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Category: 50 Fathom Adventure Log (Page 7 of 8)

50 Fathoms: Session 07-Trouble in Jomba Town Part 2


Trouble in Jomba Town Part 2


  • Mordecai
  • Liam
  • Daxon
  • Bracus

Date: 7-19-15

XP: 2


The crew continued on the Ghost Trail, briefly stopping at Calib’s Rock to weather a storm. While waiting the storm out they met a local drunk named Owen McDougal which regaled many tall tales but also told his story of finding a strange pit in the jungle. He swears there is pirate gold below but none of the locals believe him. Not wanting to waste time on a local drunkard’s tale the group continued down the ‘Trail.

Reaching Tuck they bought and sold some produce and Daxson stumbled upon “The Clockwork House” run by Joshua Goldstein. He happened to be trying to produce a working Chronometer here in Caribdus and was amazed by the quality and rarity of Daxson’s chronometer he had been carrying around. He sought Daxson’s helps calibrating by gathering sunset, noon, and sunrise measurements and bringing these back to Joshua.

On the last leg of their journey the crew is finally approaching Caresia and are waylaid by a group of strange people with very distinctive tattoo markings covering their body. They heard the Crew was asking questions about Ian and wanted to see the reason. The Crew is surprised to learn that Jomba had a son and even more surprised to see he is a huge Graul name Eti. Eti, who is covered in Maori tattoos, told them the tale of how Jomba saved Eti while whaling and adopted him. He also told of how kind Jomba had founded the free “Jomba Town” and how his father was killed and those closest to him scattered by the new Council. The group now fights for the freedom of slaves and hope one day to take Jomba town back. They call themselves the Kaumatau (elder in Maori) and follow Jombas culterate herititate a sign of respect and independence. Eti pledged to help take down Ian and tells the Crew they he frequents the “One-Eyed Jax” (seedy Tavern).

Heading into Caresia and directly to the tavern, Liam decides to boldly proclaim he is looking for Ian and a bar fight shortly follows. After mopping up resistance the Crew finds out that Ian, when in town, stays at a brothel called “The Rusty Nail”. Using subterfuge they find out that Ian isn’t present but is right hand man Gorgio is.

Easily catching Gorgio with his pants down, they question him and discover Ians’ hidden encampment and details of his slave trade. Ian has setup a deal with the Kieran Empire to supply “prisoners” to work in the slave mines. He has forged documents showing these pour souls arrest and “legally” supplies these prisoners to the Kieran Empire to work in the Croaker Mines. Gorgio also gives the Crew a plan of the base and location.

Mordecai, who normally quiet, is enraged by the slavers careless disregard for life and sentences him to death. Much to the surprise of the group he offers him absolution for his sins and declares his life is forfeit. Gorgio leaps for his weapon and Mordecia easily slays him.

The Crew now is making plans on the assault on Ian’s strong hold.


This road from Jomba Town seems to never end. While I don’t question our decision to investigate the mysteries of this trail, especially with a $2,500 reward on the line, I do question leaving 3 holds of food on our boat with our crew. I’m going to try and make up some of this lost cash along the way… although that food may rot before we can sell any of it.
I was able to sell off our load of sugar cane and purchase a load of fruit. So far, we’re up $75 and if I can manage to sell this load for a profit, we should see our original investment double. At least it’s giving me something to do while we investigate this road.

Day 2:
Damn this fruit. Nobody wants it. It appears that a shipment of the stuff arrived at port the same day as we did, and the price is terrible. I fear I may be taking a loss on this load, but perhaps if I can piece it out along the way, we can at least break even.
Some people are so touchy about it too… “You dare ask me if I want to buy fruit at a time like this?” Of course I do, you idiot. I carved the heart out of a zombie dinosaur, do you really want a piece of this? I want to sell you fruit!
That’s what I thought.
Some battles happened, but I don’t make money from fighting… I need to sell this fruit.
If we stay on dry land much longer, I suspect I’ll be cured of my seasickness, so it’s not all bad.


