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Category: 50 Fathom Adventure Log (Page 6 of 8)

50 Fathoms: Session 12-The Admirals Proposal


The Admirals Proposal


  • Mordecai
  • Liam
  • Bracus
  • Rodrigo

Date: 9-26-15

XP: 2


The Crew found themselves “guests” of Admiral Duckworth while they discussed the events that occurred. Duckworth informed them that because they did not have a Letter of Marque they were technically illegal in capturing any ships but he would not press that matter. He valued their bravery and offered a letter of recommendation to his superiors at the British East India Company to help their cause. The Crew requested that the Pirate Brig be handed over to them as compensation for their loss, but the Admiral did not have the authority to hand over spoils in that manner. He sympathized but stood firm that his Company would have to decide what to do. Their future was very uncertain until Duckworth realized that this was the same Crew that helped liberate Jomba Town from the Slavers. Being an honest and noble soul, he very much appreciated their actions against the Slavers there.

With this news and hearing their story the Admiral decided to seek their help in order for the Crew to gain the trust and debt of the BEIC. He told them that two weeks ago the Immortal (a frigate) was due to rendezvous with Duckworth but never showed. It was delivering a large quantity of gold from the Kieran Empire. Duckworth had been in New Madrid trying to find out news but found the Spanish Guild oddly quiet about the matter but could get no further information. He asked the crew to investigate the matter and use his spy in Marsales to find out what happened. Duckworth spoke plainly that he needed their help. The pay was good and this would definitely garner trust with the BEIC and it never hurted to have a strong ally…

Agreeing to take the job, the Crew headed to Marsales and discovers through Duckworth’s agent that some shady smugglers were recruiting for discrete crews over the past week. The smugglers were looking for small, light ships and specifically seeking those with water mages or aquatic divers. The Crew sought out the contact, won the respect of the smuggler in charge via combat and got hired for this job. They were hiring small light ships to recover the gold off the seafloor and deliver it to a waiting ship, but no questions asked. They were told to meet at a certain location near the Kehana Flumes and would be told more once they arrived.

The Crew set off to location provided for the job and on the way found some of the Immortals crew and captain marooned on a small island. They rescued this crew, Father Rodrigo healed them and then they found out the whole story:

The Immortal was attacked by the Frederico Cortez, nephew of the Spanish Guild’s  chairman Roderico Pires.  The Immortal and its escort were stopped by Cortez who then suddenly betrayed them, attacked their escorts and  and caused the Immortal to become wrecked inside of the “Devils Spires.

With this information the Crew sent Crow to tell Duckworth of this news and they continued on to their recovery job as to not arouse suspicion. They arrived to find Cortez leading the recovery operation for the gold and started to get to work themselves all the while remaining vigilant for them Admiral Duckworth would arrive…


Captain Liam

Captain’s Log,

That blasted dream again.  I’m flying and all is silent.  A clear blue sky is before me only a moment.  Then all is dark.  I can’t see, hear, or breath.  A faint ringing grows in the distance as it strikes me that I’m sinking.  Refusing to drown I break the surface just before losing consciousness.  Fire is everywhere!  A plank floats by and I remember.  All around me is the burning sinking remains of my ship.  The ringing is at a maddening level now and it’s all I hear.  Barely able to stay a float, I reach for the plank with a blood drenched hand.  It’s not my blood, though.  It belongs to the pirate pinned to the mast by my sword.  There are pirates everywhere on this ship.  Many dead behind me.  More charging from all directions.  I kill them.  Everyone who dares approach, I send to the grave.  They begin to hesitate, so I bring my furious vengeance to them.  Soon I’m covered in blood, but I can’t stop.  No.  My insides are aflame and the only thing keeping it from consuming me is these pirates’ blood.  So, I lay waste to all of them and they keep coming.  An endless tide.  All the while I can hear the fire within whispering to me, “They’ve taken to much!  Friends!  The ship!  My wife!”  I begin yelling as I kill.  Then I jerk awake in a cold sweat.

(The writing grows increasingly sloppy from here on)Now I’m sitting here drinking in the middle of the night hoping it will help me sleep or stop dwelling on those men we rescued.  It seems everywhere I turn, asleep or awake, I’m constantly reminded of what these pirates are.  A blight that tears at the edges of society.  A plague that roots rots it to the core.  Rnuii Ruining the lives of [Illegible drunken scribble].   I will blusted kiil them all evf if giben the channce.





