
Tabletop RPG Podcast and Roleplaying Resources

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DC Heroes vs. DC Adventures (Mutants & Masterminds)

I’ve been doing a bit of reading on DC Heroes and its history and also reading up on Mutants and Masterminds (aka M&M, which is the generic version of Green Ronin’s ‘DC Adventures’; it’s the same system, but one has the DC characters and the other doesn’t). Based on forum posts and reading through the rules (and having played M&M 2e several years ago, but not having played DC Heroes), here’s my observations on the two systems. Continue reading

House Rules for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game (WEG d6 1st Edition)

I use the Wild Die from 2e, but have several other house rules, including using tokens to track damage. What house rules do you use? Here are details on mine.

  1. Wild Die — Per 2e/REUP rules. 6 explodes, 1 means something bad / interesting happens.
  2. Initiative and Action Economy — Conventional, D&D style initiative based on Dexterity rolls, no declarations of actions before your turn, when you act you perform all actions you declare (if taking 3 actions, all 3 resolve on your turn).
  3. Stun — Incapacitated if current stuns >= # of Strength dice.
  4. Minions — GM can introduce opponents such as low-level stormtroopers that are incapacitated with any hit, without the normal Stunned / Wounded / Incapacitated progression.
  5. Jedi/No Jedi — All PCs are Jedi, or none are Jedi. Solves balancing issues. I allow players to troupe-play a Jedi however; they rotate controlling and leveling the character and play they Jedi that week instead of (or in addition to) their own PC.
  6. Droids — No droid PCs.
  7. Distance — 1″ = 1m. Use battlemats with a grid or use a measuring tape or ruler.
  8. Tokens to Track Conditions — I use minis or 1″ round tokens to track character’s conditions even if I’m using relative positioning without precise measurements. To track damage, I use the following 1″ poker chips or other tokens: Stunned (1+ green chips), Wounded (Yellow chip (can act) or Red chip (can’t act)), Incapacitated (Skull Token), Mortally Wounded (2 Skull Tokens). I also track Prone (lay the model down on the table to indicate they are prone / crawling), and Dodge (Dodge action is tracked using special acrylic Dodge tokens from Litko). I outsource the tracking of these conditions to a ‘Battlemaster’ and ease my GM cognitive load.

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