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Up In the Air

IMG_0531constanta%20cazino_4ac528e41915e_hiresJustin IronOak and Neara BloodOak led our intrepid party through snowy mountain passes, through the worst of the MindSpire Mountains, before coming upon the Village of the BloodOaks.  A vital village, the party immediately saw the battle damage done to the town’s wooden palisade, where the Frost Giants and the Black dragon broke through on their raid.  Talking with the captain of the Guard, Taliera Barkskin, the party learned that the giants had been aided in the Chevauchee by Harren Fire Oak and the White Wizard.  The giants apparently broke through the palisade, and quickly made for the Blood Oak’s Arbrearum.  the party quickly suspected betrayal, and further learned that the Bloody Acorn had dropped just moments before the raid, and had been handled in the Arbrearum and delivered to the giants.  Only a member of the blood of the Blood Oak Clan could have entered the Arbrearum and handled the Bloody Acorn.


The party immediately visited the lord and his lady, who protested that no family member would have betrayed the family.  Soon the party left the court, and visited Neara’s sister Cantara in Cantara’s hut (emanating blue flickering eldritch light).  Immediately suspicious, Maldrin IronOak prepared a spell, and muttered that Cantara must be the traitor.  Alas, Cantara was merely a precocious 14 year old hanging out with her friends.

The party next visited Neara’s brother Fin.  Fin’s hut was deserted, with only a white robe and a suspiciously convenient note confessing to being the traitor on his end table.  The party wasn’t buying it.  The party crossed back to the lord and lady BloodOak, and while grilling them, the sound of artillery shook the Blood Oak palace.  The party rushed outside, to see a floating Ice Fort on a mound of earth high in the air.  Frost Giants were rolling huge snowballs off a landing, and destroying parts of Blood Oak village. The party quickly determined they must somehow get to the floating Ice Fort.  Conveniently, the Frost Giants, a year past, had tried to engage in trade with the Blood Oaks, and had left a small Air Boat that was fueled by human blood.  Neara quickly summoned four towns people, opened up wounds, and had them fuel the Air Boat.

The Airboat ascended to a landing, where the party confronted three Frost Giants.  The battle was touch and go, but soon the party had prevailed.  Leaving the exsanguinated townsfolk to recover in the docked boat, the party rushed into the Ice Fort.  They soon discovered a gruesome workshop, where a Storm giant was being “fitted” for an artificial heart, the size of the bloody acorn.  After another tough battle, with almost all of their healing spells used, the party left the strange laboratory to scale the fort and seek further danger.

Onwards and upwards, for there is no choice!


Top Games Wanted at NTRPGCon

Yesterday I talked about Top Games Played at NTRPGCon. Now I’ll move on to some interesting survey results.

I ran a poll on the NTRPGCon Facebook group which asked “What old-school game that is seldom / never run at NTRPGCon would you most like to play in next year?” I listed a few games, but allowed folks to add their own choices. Below were the results.

Star Frontiers was the clear winner — I suspect based on that and feedback folks were giving in the comments that we’ll see at least a few Star Frontiers at the 2017 con! I’m considering running a Bunnies & Burrows game and maybe another Middle-earth game.

Top 12 Games Seldom/Never Run at NTPGCon

  1. Star Frontiers (38 votes)
  2. Top Secret SI (22 votes (tie))
  3. Star Wars WEG d6 (22 votes (tie))
  4. Bunnies & Burrows RPG (13 votes (tie))
  5. Stormbringer RPG (13 votes (tie))
  6. Chainmail (13 votes (tie))
  7. Marvel TSR (13 votes (tie))
  8. Gangbusters (12 votes (tie))
  9. Dark Sun (12 votes (tie))
  10. Star Trek (FASA, LUG, etc.) (11 votes)
  11. Runequest (10 votes)
  12. MERP (8 votes)

18 other entries got between 1 and 7 votes. See the full poll results here.

Upcoming Games

Here’s a weekly roundup of upcoming games listed on the Dicehaven Google Calendar. Look for further details and RSVPs from your respective GMs.

