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Photos from Imperium & 50 Fathoms Games

Photos from the Imperium game on Saturday. We used the Mongoose Traveller 2nd Edition rules that came out this year — they are amazing!

Fighting a Four-armed Ape in the Imperium Game


Skeletons Stand In The Way of our Mission for Earth Water in 50F


50 Fathoms: Session 24- Pure Earth Water


Pure Earth Water


  • Kaliferous: Kraken mage
  • Bracus: Scurillian merchant and Super
  • Mordecai: Human Air Mage Puritan from Earth
  • Crow/Kadian: Atani guardian of the Great Tree


Date: 7-9-16

XP: 3


With the Diary recovered and the the city of Baltimus on alert the Crew quietly slipped away and headed towards Brigandy Bay.

Reading the journal they discovered the events that lead to the rise of the sea hags:

Three triplets and their sister were discovered around the bloody body of their father. The triplets used dark magic to kill several guards before they were subdued. That night the Mallus triplets, Mala, Maka and Mana murdered their younger sister, Mara as well.

King Amemnus and the Jury (which included Byron Baltimus) sentenced the girls to death by drowning. Staked to the beach and with the tides rising they cursed the King saying:

“You will die, king! We curse you with our dying breath. We curse you to drown as we will drown. And when  our corpse floats beside ours, we will return and have our vengeance on your people as well”

The sisters died but upon their death it rained in torrents for months, as the world drowned the desperate citizens of Ograpog threw their king into the sea and upon his death the rain stopped but then Sea Hags awoke. They manifested as giant Hags and destroyed the remaining city and escaping ships.


Troubled by this news but learning the names of the Hags the Crew decided to reach an agreement with the Pirate Coalition in Brigandy Bay for safter passage and port. Reaching an accord they headed to the Flotsam sea in search for water from Earth and after much searching they did, but the deserted hulk they found the water on was infested with the Hags minions and a fierce battle raged as they struggled to obtain the earth water and flee. With the help of some Doreen treasure hunters they managed to succeed and escape with their prize

This summoned the Maiden who is revealed to be the Hags sister Mara. She is stuck between realms and tormented by her sisters dark magic but is trying to stop them via people from Earth. She tells the Crew they are well on their way but in order to defeat her sisters they will need a the water from Earth, the Heart of an Archmage, that what the Kraken have lost and the lost sword of King Amemnus…not to mention some courage and might of their own!

Photos from Tatooine

Photos from this week’s Star Wars game. Jim Bob joined us this week which was cool.

Speeder following the trail of Tuscan Raiders

Speeder following the trail of Tuscan Raiders


At the Tuscan Raider’s camp


Fighting Womp Rats!


IG-82 has a bad day 🙁

Star Wars: Dawn of Rebellion — Episode 09

Trapped inside the flooding water tower, the heroes cut their way out and fight attacking bounty hunters who have arrived in an large speeder. Dr. Tark attacks the nefarious Zandra and her allies from atop the water tower, while Dr. Tark’s allies below succeed in toppling the speeder and spilling its occupants. Zandra and her allies are killed in the battle, but a communicator found on one of the dead bodies give the rebels an idea.

Impersonating the bounty hunters, the rebels use the communicator to trick the bounty hunter allies to come to their ‘rescue’. The bounty hunters arrive only to be ambushed by the rebels.

The lone surviving bounty hunter is a Quarren assassin name Tseggor who brings back painful memories for the rebel Cornelius Vaan. Tseggor was the assassin who killed Cornelius’ father, acting on contract from Bezhi Gahn, an enemy of Cornelius’ father in the asteroid belt where they both worked.

Cornelius dispatches Tseggor but it brings him little comfort; somewhere out there, Bezhi Gahn still lives, and the urge to bring justice to his father’s killer dogs at Cornelius’ soul…

Star Wars: Dawn of Rebellion — Episode 08

The rebel heroes, pursuing information Dr. Tark Malin found in rebel agent Dana’s final transmission, begin a hunt to find Commander Adar Tallon, hero of the Old Republic. The heroes travel to Tatooine knowing they have four days before the Star Destroyer finishes repair and arrives with Imperial bounty hunters to capture Tallon.

After much meandering around Tatooine, the rebels find their way into a Mos Eisley cantina. The staff was cleaning up — apparently a Jedi just earlier that day cut someone’s arm off! Isshtatha ends up in a drinking contest and wins handily, much to the applause of the betting customers.

After being insulted by Zandra (a local bounty hunter trying to buy a speeder), the heroes run down a lead at “Heff’s Souvenirs.” The rebels encounter Labria, a usually-drunk Devaronian, who takes them to an abandoned water tower to meet an Ithorian who is friends with Tallon.

The water tower’s doors slam shut and water begins flooding in. While the Jedi Dredge cuts a way out of the flood, Dr. Tark adeptly speeds into the upper levels and sights the villain behind their trap — none other than Zandra, the nefarious and insulting bounty-hunter…

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