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Category: 50 Fathom Adventure Log (Page 3 of 8)

50 Fathoms: Session 26 and 27- The Archmage- Part 1 and Part 2


The Archmage Part 1 and 2


  • Kaliferous: Kraken mage
  • Rodrigo: Human priest and water Mage from Earth
  • Crow/Kadian: Atani guardian of the Great Tree
  • Kukukachoo Grael guest star Cook and Whaler (part 1)
  • Bracus: Scurillian merchant and Super
  • Daxson: Doreen treasure diver native
  • Mordecai: Human Air Mage Puritan from Earth

Date: 8-13-16 and 8-27-16

XP: 5 total


Part 1:

The Crew decided to visit Tressa the Red in order to obtain more information, mostly trying to determine the location of the Sword of Amemnus. Arriving at The Teeth they discovered her mages tower leaning preciously and signs of a struggle inside. Through some careful investigation they determined that the Inquisition attached the Tower, got past the traps and either took or killed Tressa. Kal was able to restore power to the Mage Tower and the rest of the Crew found a curious mirror with a single red parrot feather sticking out of the middle. It was determined the mirror was a magical relic that would be used to “teleport” across distances. The mirror was cracked and damaged but it did appear to be used. After much deliberation they decided to go after the Inquisition and with  information from a passing Kieran Cutter the Crew located the current location of the Perdition (Inquisition confessional barge and HQ).

While approaching the Perdition, Carnifax shot out of the Mirror and confirmed the Crews theory: The Inquisition attacked Tressas Tower, managed to get past the defences and captured Tressa. She was unable to make it to her mirror in time, instead sending Carnifax through to the find the Crew for help, unfortunately the Mirror was partially damaged so he was stuck inside until now.

As they drew closer to the island the Perdition was harboring at, Carnifax fell to the ground shaking and speaking with Tressas voice said:

“Torquemada has won, but the Sea Hags have lost. Find my heart. Use it against them.

Crush it in your fist and you will have unlimited power for 17 minutes—the same number of

days I endured Torquemada’s torments. I hope it was enough.”

Tressa was dead and Carnifax was dying. The Crew managed to heal the bird and vowed vengeance on the Inquisition and now sought to recover the heart of the Archmage…

Part 2:

Nearing the Perdition, The Crew came up with a plan to trick the Inquisition into either selling Tressas body or at the very least getting onboard. Leaving the Liberators Wrath out of sight they approached the Perdition on a longboat with hidden kegs of gunpowder. Bracus managed to bluff his way onboard with most of the Crew. Crow stays on the long boat and Daxon/Kal stayed in the water hidden.

While in audience with Torquemada bartering for the body, Bracus managed to insult the Inquisition leader but Rodrigo played off this insult instead implying this was a test of their true conviction. Torquemada was convinced that Rodrigo wanted to join the Inquisition and allowed the Crew to stay on board in quarters. At the following dawn Rodrigo would receive the Inquisition Tattoos and become one of their own.

As  Dawn approached, Daxon managed to kill and replace one of the guards, Kal readying a blast for the bottom deck of the barge and Crow stood ready to light the longboat on fire and blow out the deck. Secretly Daxon “activated” Redbeards triangles in the night… The rest of the Crew played along with the ceremony until a the last moment, Rodrigo faked a betrayal of Mordecai as an air mage, giving Rodrigo the opportunity to arm himself and strike out to kill Torquemada.

At that moment Crow blew up the longboat, Kal placed a mighty blast on the lower deck of the ship and RedBeard appeared with his ghost ship. All hell broke loose on the deck with fighting inquisitors, ghost pirates attacking, fire and a badly listing/sinking Perdition.

In the chaos Daxon managed to acquire Tressas body and leap off the ship, Rodrigo tried to finish off Torquemada but failed and lost his arm and almost his life in the process. Crow turned into his young Roc and took off with Rodrigo while the rest of the Crew ran for their lives. They all made it ashore just in time as Redbeard figured out he was tricked but unable to go on land to enact his vengeance. The Crew watched the Perdition burn and sink as Torquemada escaped to the far shore.