I do not like Jomba Town. Really it is the people that I do not like. Actually it is just the people in charge of Jomba Town. The town itself is actually quite nice. It is in a great location, mostly sheltered from storms, pretty much impossible to assualt from sea, and if what Equias says is true about the seas continuing to rise, it will be one of the last places to flood. But that council seemed like bad news from our very first encounter with them. They have dirty hands, and I doubt we have had our last dealing with them.

I had no idea that the town of Tuck would bring me such good fortune. I do not know why Mr. Joshua Goldstein chose that little town to open his Clockwork House, but I am glad to have stumbled upon it. I have carried Fletcher Christian’s clock with me everywhere I went for the last eight years because I knew it had to be special even though I could not make it work. Mr. Joshua said it is a marine chronometer that ship captains can use for very perfect navigation, but it does not work here because it is from Earth. He says he can make it work if we get him some measurements, but I was reluctant to part with my clock and leave it for him repair. It has been with me for a long time now and I feel it is important. I will hand it over to him when we return with his measurements. That is, if we return. I have not even told Captain Liam about this little treasure of mine and these measurements will require some sailing, a lot of sailing. I do wonder if Equias could help us make the recordings though. Brachus seemed very interested in doing business with Mr. Joshua. I will trust his judgement on that arrangement, but if we can make good money that way, I feel it would be better than transporting illegal goods or chasing ghosts and murderers.

For now our ghost chase continues. When Eti’s men stopped us on the trail, I feared they worked for Ian O’Connell. I am not sure we would have won a fight against them with their men in the woods getting the drop on us. My heart broke to witness Eti’s pain when we told him of Jomba’s fate and our encounter on the trail. I have known that kind of sorrow.

He and his men may be able to help us set this situation to right. I feel that it has become more than a job to us, except maybe to the crab. But better that, as the more we learn about this rotten business, the more I feel we are unlikely to be paid. This business is more rotten than the crab’s cart of fruit. heh heh heh

Ian’s trail led us to Caresia. I had hopes we had finally caught up to him at the Rusty Nail, but instead we found his second in command and more trouble than we have ever had before. That is saying a lot. Basically… we are murderers now. I mean, he was a bad guy. But yeah, we are bad guy murderers. I had no idea the wind mage had it in him. We have really swam into the net this time.



Captains Log

Oh, how I miss my boat. Or our boat rather. I have to remind myself that she belongs to each of us in equal measure. At least when it comes to deciding where to go, what jobs to take, and how we split the profits. But not a man on board knows her as I do. Or the sea for that matter. Hah. Most every sailor I’ve met takes one or two women on almost every island they visit as a mistress. My ship and the sea are mine in this alien world, just as they were on earth. It is a different ship than before, to be sure, but I still love her. As I will my next one. Hm. Maybe it’s more what she represents than the ship itself. Regardless, I’m anxious to return to sea. If not for the situation in Jamba Town, I’d have already voted to head back. These council members, though, are being revealed more and more to be tyrants to the core. After having fought to be free of one myself, I’ll not turn my back on others who seek the same. To that end I push forward and now make plans to assault a makeshift fort. I sure hope someone in our group knows something about such fights, because I know little of engagements on land. Luckily, a gun kills just as well on land as on see. So I can still do my part.

Now, I’ve heard it said that throughout a mans life come various moments that will forever define us. I believe that Mordecai just had such a moment. Before my eyes…before all of our eyes, he unleashed his vengeful furry on a captured slaver and spilled his guts all over the floor. I never doubted his ability or willingness to kill when necessary. This, while understandable given his past enslavement, wasn’t particularly necessary. I just hope it isn’t the beginning of a dark path for him. I’ve come to respect both his and Rodrigo’s dedication to the faith. Seeing Mordecai stray down a dark path would be a terrible thing.

Here’s hoping we can wrap up our business here soon.

Captian Liam McCormic



50 Fathoms: Session 06-Trouble in Jomba Town Part 1

Jomba Town_1

Trouble in Jomba Town: Part 1


  • Mordecai
  • Liam
  • Rodrigo
  • Daxon
  • Barchus

Date: 6-20-15

XP: 2


Trying to make a milk run the Crew decided to head to Jomba Town for a quick cargo run.