50 Fathoms: Session 11-The Liberator No More

Liberator battle

The Liberator No More


  • Mordecai
  • Liam
  • Daxon
  • Crow
  • Bracus
  • Rodrigo

Date: 9-19-15

XP: 2


The Crew flush from the victory at Jomba town and with new found treasure earned, sped away to New Madrid to purchase a new ship. Bracus managed to find a good deal on a Brigantine which they named the Liberator. Spending a several days hauling cargo trying to earn some spending money the Crew decided  their last haul would be to New Madrid and then they would head South to find Tressa the Red to discover what is happening with the flooding of Caribdus.

A day out of New Madrid they spotted a Sloop sneaking up on them and decided to engage it. The Sloop was not flying any flags and soon opened fired, confirming it was a pirate ship after all.  After several cannon exchanged they spotted another Brig sailing in to support the Sloop. Being out numbed the Crew found themselves getting heavily damage. Suddenly they spotted a massive Man of War coming into to join the battle and it was none other than Admiral Duckworth with the  HMS Justice coming to their aid.

Unfortunately before the Justice could bear down on the pirates, the Brig fired off a well placed shot and managed to hit the gunpowder magazine causing the ship to explode into a mess of fire, cargo and debris. The Crew was left injured and floating on wreckage. Crow  and Daxson flew/swam over to the injured Sloop(which was close) and managed to take it over and rescue what remained of the Crew out of the ocean with it.

Rather than run, the Crew sped to assist Duckworth in taking over the Pirate Brig and arrived just in time to assist with the boarding action. Clearing off the ship with Duckworth and his Marines the Crew was safe but their future unsure.

They lost four crew members during the explosion, their ship and most of their cargo was presumed lost..what was next?

Crow- This log covers the events of Session 8 and 11:

As Death surrounds us, we fly up and define the moment, as it DOES not define us.

– Through the Eyes of a Crow

These past few weeks with my people in Maroa have been amazing. I am filled with energy and passion to live and change the world for the better. I found out my true name, uncovered the knowledge of my parents, realized my purpose and find there is more to life than just survival it’s just Irie. (Jamacian word for excellent).

My friends can still call me Crow, but my name (and I swell with pride when I say it) is Kadian of the Noble house Letia. I am a proud Atani, part of a great people, not this strange bat creature that children whisper about when they see in the alleyways. I am Shiani, a keeper of the Hearwood (a Druid of sorts), a rare magical being who will serve my people and the forests we must preserve. My hair and skin color have slightly altered as these new powers of the Shiani present themselves. I now have a greenish/gold tint in my hair and on my wings, it’s amazing. I can also shift into creatures of the sky and summon winds around my body for protection. I am deeply blessed by the sprits of the Carroway.

During my time in Maroa, I discovered my parents were amazing Diplomats or so I am told. The story of their disappearance started with them, brining me at age 4, to the Kieran empire. They were petitioning “The Great Whale” to create a protective grove of Carroway trees. This mighty grove existed before the great flood. It was on that mission, that my parents went missing some 13 years ago. It is said “The Great Whale” locked them away, a complete breach of diplomatic protocol. And only days later my people petitioned for my freedom, I was taken back on a boat and when the flood hit. And this is how I was lost on the Island of “Torath-Ka”, my home for many years, until Captain Abram Jones found me.

Anyway, I realized that my friends who have cared for me and guided me are my true family. As much as I care for my people, the Atani, these men on the ship of the Jonas are my true family. So in my new found purpose to protect the forests and this planet, I make way for Jomba town, I flew and glided a long way transformed by my new powers as a Shiani into a Carroway Screecher (it looks like a falcon but with a greenish gold hue). Heading to see my great friends who may have saved my very soul, the two great men Captain Liam and Father Rodrigo and of course the rest of the crew.

As I arrived over Jomba town and saw the Jonas, our study ship, I thought I would make a grand entrance. I was still transformed into a Carroway Screacher, so I landed on the crow’s nest of our ship as this greenish/gold falcon of sorts. Then before the very eyes of the crew, I transformed into the Crow, the friend they had known for some time. Captain Liam, the Father Rodrigo, Brachus and Mordecai all welcomed me. Daxon seemed busy working below decks.

