
Tabletop RPG Podcast and Roleplaying Resources

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Dealing with Side-Conversations

I know I’ve had a few conversations over the last year or so about frustration over side conversations and out-of-character chatter. (Although out-of-character conversations and jokes can also be pretty fun!)

Some example issues I’ve seen from the various side-chatter:

  • A player and GM are roleplaying and they can hardly hear each other due to active side-conversations.
  • Players ignore the GM and have a side-conversation and remain clueless minutes later about information they should have known (if only they had paid attention), requiring the GM to repeat the same information again.
  • Jokes and chatter disrupt immersion.
  • GMs and players feel others don’t value their roleplaying since some people aren’t paying attention (this can be interpreted as lack of interest).

Let’s examine each type of side-conversation that happens and consider what changes we can make as a group to make our games more enjoyable.

Types of Side-Conversations

Group Rules Lookup

Often we stop to look up rules, especially ones that are more complex or when our characters are ‘high level’ in D&D type games. My favorite games are ones that flow without the game grinding to the halt while we look up rules (or worse yet, argue over them).

Possible Solutions:

  • Avoid game systems that have crunchy rules
  • Avoid high-level games (e.g. D&D levels 11-20).
  • GM and players to spend more time outside the game reading and understanding the rules.
  • Have a rules master to lookup rules (this still breaks the game, but makes rules lookups faster).
  • Don’t look up rules unless a character’s life is jeopardized. Instead, defer to the GM to make table rulings. If a GM is getting a rule wrong, don’t call them on it. Discuss the rule after the game (or one a break), and look to improve the rule during the next game.

Solo Rules Lookups

This is a variation on the above. Players don’t ask others about a rule, but just look them up themselves privately. Or maybe they are looking at character options when they level up or some such. This can be an annoying situation if the player zones out, finds something cool, and then in their eagerness interrupts the entire group roleplaying to share what they’ve just learned.

Possible Solutions:

  • Don’t interrupt others. Wait until a break or at least until your turn during combat.

Character Not in the Scene

When we split the party, players whose characters aren’t in the scene often feel at liberty to have conversations at full volume, both competing with the GM and players in that scene. One can argue that players should not be hearing what is going on in that scene and that this is appropriate, but I think GM should either (1) take players to another room to run the scene if it’s ‘private’, or (2) expect all players in the room to pay attention since they’ll get the recap on the scene from a character later anyway, thus saving on time.

Possible Solutions:

  • Players don’t have conversations in scenes where their character is absent. Instead, listen to the roleplaying.
  • If a conversation is necessary (e.g. a fellow player’s rules question), talk in whispers, or by electronic device PM, or by passing a note (although even whispered side conversations can be distracting if they cause laughter, etc.).

Questions / Strategy

Sometimes players have out-of-character questions (especially if they are learning the system) and ask their neighbor questions about the game rules or setting.

Possible Solutions:

  • Try to not talk to neighbor unless it’s a break.
  • If you must talk, talk in whispers.

In-Character Humor

Generally humor, if done in character, is great! Where it breaks down is if it’s not really in-character humor, i.e. making a snarky remark (that sort of is against the tone of the game or that character) and then saying afterwards, “My character didn’t say that.”

Possible Solutions:

  • Stay in character.

Out of Character Humor

This is a tough one. In a humorous, non-serious game like ‘It Came From The Late, Late, Late Show’, ‘Midearth/Bored of the Rings’, or perhaps ‘Johny Quest’, laughing both in and out of character is probably just fine. For serious game though (i.e. most games we play), out of character humor may be funny, but that humor is at the expense of immersion.

Possible Solutions:

  • Discuss the tone of each campaign with the group and establish expectation about if out-of-character humor is allowed or not. If it’s a serious game, avoid out-of-character humor which disrupts immersion.

Non-Game Chatter

This is a catch-all bucket of any other non-in-character chatter that happens. Anything from a GM reminiscing about the old days, or someone talking about how good the snacks are.

Possible Solutions:

  • Don’t engage in non-game chatter. Wait for a break to make your comments.
  • If you do this, do it in a whisper.