  • Star Wars Makeup Game — Thursday, June 16 6:30pm (Stan’s House)
  • 50 Fathoms — Saturday, June 18 6:30pm (Stan’s House)
  • Texicon — Thursday, June 23 to Sunday, June 26 (see Texicon.net; Jeff & Mason and maybe others will attend at least one day)
  • Gaslight Heroes — Thursday, June 23 6:30pm (Stan’s House)
  • Bonus Game (One-Shot, TBD) –Thursday, June 30 (Stan’s House)

Top Games Played at NTRPGCon

stan-shinn-citystateFor those who don’t know, North Texas RPG Con is an old-school RPG gaming convention which has grown in popularity each year (this year they had well over 300 attendees which maxed out their gaming space; next year they will have bigger facilities and more attendees I believe).

What games are folks running at NTRPGCon? Here’s a rundown of the 2016 games based on games listed on their 2016 calendar.

Early D&D (OD&D, B/X, BECM, AD&D, 2e, retroclones): 55 Games

This breaks down into:

  • 8 OD&D games
  • 11 B/X games
  • 2 BECM games
  • 9 Swords & Wizardry Games
  • 23 AD&D games (1e & 2e combined)
  • 2 Labyrinth Lord games

DCC games: 19 Games

DCC is a new-ish game but with a very old-school vibe.

D&D 5th Edition: 18 games

The rise in popularity of 5e is notable given the old-school focus of the con. By contrast, I’ve never seen a Pathfinder or 4e game run at NTRPGCon (somebody correct me if I’m wrong on that).

Traveller: 8 games

This is the Classic Traveller edition (the little black books). We didn’t have any of these games for years, then last year Mike Kelly and I ran a total of 3 Classic Traveller games. Now this year, we had 8. Great to see this games surge in popularity at this con!

Misc. Games

There was also a smattering of other games (each run 1 to 3 sessions):

  • Gamma World 1e
  • Villians & Vigilantes
  • Ghostbusters RPG
  • Paranoia
  • Metamorphosis Alpha
  • Call of Cthulhu
  • Boot Hill
  • Barbarians of Lemuria
  • Astonishing Sorcerers and Swordsmen of Hyperboria (AS&SH)

In my next post I’ll talk about ‘Top Games Wanted at NTRPGCon.’

‘Star Trek: Vanguard’ and Other Cool Books

I’ve started to hear about other books folks in our Dicehaven group have recently read (or read way back in the day). Thought it might be cool to have folks who are interested jot a note or two on the blog on what books they like (or don’t like). If you want to blog about such stuff and don’t have an account, drop me an email.

Some book series might get enough synergy to evolve into a roleplaying campaign at some point in the future. Dresden Files, Ringworld, and The Lord of the Rings are example candidates, but there are many others.

I also moved my ‘Stan’s Reading Lists’ page from swshinn.com; not you can find it at https://dicehaven.com/stans-reading-lists/.

Anyway, here’s a dump on several books I’ve got cracked open at the moment.

Books I Recently Read

vanguardI recently read ‘Star Trek: Vanguard #1: Harbinger’ (Star Trek TOS) by David Mack.

Review: Was great fun to read since I loved seeing new characters set in the Original Series universe, set at the time Kirk first took command of the Enterprise. Had just the right old-school flavor, including women complaining about (or using to their advantage) the newly issued Federation mini-skirt uniforms.

One issue is that book ended with no plot lines resolved. Turns out you have to read it as part of a 7 novel series. Folks have raved about the series, and I did enjoy the first book. I will resume the series hopefully sometime, but at the moment I’m more interested in reading some books that ‘end’ without committing to 7 novels straight. I’m too reading dyslexic at the moment to commit to that many books in a row. 🙂

Books I’m Now Reading


  1. ‘Elric of Melniboné’ by Michael Moorcock

Short Story Collections:

  1. ‘Neutron Star’ by Larry Niven (Short story collection; reading intermittently; inspiration for Imperium or Ringworld campaigns).
  2. ‘The Complete Hammer’s Slammers: Volume’ 1 by David Drake (Short story collection; reading intermittently; inspiration for Blood & Steel campaign).
  3. ‘Berserker (Saberhagen’s Beserker Series Book 1)’ by Fred Saberhagen (Short story collection; reading intermittently; inspiration for Blood & Steel campaign).
  4. ‘The Man-Kzin Wars (Man-Kzin Wars Series Book 1)’ by Larry Niven et al. (Short story collection; reading intermittently; inspiration for Blood & Steel campaign).

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