Tabletop RPG Podcast and Roleplaying Resources

Category: Superheroes

Paragon RPG Superhero House Rules

I like the Cortex Prime RPG and its earlier incarnations, such as Marvel Heroic Roleplaying. Things that have given me pause in running Cortex games are the numerous SFX, having the GM track when players roll 1s, and the long combat time due to multiple rounds before a scene is resolved. I’ve found the Agon RPG (and its generic counterpart, the Paragon RPG) to be a nice improvement in terms of the GM having less to track (moving the cognitive load to players to independently manage their own resource tracks and charges) and having scenes quickly resolve.

Now I’m looking at running a superheroes campaign, and I think using the Paragon RPG as the core rules would really suit my tastes. Here’s my candidate house rules, which add some Cortex Prime / Marvel Heroic Roleplaying rules to Paragon to do superheroes.

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Starting a Superheroes Comic Book Club

On my backlog of things to do ‘someday (but not just yet!) is to start a comic book club. This article gives a bit of background on what that can be like.

I’d envision structuring it similar to the Dicehaven book club. You read several comics (maybe 6 or 12 per month?) in a selected series, then get together (in person on via Zoom) and chat about it. Maybe we’d play City of Heroes or a tabletop Supers RPG like Icons after the comic book club meeting.

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Mutants & Masterminds After-Action Report

I had a great time playing Mutants & Masterminds last night with my game group. We are trying out different Superhero game systems to see which RPG would be the best fit for our collective GM and play-style preferences. Our group really loved playing Mutants & Masterminds and it is definitely a strong contender for future Superhero campaigns. After running it we had some ideas on how to make it easier to track damage and conditions.

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DC Heroes vs. DC Adventures (Mutants & Masterminds)

I’ve been doing a bit of reading on DC Heroes and its history and also reading up on Mutants and Masterminds (aka M&M, which is the generic version of Green Ronin’s ‘DC Adventures’; it’s the same system, but one has the DC characters and the other doesn’t). Based on forum posts and reading through the rules (and having played M&M 2e several years ago, but not having played DC Heroes), here’s my observations on the two systems. Continue reading

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