While there they discovered that the Ghost Trail, a inland trade route connecting Jomba to Calibs Rock and Tuck. The Ghost Trail has been haunted for some time, but recently people have wound up dead and the Crew managed to get a bounty raised for its resolution. While exploring Jomba, the Crew managed to make some enemies with the one of the many corrupt Councilor’s. This pompous Swede was upset that Rodrigo was providing free food and healing services. After a short scrap with the Swede’s hired thugs Liam and Daxson managed to convince the thugs to leave Rodrigo alone.

Hitting the Ghost Trail the Crew investigating the recently deceased and interviewing the families they discovered a connection: Only people that were killed had red hair. The attacks always came at nightfall to those with red hair.

Setting up a trap for the killer ghost, Liam dyed his hair red and waited till sundown. Hearing a haunting sea shanty the ghost of Jomba himself appeared and attacked the group. With the quick thinking of the Mages they were able to bind Jomba in the mortal realm and reason with him. He divulged that an Irish slaver named Ian O’Connel killed him to get him “out of the way” and he was cursed to attack any redheads on the trail. He didn’t know the damage he caused but was mindless in his ghostly form. The body of Ian must be laid on the road to release Jumba from his torture.

Armed with the information the Crew is now gearing up for manhunt.





Captain’s log,

I find myself, for the first time in a long while, at a lose regarding what to make note of.

In coming here, I survived the unsurvivable. I watched men I knew and commanded, men who trusted me, drown or get eaten by some unknown sea monster. Since arriving, I’ve been ship wreck twice and lost at sea in equal measure. I’ve seen blood sacrifices summon an abomination. A monster tried to eat me and we’re now fighting our SECOND ghost.

The crew believes me fearless and ever confident. Unmoved by these horrors and trials we face. And right they should. But I must confess, it is by no small effort. If truth be told, to see such nightmares given life has shaken me to my core and brought into question all I believed true about reality. If the crew were to ever learn this. Well, losing faith in ones captain can and will be the death of a crew and I’ll be damned if I let that happen. These men – Crow, Mordecai, Rodrigo, Daxson, Brachus, John, Mongrel, Miguel, Cara, Cais, and Equais – are my crew, my Caribdus family. Even if it cost me my life, they will have a captain they can trust and depend on. I only hope and pray none of us end up cursed to roam this world as a lost and vengeful soul like poor Jomba.

Captain Liam McCormic.


All we wanted was a bigger boat.  The higher pay of this job to hike down the ghost trail from Jomba Town seemed like the best way to get there, but I wonder if it would have been quicker to just make the milk runs as the priest calls them. He is an interesting guy. Every time we port he disappears and we never see him til it is time to leave. I have been wondering what he could be up to so I tagged along this time. It seems he has been feeding and healing people. All kinds of people. Anyone. I do not understand what he is up to or what purpose this serves. Though many people appreciate the free meal or the healing, it seems to stir up trouble too. I must keep an eye on this priest and determine what his end game is.

50 Fathoms: Session 05-Calling Redbeard Rufus..


Calling Redbeard Rufus..



  • Mordecai
  • Liam
  • Rodrigo
  • Daxon

Date: 5-30-15

XP: 3


Shortly after leaving Stumpy Pete’s “Island of Death” with a cargo loot the ship encountered a terrible storm. While in the storm Crow spotted a battered Galleon rising out of the water and heading straight towards them, seemingly not affected by the raging storm. The Galleon pulled along side of the ship and lowered two gangplanks. Standing on the deck and glaring at the crew was none other than the dread ghost pirate Redbeard Rufus. Hearing shouts but seeing no pirates the Crew prepared themselves. Rushing over the gangplanks and appearing out of thin air ghostly pirates started attacking the the Crew. Over the din the Heros heard Redboard yell “Find whats mine and then sink the ship”

Heroically the Crew was able to repel the invaders taking advantage of the Mages elemental ranged attacks at Redbeard and giving them time to escape. This lead to a chase at sea with the ghost ship following and Daxon nearly being washed overboard. After a long sea battle and expert piloting the ship was about to out pace the Galleon and make for a safe Harbor in New Madrid.