I discussed my new purpose saving the forest and the world from the great flood and pleaded with my friends to help aid the forests and the planet. They agreed… I also gave a precious Carroway fruit to Father Rodrigo who had healed me at a critical moment as a gift and thanked Liam and the father both for their role in my salvation.

So we were off, it was great to be rigging the ship and latter sitting in MY crow’s nest. Brachus claimed they have enough money to buy a brand new Brigandine, they will call her the Liberator and mount a bust of that woman who they said was beautiful on the front of our ship.

We set sail in this new vessel with some cargo, after the captain calmed the crew over matters of money. We delivered our first cargo and then picked up lumber. Ah the smell of the sea is such a mighty thing, it was wonderful to be back.

We then, set sail again, I thought it was beautiful travelling with the Captain at the helm, expertly steering and Mordecai using his wind magic to accelerate the ship, we were making amazing time.

Then I saw a Sloop and called to the captain. He readied us to battle stations as another ship broke the horizon it was another Brigantine. Two pirates were upon us.

The Captain spun to broadside. Mordecai fired the first 8 pounder and hit the sloop hard, damaging the rudder

I then fired at the Brigantine and hit some powder on the deck it must have started a fire.

Then it happened, a lucky Shot by the Pirate Brigantine and BOOM…

As my sense returned, amazingly I was blown clear of the wreckage. I saw dead bodies in the water, I scanned to see my family.


My purpose is NOT complete and this MOMENT will NOT define us, the luckly accident we will shape into our destiny.

I quickly convert to a Carroway Screecher, and hear from Brachus going in and out of consciousness breath, get the Sloop. So I fly with intense speed as I see Daxon dive into the water to follow me. I make it to the sloop, it’s crew already decimated by Mordecia’s expert 8 pound cannon shots and I quickly as a Carroway Screecher Peck eyes from the Captain of Sloop. Then mustering all the training that Captain Liam has given me, I turn the Sloop and head to get my family.

Once they board this Sloop, Captain Liam takes the helm and I am off again flying to the Brigantine. I then see the MASSIVE ship in the distance. It’s engaging the other Pirate Brigantine. It’s Admiral Duckworth’s ship.

I see Duckworth on the Brigantine, leading the fight engaged with the Pirate captain. I hit the pirate captain hard with my talons and begin to peck at his eyes. He is stunned by my attackes and seems to go off balance, attempting to fend me off. I also see the Pirate Captain before I arrive had wounded Duckworth, so I will try to protect the Admiral.

Then I am there pecking and clawing and suddenly Daxon, my good friend Daxon jumps from our Sloop that is beside the pirate Ship and stabs the Pirate captain twice with his daggers and flings the body overboard. There is a great hurrah. The Admiral ask us to help fight the rest of the crew, which my family has already defeated to the Admirals surprise.

I then land on the deck in front of the admiral and transform kneeling before Admiral Duckwoth, and introduce myself as Kadian of the Noble house Letia. At his service.

Next our family starts to discuss with the Admiral the fineries of the laws of maritime salvage and the unique situation that has just occurred. I beam with pride to realize my family will NOT be defined by a Moment, but it’s US who defined that Moment not random chance.

Legend of the crew who lost their ship and captured not just one but, with the help of the Admiral TWO will live on!

Father Rodrigo

April 10, 1571

Dearest Abuela,

Agua is everywhere, and not just on this Purgatorio of a land.   It is in everything, including me.  God Almighty has given me the power to heal through water.  It is a gift beyond imagination.  I try to heal as many as He allows, day and night.  I am compelled.  I will not falter.  As to Agua, I am reminded:

Then God said to Noah and to his sons with him:  “I now establish my covenant with you and with your descendants after you and with every living creature that was with you—the birds, the livestock and all the wild animals, all those that came out of the ark with you—every living creature on earth.  I establish my covenant with you: Never again will all life be destroyed by the waters of a flood; never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth.”
   And God said, “This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come:  I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth.  Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds,  I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life.  Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.”
 So God said to Noah, “This is the sign of the covenant I have established between me and all life on the earth.”

