
Tabletop RPG Podcast and Roleplaying Resources

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Star Wars: Dawn of Rebellion — Episode 12

Evading a swarm of TIE fighters, the rebels escape from Tatooine with Adar Tallon. Twi’lek Rebel Agent Lu’Nimah then sends the rebel heroes on a mission to the jungle planet Najiba.

Sed Hargo and Lanissa Trag are two wildlife activists who promise information vital to the Alliance but only after they rescue an endangered species: a mated pair of Koalitas impounded by the Empire.

The party gets inside the Empire’s customs office where the Koalitas are held inside a stasis chamber. A few blaster shots and an explosion later, the heroes are frantically escaping from to their waiting ship, Koalitas in tow.

Aboard the Tyrannus, late in the night, Lanissa screams. The heroes find the Koalitas have evolved into deadly creatures!

After one Koalita is down but two of the heroes are incapacitated, Cornelius jumps into a exoskeloton workloader and subdues the remaining Koalita.

The heroes are then given a summons to meet Adar Tallon at a hidden rebel base. The location? The planet Alderaan. What could go wrong?…

The Captive of Dardrin’s Deep 01: The Spire of Gold

After a vision with clues to saving a spell-slumbering elvish maid, the heroes ventured into the dangerous territory of the Red Centaurs to brave the perils of the Spire of Gold. After some adept thinking the party’s druid used a vine whip to fasten rope to the towers top. Scaling the outside of the tower, the heroes were attacked by dire pelicans! Finding the magic gauntlets, the heroes now begin their journey to Byrðincel Abregdan (or, ‘Burden’s Lift’) where the fable Soul-Blade is rumored to rest.

(Everyone levels up to 2nd Level for the next game).


The Captive of Dardrin’s Deep: Prelude

You’ve travelled alone thus far, but after a few pints shared with some interesting travelers you met this evening at the inn, you think you’ve found some companions you might venture with on the morrow. That night, as you turn in for the evening, you sleep fitfully. You feel like someone in the distance keeps whispering ‘Help me!’ in whispered but frantic tones.

The Elf Woman in the Vision

The Elf Woman in the Vision

A vision then emerges of an angelically beautiful elvish woman, floating ethereally, her face occasionally contorting into bursts of pain. Then you hear a chorus of unseen voices chanting what seems to be a prophecy:

The elf-lord was a suitor spurned,
thus eldritch wrath his lover earned.
Dark spells he wove in hidden cove
in vengeance while his anger burned.

The elvish maid now cannot weep,
enchanted in eternal sleep,
transfixed and bound by ring she found
in hidden vale of Dardrin’s Deep.

To free her of her slumber cold
one must make haste to Spire of Gold.
The death-filled tower holds gauntlet’s power
to wield the sword of heroes old.

The Soul-Blade rests in bones of care
beyond the pool where damsel’s fair
gave gods their gift at Burden’s Lift
to be relieved of life’s despair.

With blade and gloves seek Belfin’s Height
through tunnels dark restore the light
the keeper’s chain will on you rain
but take the ring to make wrongs right.

You wake. You are alone in the room, but have a feeling your life will never again be the same.

Colonel Archibald Jefferson Johnston IV (CSA Ret.) musings on infantry combat

mosbyExcerpt from Musings on Infantry Combat by Col. Johnston.


“Fear of fixed fortifications and an entrenched enemy is highly overrated.  A direct assault on a fixed location only puts 40-70% of your men in jeopardy of a fatal wound during the first wave.  With fixed bayonets, and a lightened load by leaving ammunition behind, a company of men can cross a field of rifle fire with some semblance of order left once the battlements are reached (see in point Gettysburg Little Round Top or the wall at Fredricksburg as examples). Then once the battlements are reached, who knows what will happen? Although exhausted, out of ammunition, and with only two or three out of the ten men you started with, engaging with an enemy after such carnage should terrify them.  After all, if you are willing to sacrifice so many men so easily, what do you know that your enemy doesn’t.  What trick do you have up your sleeve, so to speak? Although after twenty-two engagements it hasn’t yet worked, I am convinced that the next engagement will prove me right.  On to Appomatox!”

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