While in New Madrid resting Rodrigo and Daxon spend time trying to find some answers about Redbeard. They discover that he was a horrible pirate that murdered, pillaged and ravaged across the lands until finally captured by the Kieran fleet. It was said he wore a golden triangle on his neck and when they tried to hang him he would not die. So the ended up cutting his head off and both his head and triangle tumbled into the sea. It is rumored he has a massive horde of treasure somewhere and he roams the seas looking for his lost. His final words in life was a curse upon himself that he will never rest until he recovered his lost loot.












Dearest Abuela,

Today my heart soars, so I intend to rhyme,

The Poem of the Sad Ghost Pirate

A ruthless ghost pirate sailed out of the mist,
a magical triangle his crew did insist,
he wouldn’t take nay,
he wouldn’t back down,
he sent all his men,
we marked them to slay.

He called out his name, Rufus Red Beard!
as if by the name we would be afraid,
But he made a great error,
he attacked us before,
he was able to know,
that this crew has God’s favor.

His ghosts were defeated and the specters undone,
Even Rufus was touched, and our day clearly won.
With fist in the air
and a hearty heavy ho,
we departed the thief,
none worse for the wear.



Captain Liam showed a great deal of confidence in me to stand in his stead as we left the island. He was in no shape as they dragged him aboard. He was right cavalier about the whole incident but to hear the priest tell it, Liam near died out there. They may all have bought it had it not been for the crab. I refrained from telling anyone so. No need and besides, they recovered old Stumpy’s treasure and came through it like we always do – by the skin of our teeth but still standing tall. I do wonder what more they may have brought aboard with all that gold – curses, bad omens, and the sea hags know what else.

We made quick time away from the cursed island. The wind mage once again coaxed more knots from our modest vessel than I would ever thought possible. Was I too proud at the helm as we plowed through fair seas? Surely Captain Liam would not have missed the signs that a storm was brewing, but it overtook my vigilance with unnatural speed. I lashed myself to the wheel and began barking orders to the crew. If the boys doubted me, they did not show it.

The CROW was the first to spot the ghost ship. I swear the waves did not touch her, and not a soul was on board save for the captain. The visitors did not know what to make of him, but every child of Caribdus has heard the bedtime stories of Rufus Redbeard. As ruthless as they come, and he did not disappoint. The crew could barely man their stations before the ghost ship was upon us. Try as I did to maneuver away, the massive ship mirrored every move and loomed over us. This crew has been through some tight spots, but I knew we would not come through this without a miracle.

That miracle shook off a gaping head wound and took the wheel from my hands. One look into his eyes and I stood aside for The Captain. He has a way with the ship and the waves, and the men respond to his commands like no other. What he did in the middle of that storm with Hell’s Galleon bearing down on us cannot be described. Even so, they boarded us. Undead pirates bent on claiming something from the treasure we took. They would not have it this day. I will not call this crew ragtag ever again. Though we are still unknown, our reputation grows.

Spirits were high after defeating the legendary Redbeard, but no one would deny being relieved once we made port back in New Madrid. I was able to meet up with Gop and trade for some information about the golden triangle that was among Stumpy’s treasure. Apparently it once belonged to Rufus Redbeard and he is cursed to roam the afterlife in search of it. I really do not want to end up as another ghost tale told to scare children.


Captain’s Log,

That monster left me with a ripe ol’headache. So when we returned to the ship I gave the helm to Daxson and went to me cabin to sleep some of it off. I would have given anything for glass of good scotch, but the drink is a rare thing here in Caribdus.

I was sleepin like a baby that’s been sipping on granddaddy’s brew when I woke to a flurry of noise and activity on the deck. I could tell we were in the midst of a storm, but storms have never bother me. It was the nature of the commotion. It wasn’t the norm for a wee storm. So I threw me boots on and came out to see what the bloody hell was going on.

