I took a picture of some minis that I don’t have to re-base that will work well in the Star Wars setting. Here are some possible stats. Note that some of these ships are at the X-Wing Miniatures skirmish scale rather than the Star Wars Armada fleet scale.
Imperial Fleet
MODEL #3: Imperial Escorts (Fighters, 2 pts) [Have 3]
Move 8″, Cruise 12″, Ram 12″, Range 12″
Accuracy 4, Strength 2, Evasion 11, Toughness 9
- ☐☐ Laser Cannons (Cannon: May be fired at one enemy unit within 18”, has Accuracy 3 and Strength 5.)
MODEL #2: Imperial Intercepter (Destroyer, 6 pts) [Have 3]
Move 6″, Cruise 9″, Ram 9″, Range 18″
Accuracy 2, Strength 4, Evasion 9, Toughness 11
- ☐☐ Shield #1 (Shield: The ship gets +1 Toughness.)
- ☐☐ Turbolasers (Giga Cannon: may be fired at one enemy unit within 6”, has accuracy 2 and Strength 8.)
- ☐☐ Laser Cannons (Cannon: May be fired at one enemy unit within 18”, has Accuracy 3 and Strength 5.)
Rebel Fleet
MODEL #5: Rebel Fighter (Fighters, 2 pts) [Have 1]
Move 8″, Cruise 12″, Ram 12″, Range 12″
Accuracy 4, Strength 2, Evasion 11, Toughness 9
- ☐☐ Laser Cannons (Cannon: May be fired at one enemy unit within 18”, has Accuracy 3 and Strength 5.)
MODEL #6: Rebel Fighters (Fighters, 2 pts) [Have 3]
Move 8″, Cruise 12″, Ram 12″, Range 12″
Accuracy 4, Strength 2, Evasion 11, Toughness 9
- ☐☐ Laser Cannons (Cannon: May be fired at one enemy unit within 18”, has Accuracy 3 and Strength 5.)
MODEL #4: CR90 Corvette (Destroyer, 6 pts) [Have 2]
Move 6″, Cruise 9″, Ram 9″, Range 18″
Accuracy 2, Strength 4, Evasion 9, Toughness 11
- ☐☐ Repair Bay (Repair Bay: Remove one point of damage from a friendly ship within 3”. Note that you may only take 1 repair bay per ship.)
- ☐☐ Laser Cannons (Cannon: May be fired at one enemy unit within 18”, has Accuracy 3 and Strength 5.)
- ☐☐ Laser Cannons (Cannon: May be fired at one enemy unit within 18”, has Accuracy 3 and Strength 5.)
MODEL #1: Tyrannus (Destroyer, 6 pts) [Have 1]
Move 6″, Cruise 9″, Ram 9″, Range 18″
Accuracy 2, Strength 4, Evasion 9, Toughness 11
- ☐☐ Hyperspace Drive (Warp Drive: The ship may be placed anywhere within 2D6” of its position.)
- ☐☐ Turbolasers (Giga Cannon: may be fired at one enemy unit within 6”, has accuracy 2 and Strength 8.)
- ☐☐ Laser Cannons (Cannon: May be fired at one enemy unit within 18”, has Accuracy 3 and Strength 5.)

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