Abuela, our Brigantine was destroyed, as if by providence.  I fear not, however, for we still live.  I can still heal. And just like our mighty ship was returned to the water and one day I will be returned to the water, I remember that this covenant must be earned.   Fought for.  Sacrificed for.  Like Noah.  So that eventually we all reach shore and dry land.

Fr. Rodrigo Salvatore

Captain Liam

Captain’s Log,


It’s gone.  All of it.  The ship, most of the crew, and our cargo.  Even the small memento of my wife’s is at the bottom of the sea or destroyed.  Lost forever.  I alone am responsible.  Some may argue it was just a lucky shot, but no matter.  I was captain and it was my decision to engage the pirates.  It was my poor judgement that cost us everything.  Most of my men, who trusted me enough to accept a delay in their wages, are dead because of me.  I have failed them all as their captain.


Now my heart is overburdened with regret, hate, and fury.   Regret for my decision.  Hate for my overconfidence.  Fury for the scum pirates that came for us.  Amends must be made.  So I will do everything in my power to secure the pirate brig from Admiral Duckworth and his superiors.  That will, at least, allow me to return the lost investment of my friends.  If I fail at even that, how can I continue as their captain?  What will be left for me but a heart full of  hate and fury.


One way or another, I will make amends.




50 Fathoms: Session 10-A Free Jomba Town

Jomba_Angry mob_1A Free Jomba Town


  • Mordecai
  • Liam
  • Daxon
  • Bracus
  • Rodrigo

Date: 8-29-15

XP: 2


After the defeat of Ian and the freeing of the slaves the Crew discovered that he had been working on a cage to capture a Yellowback for bounty from New Madrid. The city was offering a tidy sum for a live specimen..

Mourning the loss of his four warriors Eti was anxious to present Ian’s body to the spirit of his father Jomba and free him from his torment. Waiting till twilight the Crew and Eti laid Ian’s body on the road and when the sun set Jomba appeared. This time he was in a more corporeal form, of his own mind, and able to talk. Jomba was grateful that Ian was killed but unfortunately his curse was for him to slay Ian on the Ghost Trail…not for others to do it. While Jomba retained his mind he was bound forever to the Ghost Trail. He vowed to protect the Trail from those who sought to bring harm, but could not linger in one place too long and drifted off.

The Crew decided to help Eti take over Jomba Town from the Council and started their march back up the trail towards Jomba Town. On the way back they remember Ol’ Owens tail of the “Money Pit” and Bracus convinced the Crew to spend some time digging it up. They found digging in the pit to be a dangerous and futile endeavor but also discovered that the pit was somehow leaking sea water. Daxon, Eti and Liam explored the flooded cave systems under the island and while fending off schools of BloodFish found the underside of the Pit and the Treasure! Through some heroic underwater work the Crew was able to gather the treasure intact and be on their way.

Far richer than before (to Bracus’s delight) the Crew made it to Jomba town.

Liam used his buddy that worked for the council to arrange a meeting to discuss their payment for solving the Ghost Problem. Liam was also warned to keep his priest friend from stirring up trouble with his soup kitchen.Of course Rodrigo would hear nothing of the sort and set up shop next to the Council favorite tavern, the Shackle.

In response, the Council sent a heavily armed group to attack the priest but the Crew was able the turn the tide, kill the thugs, and get the locals to take up arms against the Council. In full riot mode the Crew lead 200+ locals and Eti’s people against the armed fortifications of the Council. Through bravery and some bloodshed, the mob was able to overrun the city and capture all but one council member (Crimson Sparrow- Kehana). The Crew set up a court to judge the Council members but at this point are unsure how “fair” the trial will be. While the rest of the Crew were mopping up resistance and capturing Council members, Bracus found his way to the town’s money vault and made sure to secure the promised bounty payment (with a bonus) before turning it over to the people. Eti provided guards to protect the wealth while a government was formed and things settled down.



Captain Liam

Captain’s Log,

Jamba town has shaken off the shackles of tyranny.  For many of our group, slavery was the issue.  It even changed Mordecai a little.  He’s crossed a line very few men come back from in his pursuit of ending slavery.  I always found the tyranny to be the real evil corrupting Jumba.  A council that wasn’t elected by the people ruling over its subjects like some puppet master, who’s only concern is growing his own wealth at the expense of others.  Not any more.  Jumba’s citizens now rule themselves.  I only hope they do it well.