This is especially true in combat players will ask others what they think they should do, thereby ‘strategizing’ while out of characters rather than simply doing what their characters would do. Note that there is a closely related, but very different thing I think, situation where a player simply doesn’t know a rule (or forgot the rule) and is asking players how the rule works.

Possible Solutions:

  • Don’t strategize out-of-character. Do what your character would do. Have your character shout quick phrases on their turn if they want to formulate a plan with other characters.
  • If you don’t know a rule, either (1) wait till a break (if it’s not in combat), or (2) wait until it’s your turn and ask the rules question to the entire group.

Final Recommendations

Consolidating the above, here are some ideas on things we could consider adopting as part of our social contract.

Game System Rules

  • GM and players should spend time outside the game reading and understanding the rules.
  • Ask rules questions on a break or on your combat turn. Specifically, if you don’t know a rule, either (1) wait till a break (if it’s not in combat), or (2) wait until it’s your turn and ask the rules question to the entire group.
  • No-Lookups Option: In some campaigns, rule that you don’t look up rules unless a character’s life is in jeopardy. Instead, defer to the GM to make table rulings. If a GM is getting a rule wrong, don’t call them on it. Discuss the rule after the game (or one a break), and look to improve the rule during the next game.
  • Rules-Master Option: In campaigns where you decide you want to allow rules lookups, have a player be the Rules Master to lookup rules. A player announcing his rules question during a break or during their turn in combat, and the Rules Master looks it up, waiting until the next logical break to announce their findings.


  • Don’t strategize out-of-character. Do what your character would do. Have your character shout quick phrases on their turn if they want to formulate a plan with other characters.

Speaking Out of Turn

  • Stay in character.
  • Don’t interrupt others. Wait until a break or at least until your turn during combat to speak to the group.
  • Players should not have side conversations in scenes where their character is absent. Instead, listen to the roleplaying.
  • Do not talk to your neighbor unless it’s a break.
  • If a conversation is necessary, talk in whispers, or by electronic device PM, or by passing a note (although even whispered side conversations are distracting if they cause laughter, etc.).


  • Discuss the tone of each campaign with the group and set expectations on if you want to allow out-of-character humor or not. If it’s a serious game, avoid out-of-character humor which disrupts immersion.

Stan’s Alternate Death Rules

In D&D and other games, I’ve found that having a character die can be deflating, especially if it’s near the end of a campaign. I’ve discussed a ‘Taken Out’ rule variant with my Thursday group (which we’ve adopted for my Redmark campaign), but I’ll list some other house rules for dealing with Character Death. Let me know what you think. I’ll probably use one of these variants for any future games and campaigns I run.

1. Instant Death

This is rules-as-written in most games. Once you mechanically die, your character is dead (unless magically resurrected), and this happens instantly. Note that this can be deflating or awkward if it happens early in a game session and the player doesn’t have a new character ready to play.

2. Mortal Wound

Once you mechanically die, your character is marked for death and you’ll cross the threshold soon. The GM will tell you when. Generally your character will stabilize and become conscious but with a mortal wound that cannot be healed. The GM may allow you to play your character until the end of that game session or whenever your GM determines makes the best narrative sense, with no chance of resurrection.

3. Taken Out

When you’re character mechanically dies, the GM give the player a choice: your character can die (your GM will tell you when), or they can be Taken Out. Taken Out means you give the GM temporary extra narrative control over the scene which supersedes other rules. The character doesn’t die but is knocked unconscious and dragged off by monsters, mind-controlled by a mesmerist and flees as an ally of their new master, incapacitated by disease and powerless to move without healing, or other similar outcome. The surviving ally characters cannot intervene to prevent this from happened; it simply happens, and with the character off-scene, the surviving characters have a new quest: to save or heal the affected character. Note that being taken out doesn’t mean there is no consequence. The character may lost their possessions and return forever changed by their experience.

4. Last Breath

When you’re dying you take your Last Breath. You catch a glimpse of the afterlife or the celestial world that awaits (the GM will describe it). Then roll 2d6 (just roll, no modifiers).

On a 10 or higher, you’ve cheated death — you’re in a bad spot but you’re still alive and stabilized.