Turns out we were being chased by some banged up ship. It was a strange sight, to be sure. She cut through the water like something possessed and was gaining on us fast. I ran up to the wheel to take charge and put some distance between us and that ghost ship. Lady luck wasn’t with me and the hellish ship caught up to us. The only sole on board was a lone fella that had to be the captain. And the bastard wasn’t steering. Nope. The ship just knew it’s coarse. Like it was alive, itself. I’ll never admit it to the crew, cause they’ve got to have faith in their captain, but the sight gave me chills down to me very bones.

When it pulled up next to us and dropped planks, I couldn’t believe what I saw. An entire crew of men started appearing out of thin air as they rushed aboard. Everyone kept their heads, focused on their task, and we broke free. It was easy enough to lose the bloody thing after that.

The crew performed admirably. I’d say they deserve a round a drinks on me at the next tavern. And to have their deeds officially recorded.

Mordecai and Rodrigo gave that ghostly captain more than he bargained for. I’ll never forget the look on his face when they unleashed the full force of their gifts on him and his. For men of the cloth, they pack quite a punch. In some ways, they remind me of some of the clergymen that joined the revolution. Kind hearted souls as gentle as a kitten until you cross the line. Then they’re all fire and brimstone and full of piss and vinegar.

Daxson danced all about the melee and sent more of those spawns of hell into the drink than most men would’ve. Before it all started, he handled the Abrams well during the storm. He consistently proves to have been a wise choice for 1st mate. I’ll need to have him work on his footing, though. The poor lad fell over board at one point and I thought we’d lost him. He managed to grab a rope at the last minute and saved himself. That lad has more lives than a cat.

Old Captian Redbeard, Daxson filled me in on who that ghost was, had the wind knocked out of his sails this day. I doubt this’ll be the last time we the bastard.

Captain Liam





50 Fathoms: Session 04-Adventures of Stumpy Pete, Part 2

Adventures of Stumpy Pete, Part 2




  • Mordecai: Human Air Mage Puritan from Earth
  • Liam: Human Shipmaster from Earth
  • Barchus: Scurillian merchant and Super native
  • Crow: Atani sharpshooter native
  • Rodrigo: Human priest and water Mage from Earth

Date: 5-2-14
XP: 2

The crew wrapped up business in New Madrid and prepared to head out for Petes Mystery Island. The night before they were set to depart, Father Rodrigo had an assassination attempt while he slept. He managed to fend off one assassin but another wounded him and had the upper hand. He was saved by a fire mage and two warriors who identified themselves as with the Torquemada. On the assassin’s body they found the assassination order with the Cardinals seal, implicating him and the church.

Heading out to sea the crew made good time to Pete’s Treasure Island. They found the island peaceful enough and after a long climb up a treacherous cliff face and a few hours hike through thick jungle they finally found the hidden location. It was an old hunting fortification left unguarded. In the treasure chests they found a wealth of Gold, two enhanced firearms, a mysterious golden triangle and a strange locked wooden box.

Upon touching the loot they heard a roar off in jungle and quickly made plans to leave. Before they could do so, they were waylaid by a troupe of zombies who rushed the ruined fortification. They fended off the zombies while a large Zombie Tyrex (T-Rex) stalked in the jungle around the encampment. The Tyrex made his move when Crow exposed himself to a set of double doors and attempted to have a little snack, unsuccessful the Tyrex stalked back into the Jungle and disappeared.

The crew opened the wooden chest and found it had a shrunken skull in it. When Mordecai touched the head he received a vision of a powerful archmage sacrificing his life to defeat the Hags. He put his essence in the head to be used as a weapon against them someday.

After waiting a while and resting, the crew made their escape to the ship but were ambushed by more zombies slowing them down. The Tyrex chose to attack now that his prey were in the open. With a vicious snap of his massive jaw, he went after Liam who was holding the box with the skull. He severely wounded Liam leaving a tooth stuck in his skull. After a deadly fight on open ground with the Tyrex, Brachus finally managed to pierce his thick hide and sever his heart. As the menevolant spirit of the Tyrex left his rotting body, a greenish black smoke filled the air. In this cloud of vapors the crew heard the screams of three women and the rotted and evil faces of the Hags glaring down with pure hatred.

Loaded down with loot and some mysterious artifacts…what will the heroes do next?