As soon as we finish our business here, we’ll be off to New Madrid.  We’ve finally managed to save up the needed funds for a new ship, and there are plenty of options in that port.  While this skiff has been good to us, it barely qualifies as a ship.  The brig we’ve had our hearts set on does, however.  It may not be a ship of the line but they’re fine vessels, and can accomplish a great deal with the right captain and crew.


It’s safe to say this is one of those rare times where everything seems to be going our way.

-Captian McCormic



50 Fathoms: Session 09-The Demise of Ian O’Connell


The Demise of Ian O’Connell


  • Mordecai
  • Liam
  • Daxon
  • Jagos (played by Chad)

Date: 8-1-15

XP: 3


When we last left the Crew they had just watched Mordecai slay the Ian’s 2nd in command, Gorgio. There was a large bloody mess in a brothel and a dead body to deal with.

This session picked up with the crew trying to cover up his death and dispose of the body. While attempting to hide the body offshore they were spotted by a town guard who quickly shouted for help. Suddenly a giant Scurillian appeared out of nowhere and worked up some earth magic to bind and silence the guard. The Crew thanked their new friend and found out his name was Jagos and he had beef with Ian as well.

The Crew waited a day and met with Eti at the pre-determined time and place and headed to Ian’s Fortress. After some scouting by Daxson, they found out the base was walled in with roughly hewed tree wall set up around the perimeter. While not sophisticated it would make getting into the encampment difficult. The Crew decided to implement a two prong strategy: 1) Fake a slavery transfer with Liam leading Eti’s men as “newly acquired goods” and 2) the rest of the Crew and Eti using Jagos burrow powers to sneak under the walls.

The initial plan partially succeeded. When Liam approached the wall announcing a slave delivery the base was already on alert for a human with a strange accent. Ians lieutenants recognized the accent, knew Gorgio was missing and did not fall for the trap. Instead a fire mage decided to toss a fireball at Liam while he was stranded outside of the wall. While the ruse failed, it did however make for a good distraction. Jagos and the other group  burrowed under the wall and started attacking. The Crew managed to open the gate enough to let Liam inside, but all of Eti’s men died in a massive wave of fire from the fire elementalist.

After a long fight the Crew pushed back the slavers and managed to get to Ian who had settled in behind cover and was prepared to fight. Jagos managed to severely wound Ian and his followers with a well timed blast which quickly ended to fight. Ian was bleeding on the ground when Mordecai sent a huge cone electrical energy at the wounded Ian, finishing him off.

When the dust settled, the Crew found cages full of slaves in the base which they promptly freed. While searing Ian’s body Liam found a punctured flask leaking golden brown fluid. Realized it was his beloved Scotch, Liam only was able to save a mouthful before it ran out. Poor Liam might never get a proper drink in Caribdus after all…

Camp_Slaver  Slavers_Camp_Drawing_1


Captain Liam

Captain’s Log,

Alright.  There’s days in life that can drive a man mad.  These past few were nearly such days for me.

I think it began the moment Mordecai killed that slaver in the brothel.  Not that he didn’t deserve it.  Having to dispose of the body was more than a wee problem, though.  At the docks, we met a relative of Brachus’ who seemed a bit off his head.  Crazy or not, Jagos helped contain what could have been a world of trouble.  He had his own issue with the slavers, something about a sack full of eggs, and joined us.  Sort of.  He just lingered in the distance most of the time.

Once we finally made it to the slavers fort, we needed a distraction.  I volunteered before the others could.  Aye, I knew I was the best man for the job.  All I got for my trouble was a fireball to my face, a group of Eti’s men being burned to a crisp before my eyes, and a drawn out fight with some spry wizard.  I just couldn’t get the upper hand.  I think I’ve been away from sea for too long.  Fortunately, the distraction worked and we took the fort.

Now came the worst part of it all.  After everything we’ve had to do on this blasted island, I find a flask on Ian’s body full of that sweet nectar of my homeland;  Scotch.  But the bloody thing had a hole in it and I got only a drop!  Oh, how this world teases me.  I suppose it’s a good sign.  There is scotch somewhere on this blasted world.  If I could only find some.

