I recently purchased Savage Worlds Pathfinder. Savage Worlds has some drawbacks but with some house rules to speed things up and limiting NPC explosions so you aren’t so apt to get one-shot-killed, it can be a lot of fun if you’re in the mood for a miniatures-focused game.
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I had planned a series of posts with a deep dive into my favorite games. By game, I mean more than the core rules, I mean a combination of the game mechanics and playability of the game, the robustness of 3rd party products or related games, and the game community for that system.
One problem I’ve tried to tackle several times over the years is what to do when you aren’t able to play your normal ongoing tabletop RPG campaign game, but you still have players who want to play. We’ve tried a few things in the past that haven’t really worked out to be a consistent, well-received solution to this problem. I’ll review several options and show what we’ve decided is our group’s best solution to this problem.
This is the third of a 10-part series I’m doing on my favorite game systems.
My 8th favorite game system is the latest edition of the world’s oldest roleplaying game: D&D. It’s also the most popular RPG in history right now (at least in terms of a raw number of players; it would be interesting to normalize the data for the population of the 1980s since to see if on a per capita basis that was still true).

Starblade Campaign Idea
I’m digging through my archives of RPG notes and ran across this paragraph — a pitch for a sci fi superheroes campaign which I never got around to running. I was a big fan of Jim Starlin’s ‘Dreadstar’ comic series back in the 1980s, and this campaign is an homage to that pulpy space opera setting. We’ll see if I ever get around to running this — I would probably use Fate or QuestWorlds as the ruleset if I did! Here’s the pitch:
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