March 29, 1571

Dearest Abuela,

The Epistle of James was our favorite, and I retreat to it in times of need. I am reminded of Chapter 1 verse 22-24

But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass: for he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was.

Abuela, Saint James is always a comfort to me in these days, and I listen. The man in rags is exalted, and the rich man made low. Cardinal Torres in his fine silks should open the Epistle of James every now and then, but he has long since stopped listening. A pity.

Because he is beset by men of energy and deception. The Englishman Hawkins is one of them. You told me that Englishmen were never to be trusted, and I saw that first hand. I was ambushed, nee, nearly assassinated, when luck would have it, Hawkins was there to retrieve my fate. What a coincidence. Unfortunately for Hawkins, it is a trite and well worn tactic of the real Inquisition to set up a false savior, a friend, to try and pull one his way. Hawkins could have warned me of the upcoming attack at any time, except that he wanted it to happen, to “save” me. Again, I am Jesuit, and on my path alone. I will feign trust of this Hawkins, but only to discover his true depravity, to get to the heart of matters.

And Abuela, we fought the undead, including the largest beast I have ever seen out of water. And it was undead. The crab man fought with distinction, as if our Lord walked with him. Perhaps you were right, and more than man has that divine spark. All I know is that the wonders you described are come to pass, and I trust, as you said to me, that there is a way home.

Fr. Rodrigo Salvatore


Captain’s Log,

Finishing our business in New Madrid, we set out for the yet undisclosed location of Stumpy’s treasure. There was still some obvious trepidation about the whole thing among the crew. Mostly from Daxson, but once we finally got to the island the excitement began to build.

The island was quite interesting. Given it’s geography, I’d say it was an ancient volcano. I’m no expert on such things, though. So take that with a grain of salt. The initial climb proved to be a challenge for a few. If not for Brachus’ willingness to strap old Stumpy to his back, we might have been forced to leave him behind. Good thing we made it work, too. His directions held true and we came to some old ruins where, as promised, rested a buried treasure. Among it all was some shrunken head. According to our magic wielding friends, it’s the head of some ancient master wizard or some such.

Not long after the find, we were in a mess of trouble. Some old undead buggers rushed us. By themselves, they’d be bad enough. But some blasted undead monstrosity was with’em. We fought our way through well enough and made straight for the ship. We didn’t get far before they were back on us. It’s here where my memory gets a little fuzzy. I remember the giant beastie picking me out of the crowd. It was as if he had some personal score to settle. I remember him charging, yelling and spitting all over me, and then the sensation of flying. I had about enough time to note how odd it was he seemed to focus on me and then blacked out when I hit something. Or something hit me. When I came to the fight was over. I’m told Brachus unleashed hell’s furry on the thing and clawed it’s heart right out of it’s chest. All in all it appears the whole crew performed admirably. I’ll be sure to by’em all a round when we next make port. For my part, bravery earned me a fine scar atop my head and one of the blasted beast teeth, which had lodged itself in my skull. I think I’ll make a sword handle or something out of it.

After giving the entire series of events some thought, I believe that bastard of a creature somehow knew I had that bloody shrunken head. The only reason I had it was because I had to take it from Crow. He wouldn’t leave the blasted thing alone and fooling with things like that always leads to trouble. I suppose it’s best I had it. As part of my crew, Crow is my responsibility and I’ll not let his foolishness and lack of discipline kill him before his time. He be a good lad with to much potential to just let him dig his own grave. Though, if I can’t instill some discipline or self control into the lad soon, he’ll be the death of me. Or all of us. Perhaps it’s time I start taking some more stern disciplinary actions with the lad. He’s got to learn the consequences of his actions are more far reaching than he realizes.

Captain McCormic


50 Fathoms: Session 03-Adventures of Stumpy Pete, Part 1

Adventures of Stumpy Pete, Part 1



  • Liam: Human Shipmaster from Earth
  • Daxson: Doreen treasure diver native
  • Rodrigo: Human priest and water Mage from Earth

Date: 4-11-14

XP: 2

The crew took some down time at Azy Cay. They revived the unciousous man to find out his name was James Low and just arrived to this world from Earth. He claims his merchant vessel was captured by cruel pirates and they set him adrift in the dingy and somehow he made it over to this side. After some rest and healing and decides to lay low in Azy Cay and offers to pay the crew who refuses. He pledges to return the favor one day.