Captain Liam McCormic


50 Fathoms: Session 08-Adventures of Crow: Homeward Bound


Adventures of Crow: Homeward Bound


  • Crow
  • Liam
  • Rodrigo

Date: 7-20-15

XP: 2

Note: This adventure occurred before “Trouble at Jomba Town Part 1” and is a side adventure


Crow decided he would like to visit Maroa to try to find information about his people and parents. They arrives on the shores of Cuwayo to find the enormous Grove under lockdown. No Atani allowed in or out and Carroway fruit trade has been completely suspended. Crow tried talking to the guards but was told he was not allowed entry. He did succeed on giving them a letter of intent requesting permission to enter.

The Crew asked around town and found out that the Grove had been on lockdown for over 3 months. Later that night a contact from Maroa sought Crow out and told him that the Elder locked the city down months ago and then went into seclusion with the Clan leaders. Something was wrong with the city and a peaceful resistance movement was forming. They wanted to use Crow to gain audience with the Elder to find out what was wrong.

The Crew snuck into the Grove with the assistance of their resistance contact, Golodir.

They managed to get to the Elder unharassed via stealth and subterfuge. The elder was a withered old Atani with milky eyes and crippled on his throne. He got angry when he found out Crow had been let in and gave hint that he was over some type of influence. When Crow touched the Elder he got a vision of the Elder Tree radiation power but the power was corrupted by a sickly green infection. In a misguided attempt to help the Elder, Crow slit his wrist imitating a Blood Magic Ritual he observed on Torath Ka. This made the dark energy pulse and grow and only with the help of his two friends was he able to push back this darkness and dispel the infection of the Elder.

With the Elder cured and revitalized they found out that a darkness has been slowing growing in the Elder Tree and affecting the Heartwood (source of power) for several years. It has gotten worse and affected the Elders mind. The Elder told him he had to go into the Heartwood and purge the Infection and free the Tree.

Crow and friends enter the Heartwood and fight Infections Oozes, deadly molds, and plant monsters. While exploring Crow finds a pulsing seedpod and carries it with him.

The Crew finds themselves in the Heartwood which is totally infected by a huge black/green mass that is draining the trees entity. This mass is huge with several tentacles and is breeding Infections Oozes through disgusting orifices. The Infection is being protected by corrupted Dryads and the battle to kill the beast is intense. At their darkest hour Golodir and Etlin rush in to help push the Oozes back. This frees up Crow to make a final strike against the pulsing Infection and eradicate the plague.

After the battle the Heartwood gives Crow the option to join the Shiani (Grove Protectors) and he learns his true Atani name is Kadian. Kadian accepts and gains the Spirit of the Heardwood forever changing who he is.


Captain Laim

Captain’s Log,


Crow has always been a lad of extremes.  As a youth, it’s no real surprise.  It’s the way of the young to live with reckless passion.  Friendships, enemies, even life itself are things he does in full measure.  Aye, more than full measure in most cases.  He saw Captain Abrams as a father and tried harder than most natural sons to win and keep his favor.  He argued for stealing a ship from pirates in Brigandy Bay with a burning passion.  On old Stumpy’s treasure island he just couldn’t leave that little magic head alone, so I had to take it from him.  Only the good Lord knows what would have come of the lad’s meddling.  When the undead beast came after us, Crow jumped from a tree onto it’s back like some half crazed lunatic.

I don’t think it’s lunacy that drives Crow, though.  Just willful undisciplined youth.  I’ve often found myself concerned for the wee lad.  Such unbridled passion ends in an early death more often than not, and Crow’s seemed almost impossible to keep in check.  Despite my best efforts.  But he’s not that Crow any more.  He’s not even Crow, in truth.

Aye, he’s the same person.  Full of passion and zeal with the same love for life.  Yet, after our crazed trek into the heart of a gigantic tree(this world never ceases to amaze), he’s no longer that wee lad.  Now I’d say he’s more a man than lad.  He’s found true purpose, a connection to his people, and his true name; Kadian.  The tree itself, which I gather to be some kind of god for his kind, has dubbed him a Shiani.  Where Crow once stood reckless and undisciplined, now stands Kadian.  A champion of his people and a young man I’m proud to call friend.

Captain Liam McCormic



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