On a 7–9, a celestial power will offer you a bargain. Take the pact and stabilize or refuse and pass into the realm of Death. The bargain will usually be a quest that will come at great cost, often changing your character’s personality and goals.

On 6 or lower, your fate is sealed. You’re marked for death and you’ll cross the threshold soon. The GM will tell you when. Generally your character will stabilize and become conscious but with a mortal wound that cannot be healed. The GM may allow you to play your character until the end of that game session or whenever your GM determines makes the best narrative sense.

The Last Breath is that moment standing between life and death. Time stands still and the dying character glimpses the afterlife. This could be anything from a Force Ghost, a guardian angel, or Death himself. Even those who do not pass beyond into eternity catch a glimpse of the other side and what might await them — friends and enemies past, rewards or punishment for acts in life or other, stranger vistas. All are changed in some way by this moment—even those who escape.

The key thing to remember is that a brush with death, succeed or fail, is a significant moment that should always lead to change.

(Above text was inspired by Dungeon World. Note that this allows you to play out the scene where Luke has a force vision when dying on Hoth, or Thorin is dying and having a monologue after the Battle of Five Armies in The Hobbit.)

5. Heroes Never Die

Best used in games with Superpowers or in a campaign of high pulp, with this rule, characters who die don’t actually die but instead are unconscious and stabilized, and will regain consciousness after the current scene.

Redmark Session 51: A Feast Fit For A … Well Us

Redmark Date: Third Age—May 17, 1332

A feast fit for a … well us

Outside the pylon, Marcus creates a feast for all to enjoy which grants several magical resistances for the party.

Elran notices that the pommel of the dagger that Katarina used to kill the avatar of Thadus Dool has an Alpha & Omega symbols on it and that it is also loose.  Upon looking inside the pommel, he finds a letter from Sister Sophia to Ghost Dancer. This letter talks of orc raiding parties attacking the city of Stonehelm.

Fire Willow proceeds to give the party a primer of the “Prophecy of Decimus”.  Which seems to indicate that the orcish attacks are indeed following the prophecy.

Marcus gets bored os his own feast and the party’s discussions around going to Omnidia or looking into the attacks at Stronghelm and he begins to interact with the console inside the pylon.

The rest of the party decides that as long as we hold three of the stones Thadus Dool cannot control Threa as he needs all seven.

Marcus gets the group moving to Omnidia.

When all else fails; just holler

The party arrives in Omnidia.  It appears to be a jungle with mountains to the north and south.  As if the party was in a valley.

With no leads on the direction of Lundie’s uncle.  Mundie starts to yell out the name of his uncle “Dundulk!!!  Dundulk!!! It’s Lundie … where are you???” This draws the attention of an owlbear which the party quickly dispatches.

Owlbear attack!
Quintos and Marcus have the idea a better way to find Dundulk might be to Scry on him using the crystal ball that Quintos has with him.  Quinton does this and sees Dundulk in a prison cell. Quinton then uses the crystal ball to communicate with Dundulk.

Dundalk talks of “metal men” of both red and white that attacked his party and now imprison him and torture him.

Dundalk says to the best of his knowledge the other pylon is buried deep within the temple of Hygog.

Shortly after the party is attacked by a wizard in red and several war robots.

Mech Attack!

With well placed Hunger of Hadar spell by Quintos, Marcus’s spiritual guardians, Lundie smiting with his warhammer, and Elran sending fireballs at the foes.  The party finds their first encounter with these metal men, “manageable”. That said, they stay alert and weary, but continue on to the Temple of Hygog.

(See all photos from the game)

Loot Report


Redmark Session 48: These Blessings Are Really a Curse

Redmark Date: Third Age—April 21, 1331

Quintos, Marcus, and Lundie notice that they have a second shadow. Ghost Dancer and Ivamel quickly deduce that the three weapons from within the mountain are now causing a an extra shadow to be cast.

Lundie casts Protection from Evil on himself which causes pain for Whelm (the cursed warhammer).

Trying to deduce more about these three cursed weapons Lundie uses a gift of Moradin, Divine Sense, and finds out that the weapons are each inhabited by a Bahl Mimar (a fallen angel).