While relaxing in the Shipwreck Surprise the crew is approached by a dual peg legged older pirate named Stumpy Pete. Old Stumpy tells them a tale of hidden treasure on an isolated islands in the far north in return for half of the booty. His old crew found the treasure years ago but unfortunately wrecked off the coast of Azy Cay leaving poor Stumpy with no means to reclaim it. The crew accepts his offer and set sail. While leaving they discover that Annie Mason wants to stay at Azy Cay under the protection of Azy herself.

The crew heads North hugging the coastline of Perck buying and selling merchandise in Swindon and then heading to Bristo. They don’t stay long in either city, just stopping long enough to buy and sell. With a ship full of lumber they head directly North to New Madrid.

On their voyage they run across an inspection blockade by none other than Admiral Duckworth. While finding their cargo legitimate he chastises Liam for not flying the proper flags nor vessel registration and fines the crew but lets them proceed. The ship makes it to New Madrid with no further delay and sells their cargo for a hefty profit.

Once in town Father Rodrigo attends mass and seeks an audience with the Cardinal Torres. He requests to re-establish his Jesuit Order in this world and the Cardinal declines. He is worried that there will be too much religious fervor which started the dreaded Spanish Inquisition on Earth. He admonished Father Rodrigo to be more open minded and inclusive of the locals and their faith, not something the Father takes happily

Meanwhile, Daxon learns of the New Madrid Fencing Academy lead by a dashing duelist Julio Ramirez. Seeking training he is challenged to a friendly competition by Julio and Daxson manages to best the master and earn his respect. Afterwards while talking with Daxon, Julio is informed that one of his students, Noez, has vowed the death of their rival school’s master Martinez and is heading to his school. Julio requests that the crew try to catch up with Noez while he gathers the rest of his students to help.

The crew takes off in a back alley chase to catch Noez and barely catch him in time before he invades the rival school and starts a deadly fight. Unfortunately Noez does not know any of the crew and immediately begins to attack them with the help of his two friends. After a bitter battle in the streets the crew manages to put down Noez using non-lethal means and stop the violence.
Ramirez is very grateful and offers heavily discounted training to the heros as a reward(one dice type in Fighting).

They must spend a week training so it appears like the crew will be spending more time in New Madrid then they had planned…


Daxson’s Thoughts

Well we have picked up another straggler. Not much came of the last one, but the allegedly retired pirate Stumpy Pete might hold more in store for our crew than we have bargained for. To be sure, he tells a good tale of unimaginable lost treasure, but did we get the whole of it?

Certainly there is plenty of riches to be had out there if you know where to look, and the Whips are a likely place. But he is the only one who knows of this hidden king’s ransom? And he offers half the prize to a crew who just walked in the door if we but take him to it? What more would we find besides treasure?

Liam, of course, is all in. I have done my best to find any corroboration, but how can I go about sussing any details without letting the fish out the net? Needless to say, we have thrown caution to the wind in favor of unimaginable riches. Quite par for the course really – I am pretty sure that means the normal, Liam says it comes from a gentlemen’s game in his homeland. Someday we will play this game and be the gentlemen of Caribdus. Won’t that be the day.

Despite my misgivings, we have had the winds at our back and clear seas ahead. The wind mage has sped our journey and we have had a good run of success in trading legal goods, just right, since we were boarded by the Admiral Nelson Duckworth in all his imminence. We escaped with a small fine, but who gives this visitor the right to tell a Caribdun what flag he should fly? These privateers, they are no better than pirates, as if their precious marque gives them absolute power. Nevertheless we were not hindered in completing our journey to New Madrid.

I am excited to become a pupil of master Julio Ramirez at his renowned fencing academy. I have acquitted myself well in his eyes. My father would be proud of me. Even more he would be proud that Captain Liam has named me First Mate of the Jonas. I have much to learn about running a ship from him. I will do my best to help him navigate this world to which he is a visitor. And I will not set his ship on fire.


