at the base of the stairs the group continued on the only path available, watching the rock change from worm formed tunnels to finely worked stoneways. The hallways were dark, dank and warm. Turning a corner, our intrepid heroes (in the dark mind you) found themselves at an opening to a large room that expanded out in gradual fashion. Ivamel and Ghost Dancer were without the ability to see very far without some form of light in the pitch blackness of this room, but Lundie and Quintos noticed the widening of the room and the heightening of the ceiling immediately. The room was described as a dome of some sort but the walls seemed…off. Quintos’ amazing ability to see clearly in the dark allowed him to spot three rather large treasure chests at the opposite side of this enormous room. Suddenly three enormous crab-like creatures appeared and attempted to protect the chests from the invaders. Lundie struck enormous blows backed by the glory of Moradin and waded himself into battle with the gigantic crustaceans. Quintos took aim with his spells, his sword, and his phallic dragon wand of lightning – crippling the foes and providing the distraction needed for Ghost Dancer to fly above them. From his lofty perspective, he was able to throw spell after spell at the crabs, aiding those on the ground by distracting, disabling, and damaging the creatures. Ivamel sprung into action and advanced to the closest crab, wielding his fiery sword of death. The sound of metal on exoskeleton and the crackling of lightning filled the domed room to near deafening levels. The melee warriors focused their attacks on one enemy at a time and before long, the final blow was struck and our heroes were left to collect their bounty (Steven included). This is where we pick up our story.

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Creating 1” Magnetic Character Tokens

I did some experimentation with creating one inch tokens for use in games where acquiring minis is expensive or impractical but when you still want something to represent character placement (roughly) on a map.

Supplies needed: 1″ flexible stick-on magnets, a 1″ paper punch, clear Epoxy 1″ Stickers for Bottle Cap Pendants, and some character images sized and printed to fit in 1″ circles.

The hole punch worked well to cut out the images.

The next step is to stick the cutout images on the magnets. I was originally going to add in a layer of a 1″ wood token using a glue stick, but the tokens weren’t quite 1″ so I ended up skipping that step.

Final step was to press on the Epoxy clear stickers which gives the token some weight and makes it easier to grip.

I plan to store these on a small magnetic marker board and use a bigger magnetic marker board to draw rough maps using the tokens for quick character placement. You could pick up the board and the tokens will magnetically stay in place!

Neil Thomas Rules for Black Powder Era Napoleonics Wargames

I’m not sure if or when I’ll get into Black Powder era wargaming, but it’s always interested me (mainly because of my love of the Horatio Hornblower books which fed my interest in the Napoleonic wars).

Napoleonic WargamingAnyway, was doing research for a friend on different rules systems for Napoleonics wargames, since I’ve always loved the simplicity of Neil Thomas’s One Hour Wargame rules. It turns out he has FOUR different sets of rules that could be used for Napoleonic wargaming. Those are (listed from least complex rules to most complex rules):

A quick Google search will give you lots of discussion on these rules systems (for example, this one).

There’s a fairly active Yahoo group for all the Neil Thomas games here that has lots of resources, house rules, and discussion on this topic.

One day when I have more free time I’d love to give these rules more attention 🙂

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