Trying his best to free the group from these items; Lundie takes out a vial of holy water, creates a circle with it and casts Magic Circle hoping to kep the fiends inside the circle. As Lundie, Quintos, and Marcus try to leave the circle, they cannot let loose of the weapons and keep them trapped within.

Once Magic Circle fails, Ghost Dancer has the idea to ask Fire Willow if she might know anything about the Bahl Mimar. Fire Willow proceeds to give a short dissertation on the Bahl Mimar to the group. They learn that the three weapons are imbued with the spirit of three fallen sisters. Black Razer is inhabited by Mallfesta, Whelm is inhabited by Zullfesta, and Wave is inhabited by Trifesta.

Fire Willow confirms that the weapons need to be taken to the temple outside of Mystkar which will change the weapons back into Bahl Minari. Fire Willow says this should cause the weapons to turn back into Bahl Minri and allow for them to be defeated … in theory.

You’ve seen one temple, you’ve seen them all

When the group enters the temple they find runes on the floor. Ivamel remembers that these runes match those from the portal in the center of the lava filled room on the island of Vrindensia.

The group enters the runes together and are transported to a room with a fire ceiling and obsidian walls. Three women, one in each corner, are in the room; the group in the fourth corner. In the middle of the room in a pile is all of the equipment of the party.

Once the battle ensues one of the sisters cast Power Word Kill on Ghost Dancer and his body falls to the floor below, laying among many other skeletons.

Having noticed that Quintos’s copy of the Vulgate was glowing, Lundie reads from it and this seems to have an ill-effect on the three sisters.

Quintos & Ivamel are able to kill Zullfesta.

Ivamel then becomes a blinding flurry of steel and slays the second sister Malfesta.

Once Malfesta is slain, the final sister Trifesta, teleports away; taking the shards of her sisters with her.

Loot Report

  • Dwarven Thrower
  • A SWORD – A sword that BLACK RAZER turned into
  • A TRIDENT – A trident Wave turned into

2nd Half 2019 Campaign

I listed a few of the top campaigns I’d like to run someday to the Thursday night crew. Sounds like the tentative plan is for me to fast-track finish the main Redmark campaign (level each session till the end), and then move on to a Traveller campaign, starting with Mason, then transitioning to me.


I rate each of the campaigns below on four points (Sandbox, Recurring NPCs, Campaign Module available, Minis Prep) and give each a score of 1-4, with 4 being the best).

Sandbox City Campaigns

  • 2/4 Redmark City Campaign (D&D) [Sandbox: High, Recurring NPCs: High, Campaign Module: No, Minis Prep: Yes] — Levels 1-8 game set in city-state of Redmark.
  • 3/4 Crimefighters (Fate Core or Icons) [Sandbox: High, Recurring NPCs: High, Campaign Module: No, Minis Prep: No] — Mid-30’s alternate reality Super Noir setting, this time set in NY City.

Space Opera

  • 3/4 Star Wars: Brak Sector Rebels (WEG d6 1e) [Sandbox: Medium, Recurring NPCs: Medium, Campaign Module: Yes, Minis Prep: No]
    — The Brak Sector is a sector of space that serves as a staging area for Imperial Navy missions into the Outer Rim Territories. Rebel forces have made substantial gains in this former mining sector. You play Rebels undertaking missions for the Alliance in this part-Sandbox/part-military-missions campaign.

Hard Sci-Fi Campaigns

  • 4/4 Eris Beta-V (Imperium RPG, Traveller, or Rarescape) [Sandbox: High, Recurring NPCs: High, Campaign Module: Yes, Minis Prep: No]
    — Think Firefly or The Expanse. A team of explorers investigates a magnificent ringed gas giant with its numerous moons. Ancient artifacts of enormous power can be found among the rings and asteroids. Every moon is a unique world to be explored. When the system’s valuable commerce is threatened by unscrupulous agencies, the team must root them out and put themselves at great risk on the icy fringes of interstellar space.
  • 3.5/4 Scientorium (Imperium RPG, Traveller, or Rarescape) [Sandbox: Medium, Recurring NPCs: High, Campaign Module: Yes, Minis Prep: No]
    — Hidden away by sheer distance and forever shrouded from the minds of the curious lies a mammoth artifact from the previous galactic age, the library of Scientorium. Its strange experience chambers offer passage to a million histories on a million worlds, secrets and technologies undreamed of. Now abandoned by all but its automated security systems and enigmatic caretakers, its workings are oddly twisted and jealous, meting out reward and punishment in equal measure. This is a classic science fiction saga, an epic journey across space and time in the vein of Niven or Heinlein!