Father Rodrigo

Dear Abuela,

This week, I am reminded of the parable of the Faithful Servant:

“Let your waist be dressed and your lamps burning. Be like men watching for their lord, when he returns from the marriage feast; that, when he comes and knocks, they may immediately open to him. Blessed are those servants, whom the lord will find watching when he comes. Most certainly I tell you, that he will dress himself, and make them recline, and will come and serve them. They will be blessed if he comes in the second or third watch, and finds them so. But know this, that if the master of the house had known in what hour the thief was coming, he would have watched, and not allowed his house to be broken into. Therefore be ready also, for the Son of Man is coming in an hour that you don’t expect him.”
Peter said to him, “Lord, are you telling this parable to us, or to everybody?”
The Lord said, “Who then is the faithful and wise steward, whom his lord will set over his household, to give them their portion of food at the right times? Blessed is that servant whom his lord will find doing so when he comes. Truly I tell you, that he will set him over all that he has. But if that servant says in his heart, ‘My lord delays his coming,’ and begins to beat the menservants and the maidservants, and to eat and drink, and to be drunken, then the lord of that servant will come in a day when he isn’t expecting him, and in an hour that he doesn’t know, and will cut him in two, and place his portion with the unfaithful. That servant, who knew his lord’s will, and didn’t prepare, nor do what he wanted, will be beaten with many stripes, but he who didn’t know, and did things worthy of stripes, will be beaten with few stripes. To whomever much is given, of him will much be required; and to whom much was entrusted, of him more will be asked.
— Luke 12:35-48

I saw Nueva Madrid. I saw a pretty cathedral. I saw Bishop Iago Torres dressed in silk, while I smelled of fish and hemp. I saw no good works. No sick. No ministry. Just an empty house.

I asked the Bishop to confirm my Order, suspecting the answer. But I did not need his authority or confirmation. When I stood before His Excellency Pope Pius V some 16 years ago, he asked me what I would be if all my Order was slain, and I alone remained. I answered “I would be Jesuit.” And I am.

Fr. Rodrigo Salvatore
March 22, 1571




Captain’s log,

Things have gone rather well for us these past few weeks.  Azy Cay turned out to be a pleasant stop.  Azy and her crew seem to be making an honest go at building a respectable community on that island.  And it’s a good spot, if you ask me.  Nice weather, a beautiful beech, and it could serve well as a stopping point for trade vessels heading up the coast.  Annie liked it enough she decided to stay.  She was a pretty lass, but she doesn’t hold a candle to my Jane.  Oh, I miss her dearly.  Lord willing, I’ll she her again.  If not this life, then the next for sure.

While it was nice to relax on the beech a bit, it was rather dull.  Till I met a fella calling himself Stumpy Pete.  A bit on the nose with him wobbling about on two peg legs and all, but I’ll not judge the man for it.  He claimed to know the location of a hoard of treasure.  Daxson thinks the man’s off his head, but he’s always been a cautious one.  I took stumpy’s offer to split the treasure, anyway.  I’ve got no doubt we can handle what comes.  Besides, no adventure or true gain was ever had without risk.  Just look to the colonies for proof.

We had clear skies and strong winds all the way to New Madrid.  Some fantastic sailing that was.  If not for being stopped by the Admiral, it would have been a perfect voyage.  He wasn’t nearly as intimidating as rumor would claim.  Plenty pompous, but the admiralty usually is.

New Madrid is pretty much what I expected.  Very Spanish.  Very Catholic.  Our priest didn’t seem to happy about some meetin he had with a church official.  He kept his head, though.  Of all people, Daxson was the one to find us a bit a trouble.  He had us chasing some hot headed youth we didn’t know from Adam through the streets.  Nearly got himself killed in the process.  And this happens shortly after I make him First Mate.  I guess even the cautious of us can be reckless at times.  I didn’t know he had it in him, to be honest.  This little event was a prime example of the no gain without risk, however.  Some sword master is giving us lessons for practically no cost thanks to our efforts.  Hmm.  I’ll have to be sure to point that out to Daxson.

Captain McCormic

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