Tressas body was recovered, but at what cost?

Fr. Rodrigo’s fevered dream

concepting_a_medieval_street_by_gycinn-d7jzbtfAs Torquemada’s minions battered me into unconsciousness, I found myself drifting, in a timeless float towards a familiar place.  Old Valencia, and the Via Pared d’Azul (Blue Wall Street).  When I was a child, I knew every corner, every shoemaker’s stall, every flower vendor, every fishmonger’s bucket.  As I grew up, I would return to visit.  The old smells of the street would instantly transport me back to a time of comfort, of safety and innocence.  But this time, when I returned, things were different.  My old street, always so full of life, was dark.  Instead of fresh flowers, I smelled death and decay. No vendors opening their stalls.  No fishmongers yelling out that day’s catch from the Mediterranean. Only decay and darkness.  I walked the street, and in the distance a cowering figure walked slowly in the distance.  I quickly approached, desperate to inquire as to what had befallen my street.  Plague? The Moors? The French on a sea raid?

I caught up to the figure, grasping its shoulder, and spun it around.  Of course it was My grandmother, Mi Abuela.  At first I exulted.  She was free from that Inquisition prison cell! She frowned, turned back walking.  I was confused.  I called out to her. She kept on walking.  I rushed in front of her and stopped her in the street.  I grasped her shoulders and pleaded for her to explain.  She pointed her old, boney figure at me, and nearly spat in response, “You are not allowed on the blue street yet. You are not finished. El Mundo Agua necessitate. Yo espera hasta se regrese.” With that, she faded.  I saw the bars of her cell once again.  I knew she had talked to me from her cell, although I did not know how. Then light began to fill the street.  Vendors began to open their shops.  The smell of death started to fade.  At that, I knew the street and my body were the same.  As the street healed, so did I.

50 Fathoms: Session 25- Donga Lives!


Donga Lives!



  • Kaliferous: Kraken mage
  • Rodrigo: Human priest and water Mage from Earth
  • Crow/Kadian: Atani guardian of the Great Tree
  • Kukukachoo Grael guest star Cook and Whaler


Date: 7-16-16

XP: 2


The Crew decided to head to Tressa the Red to find out if she had any leads on the Sword of King Amemnus. While traveling they spotted smoke off the coast of Torath-Ka and discover it to be a primitive human camp along the shore which was uncharted.

They decided to investigate but was attacked by an Ukak summoned megalodon named Jinka-Tahn.This armored beast seemed unstoppable, normal shots were simply bouncing off its hide. The giant shark attacked the ship and was about to take a large chunk out of the hull when a combined attack by Kal, Rodrigo weakened the beast and the keen aim of Kukukachoo brought the beast down by sinking both harpoons into its eyes killing the shark instantly.

They arrived to camp Victoria to discover a bedraggled but living survivors of an expedition funded by Bruno Baltimus and Edward Lazenby. The expedition had erected a fortification and was able to keep the local Ukak tribe at bay but was running low on gunpowder and provision. Their leader, a big game hunter from Earth, Angus McBryde decided to seek out the Ukak Shaman and end the attacks before his people lost the siege.

The Crew decided to find and help Angus and treked through the hot dangerous jungle for several days, drained to the point of exhaustion the Crew found Angus who stubbornly refused to leave without killing the Shaman and rescuing some of his men the Ukak had taken captive.

They arrived just before the Ukak Shaman started sacrificing the men in their Blood Pools but were too late to stop their death. Sacrificing their life the Ukak were dragging the captives into the Pool in an attempt to summon some great beast. Right as the last Ukak warrior was slain he managed to one last person into the Pool.

The Pool bubbled and frothed as the form of a Giant 60’ tall Ape, Donga arose! The huge Ape instantly slayed two of Angus’s men and took aim for Kal but between the Crews combined attack and Kukikachoo’s enhanced Grual battle balls the heros managed to slay the beast before he struck again (GM note: Very lucky!)

