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Iron Oak Family Saga – Wardens of the West Wall


Wardens of the West Wall

We are the Wardens of the West Wall.
We are the tip of the Spear.
We are the Boss of the Shield,
Protectors of the Realm.
Enemy of its Enemies.
Friend of its Friends.
Forsaking all comfort or thoughts of home.
Five years is our tour,
but our Oath is forever.
We are the Wardens of the West Wall.

Iron Oak Family Saga – The Plane of Forever




The Iron Oak Family bravely entered the Forever Portal, and found themselves on the Plane of Forever. A windless, temperature-less gray landscape where the horizon blended with the twilight light of a sunless and moonless sky. A small path marked their way from portal to portal, but as they traversed, they came upon another party. The other party was themselves, three years later. Add Aristotle, their Lizardman friend, and subtract Neara, the Blood Mage. The two parties quickly broke bread and discussed the future as well as the path. The Future party was circumspect, sharing few details of the future so as to not disturb the future. However, they did hand the current party a concussive grenade, a specialty of Aristotle. When the party accepted this gift, and promised to use it as instructed, suddenly, in the future party, Neara appeared. And many wounds of the party instantly disappeared. It was obvious that the future party had changed history somehow, on purpose. The party and the future party went their two different ways with a few additional vague warnings, and the current party arrived in the woods of the portal, where they passed through a struggle between Draconic and Orcs. Finally, the party came to the Silver River Gorge bridge, where they fought of a Blue Dragon. Unfortunately, the dragon managed to hit the Alchemical satchell pack rigged to explode the bridge. The satchell had been partly disassembled, so only a portion of the bridge was destroyed instead of the entire bridge. And now the party journeys on to Silverthorne, their destination for the last ten gaming sessions.

Shambling Throne of the Death Cult King

The DM's View: 1 Page Dungeon Notes

The DM’s View: 1 Page Dungeon Notes

Quick recap of the ShinnCon V game. Here was the description:

“Shambling Throne of the Death Cult King”

You are about to settle in for a peaceful night at the Drunken Dragon Inn when Chaos strikes. Literally. A local cultist bursts in and demands tribute to the Chaos God, whose death horde swiftly approaches. Rumored to command a legion of undead, the Death King Nulgarbad paves a trail of destruction across the land. Dare you infiltrate the death trap of his shambling throne?

This was truly one of the most memorable games I’ve run. I had several TPK-capable creatures including an undead dragon go after the players. (un?)Fortunately the players were way to cunning for my big bad guys — turns out if you can ally with a 90 foot giant and have him lob half-filled barrels of Holy Water, you can do over 2,000 Hit Points of damage vs. the undead with one shot [yes, we did the math]  🙂

So much XP was had (literally thousands of monsters died in the aftermath) that the players advanced TWO levels and will be level 10 next game!

The Undead Army

The Undead Army

50 Fathoms: Session 14- Captain Abdullah and the Unmentionable Wound


Captain Abdullah and the Unmentionable Wound


  • Liam
  • Bracus
  • Daxson

Date: 11-07-15

XP: 2


The Crew secured a new ship(Brigantine), named it the Liberators Wrath and set sail southward. The plan was to buy, sell and find crew along the way south towards Brigandy Bay and then from there set off for The Teeth and to find Tressa the Red.

Along the way they stopped off in Swindon to pick up crew and cargo. Liam and Daxson were in the bar recruiting sailors when Liam was approached by downtrodden looking Kehana named Winston. Winston offered to sell Liam a treasure map and a golden triangle he stole from his former captain, Abdullah.

Unfortunately before Liam could get more details Captain Abdullah showed up with two of his top lieutenants and a gang of his pirates. Abdullah proceeded to attack, which lead to a frenzied alleyway fight. Daxon squared off with a one armed Grual named Longarm Hunk Bosun who had a Battleball attached to his nub. Liam fought a French pirate named Rene the Blade and Bracus decided to kill Winston, pick up the loot and head back to the ship to take a nap. Liam was wounded in the thigh and “unmentionables” during his spar with Rene which certainly left some scars…

A long bloody battle raged in the alleyway and the group managed to dispatch Abdullah’s lieutenants but not before he managed to slip out of the alley and flee. Unfortunately for him the pair was faster and managed to catch up and slay Abdullah as he ran.  Swindon isn’t the safest town and the locals and lack of city watch allowed the Crew to leave the city unmolested.

The map they aquired show the location of an island in the Flotsam Sea and was labeled “Rufus’ Island…need all six triangles”, that along with another triangle to add to their collection. Armed with this new information the Crew sailed for Brigandy Bay for the final leg of their journey before they headed southwest to The Teeth.

Captain Liam

Captain’s Log,


It’s been a long haul, but we’ve finally replaced Liberator.  We’ve given the new girl a right proper name;  Liberator’s Wrath.    With a name like that and our growing reputation, we’ll soon be striking fear into the hearts of any who would dare oppose us.  I would also like to make note of the promise I’ve made to myself.  For the sake of posterity.  I’ll never again let some nobody pirate scum take our ship like that.  Even it cost my life.  I haven’t said as much to the crew, but I think they know.  I’ve overheard bits of their whispers.  Apparently, I’ve become a vengeful man.  Enough so that some of the men are more afraid than usual of crossing me.  As long as it serves as motivation for hard work, it’s acceptable.


About this alley fight we found ourselves in.  It really all boils down to a simple thing.  One pirate tried to sell us something he had stolen from his pirate captain.  When the dust settled and the smoke cleared, we stood victorious, and in possession of a another piece of the triangle and a map that might lead us to Redbeard’s treasure.  Not a bad night really.  Even given my two new scars, which gave me a bit of a fright.  Plus, any fight that shrinks this world’s pirate population is always a good one.


Captain McCormic



Iron Oak Family Saga

IMG_0450 IMG_0444 IMG_0446In our latest chapter of the Ironoak Family Adventure, Justin and Maldrin Ironoak led the Ironoak Family on a search for one of the Portals of Forever. Leaving Neara Red Oak behind to guard the newly liberated townsfolk, they quickly returned to Frosthold Fort, where they forced their way downstairs in search of the portal. The Party first had to solve the riddles of the Stone Guardian, who shocked those who got an answer wrong. The adventurers then confronted a water elemental, who granted one moderate wish to each of the party members. Finally, after avoiding a pair of spiky pit traps, they made it into the ancient room of the Forever Portal.
Inside, they were at first confronted by a beholder. That menace turned out to be an illusion. But as the storm picked up around the portal, Elena, the emissary from the Aradene Imperial Court, revealed herself to be a Mind Flayer, merely posing as a human from the court of the Aradene Imperial throne.
Before the Illithid could destroy the Forever Portal, the Party defeated the Mind Flayer. And with the two Tomes of Portal Management, the Party sped on their way to Silveroak.

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