Fantasy Campaigns

  • 2.5/4 Middle-earth: Eriador Adventures (Adventures in Middle-earth/5e) [Sandbox: Low, Recurring NPCs: Medium, Campaign Module: Yes, Minis Prep: No]
    — While our Saturday group adventures East of the Misty Mountain, to the West in Eriador, other mysteries await. Delve into the ruins of overgrown Fornost, walk amidst the cairns of the Barrow-downs and venture to the lair of the Witch-king of Angmar himself, the ancient city of Carn Dûm — if you have the courage!


Sandbox City Campaigns

  • Mage Cops™ (Rarescape) — Wizard constables tackle crimes-of-the-week in NYC. I do want to run this someday, but want to wait till Rarescape is out of Beta and is stable and robust.
  • Dresden Files (Dresden Files Accelerated or Dresden Files RPG (older Fate edition)) — Original Dresden Files universe characters in a city TBD. (Holding off till I read more of the books).

Pulp / Space Opera

  • John Carter of Mars: Phantom of Mars (Modiphius 2d20 system, simpler than the Star Trek 2d20 system) — Uncover the nefarious conspiracy of the mysterious organization known as the Eidolon as you adventure your way across Barsoom to save the people of the dying planet. Phantoms of Mars will take your heroes on a journey full of pulp-action, intrigue and heroism as they race to uncover the Eidolon conspiracy and see just how far it has spread. (Would be great for theater-of-the-mind and podcast Actual Play, so holding off for now).

Hard Sci-Fi Campaigns

  • Blood & Steel (Imperium RPG, Traveller, or Rarescape) — After investigating a space anomaly, a group of fighter pilots find themselves on a starhopping quest to save humanity. (Think Battlestar Galactica) (Not very sandbox, and not a lot of recurring NPCs)

Fantasy Campaigns

  • World of Redmark: Caress of Steel (D&D 5e) New sandbox D&D campaign based on the 80’s Rush albums ‘Caress of Steel’ and ‘Fly By Night’. (Not on the table for now due to work required to run this)
  • Middle-earth: 4th Age Quest (Adventures in Middle-earth/5e) – Adventure in Middle-Earth a millennium before the Lord of the Rings. “Know this, people of Gondor: were it not for the selfless souls in Arnor who with flashing blades and spilled life-blood fought against the Witch-King and his foul blight in Angmar, our free lands would not have known peace, and our bright cities would long ago have crumbled into forgotten ruins.” (Deferred to after Mirkwood campaign)

Mini-Campaigns (~ 3-6 sessions)

  • The Secrets of Cats (Rarescape or Fate) — You play magic cats secretly working to save the world.
  • Firefly: Civil War (Firefly Cortex Plus or Rarescape RPG) — Epic mini-campaign conclusion to a Firefly campaign Todd, Mason and Stan were running a few years back.
  • Reich America: The Shadow Covenant (Rarescape RPG) — Resistance fighters uncover a terrifying secret about the Final Reich.
  • Solomon Kane (1600’s Fantasy/Horror/Monster-Hunters) — (Rarescape RPG) — Cut a righteous path in a world of evil! You have seen the path to redemption, a road paved in the blood and bones of the evil you must defeat to save the world from its unholy taint. Face that which preys on men’s dreams, their fears, and their very souls. Walk The Path of Kane. Your enemies span the globe, reaching out from every shadowy corner of all four continents. Men, magic, and monsters of the darkest hearts and basest desires threaten the very world you tread. Humanity is lost without the will and steel of good folk like you.
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