Yet again the Crew foiled the foul blood magic of the Ukak and survived to tell their tale.

50 Fathoms: Session 24- Pure Earth Water


Pure Earth Water


  • Kaliferous: Kraken mage
  • Bracus: Scurillian merchant and Super
  • Mordecai: Human Air Mage Puritan from Earth
  • Crow/Kadian: Atani guardian of the Great Tree


Date: 7-9-16

XP: 3


With the Diary recovered and the the city of Baltimus on alert the Crew quietly slipped away and headed towards Brigandy Bay.

Reading the journal they discovered the events that lead to the rise of the sea hags:

Three triplets and their sister were discovered around the bloody body of their father. The triplets used dark magic to kill several guards before they were subdued. That night the Mallus triplets, Mala, Maka and Mana murdered their younger sister, Mara as well.

King Amemnus and the Jury (which included Byron Baltimus) sentenced the girls to death by drowning. Staked to the beach and with the tides rising they cursed the King saying:

“You will die, king! We curse you with our dying breath. We curse you to drown as we will drown. And when  our corpse floats beside ours, we will return and have our vengeance on your people as well”

The sisters died but upon their death it rained in torrents for months, as the world drowned the desperate citizens of Ograpog threw their king into the sea and upon his death the rain stopped but then Sea Hags awoke. They manifested as giant Hags and destroyed the remaining city and escaping ships.


Troubled by this news but learning the names of the Hags the Crew decided to reach an agreement with the Pirate Coalition in Brigandy Bay for safter passage and port. Reaching an accord they headed to the Flotsam sea in search for water from Earth and after much searching they did, but the deserted hulk they found the water on was infested with the Hags minions and a fierce battle raged as they struggled to obtain the earth water and flee. With the help of some Doreen treasure hunters they managed to succeed and escape with their prize

This summoned the Maiden who is revealed to be the Hags sister Mara. She is stuck between realms and tormented by her sisters dark magic but is trying to stop them via people from Earth. She tells the Crew they are well on their way but in order to defeat her sisters they will need a the water from Earth, the Heart of an Archmage, that what the Kraken have lost and the lost sword of King Amemnus…not to mention some courage and might of their own!

50 Fathoms: Session 23- A Visit to Baltimus- Part 2- The Death of Bruno

A Visit to Baltimus- Part 2-  The Death of Bruno



  • Kaliferous: Kraken mage
  • Rodrigo: Human priest and water Mage from Earth
  • Bracus: Scurillian merchant and Super
  • Mordecai: Human Air Mage Puritan from Earth
  • Daxson: Doreen treasure diver native


Date: 6-18-16

XP: 2


The Crew decided to take Mannie’s offer and proceeded to attend Bruno’s gala incognito.

While the rest of the Crew attempted to impress the guests with tales of their valor, Bracus entered the fighting pit. He did quite well against a band of yellow backs, troop of monkapes and a single poisonous TorethKa Spider. This greatly impressed the crowd and Bruno who invited him and his friends to the exclusive after party.

The Crew attended the afterparty and discovered that Bruno left his late father’s possessions in his chambers, untouched since his death. Daxon and Rodrigo needed a distraction to search for a diary and Mordecai incensed by the debauchery taking place was happy to help by intimidating and scolding Bruno. When Bracus joined in the debacle, Bruno snapped with fear. Grabbing a young human woman  he threatened to kill her if the Crew didn’t leave. As Bracus advanced Kal summoned a fire elemental behind Bruno and terrified he slit the girl’s throat. Chaos erupted as the rest of the Crew jumped into the fight, as well as Bruno’s friends and the guards. In the end Bruno met his fiery death but it gave time for Daxson and Rodrigo to recover the journal and escape.

All told several guards, guests and Bruno were left dead and alarm bells rang in the night as the Crew fled the manor.

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