
Tabletop RPG Podcast and Roleplaying Resources

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Redmark Session 25 Epilogue: The Forgotten Kobold Shaman

(A cut-scene that occurs immediately after Session 25)

In the pre-dawn hours of the battle of Agincourt, flames consume the tattered pavilion of the Duke of Bar. Shocked French guards hazard the flames to rescue the beheaded Duke’s body, ignoring the hapless screams of the Duke’s ‘demon’. Gone are the interlopers who entered the tent then disappeared, abandoning the tent, and the kobold inside, to the flames.

Inside the wood shed, a metal cage grows heats and burns the kobold shaman inside. He writhes and shouts curses in French. The immolated kobold with one hand clutches a lump on his chest beneath his tunic, lit orange by rippling, consuming fires. With his other hand, the dying creature pulls a vial from a hidden pouch and unstoppers it with a thumb. He consumes the fluid therein. His face is a rictus of horror as his body jerks in unnatural spasms.

The kobold’s agonized shouts transform into a scream of triumph. A burst of smoke, and the cage, still aflame from the collapsing timbers around it, is now empty, the flaming kobold’s body gone. A disembodied, maniacal cackle rolls over the French camp like a gathering thunder.

The French soldiers who witnessed these chilling events die within hours, the shafts of English arrows peppering their bodies.

Star Trek Campaign Name & Monologue

Starbase 47 by archangel72367 on DeviantArt

Starbase 47 by archangel72367 on DeviantArt

A quick blog post to get feedback on our upcoming Star Trek opening credits monologue, and also on the name of our Star Trek campaign.

First, a bit of context on what I’m aiming for in the campaign.

We’re currently doing a Season 1 which is a prequal series of planet-of-the-week adventures using pregens. We’re aboard the U.S.S. Darius.

Later, maybe mid-year, we’ll move on to Season 2. We’ll do joint character creation using the full rules. Anyone who was in love with their pregen can ‘upgrade’ them into a long-term PC. 1st Thursdays will be the Star Trek main campaign with these characters. I’ll call this the ‘Alpha’ campaign. Then, we’ll additionally have opportunistic games which I’ll call ‘Omega’ missions that will feature below decks characters on your ship, or possibly characters on other starships in the sector. We’ll have 2-3 starships in Starfleet attached to Starbase 47 (also known as Vanguard). So focus will be on main crew and campaign but we’ll have other organized-play style games in the same universe. A PC in an Omega game (sidequest game) could be featured in an Alpha game as an NPC. If Omega game characters fail in a mission and are captured, the next Alpha game could be to save them.

The setting is the Taurus Reach, which is also called the Rimward Frontier. We include the names of the starship (the U.S.S. Darius and others to come) in each opening monologue, and if we switch to an Omega game with a different starship, then we have a different opening that references _that_ starship.

Or, we could just reference Starfleet having operations in the area.

Here are some examples. Happy to entertain other takes on what we should say on the opening.

For reference: Star Trek The Next Generation Opening Credits Monologue

“Space… The final frontier…
These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise.
Its continuing mission:
To explore strange new worlds…
To seek out new life and new civilizations…
To boldly go where no one has gone before!”

Here’s some possibilities for us.

Star Trek Adventures Concept 1 (Campaign Name: ‘Star Trek Darius’):

“Space… The final frontier…
These are the voyages of the Starship Darius.
Its continuing mission:
To explore strange new worlds…
To seek out new life and new civilizations…
To boldly go where no one has gone before!”

Star Trek Adventures Candidate 2 (Campaign Name: ‘Star Trek Taurus Reach’):

“Space… The final frontier…
These are the chronicles of Starfleet in the Taurus Reach.
Our continuing mission:
To explore strange new worlds…
To seek out new life and new civilizations…
To boldly go where no one has gone before!”

Star Trek Adventures Candidate 3 (Campaign Name: ‘Star Trek Rimward Frontier’ or ‘Star Trek Frontier’; maybe Season 2’s ship is named the U.S.S. Frontier):

“Space… The final frontier…
These are the tales of Starfleet in the Rimward Frontier.
Our continuing mission:
To explore strange new worlds…
To seek out new life and new civilizations…
To boldly go where no one has gone before!”

Star Trek Adventures Candidate 4 (Campaign Name: ‘Star Trek Vanguard’):

“Space… The final frontier…
These are the tales of Starfleet in the vanguard of Federation space.
Our continuing mission:
To explore strange new worlds…
To seek out new life and new civilizations…
To boldly go where no one has gone before!”

Thoughts? Let’s chat on GroupMe!

Star Trek Away Mission: Signals

Below describes a quickstart adventure I plan to run this Wednesday (quorum permitting) or at some other future point in time.

Away Mission: Signals

STARDATE 2266.01

“We’ve received a message from the exploration vehicle Ventura that their long-range shuttlecraft called the Susquehanna has gone missing in the Carina Nebula, deep within the Taurus Reach. The Susquehanna was investigating an unusual alien signal that originated from the nebula when all contact was lost. We have been ordered to enter the nebula, find the shuttle, and determine the origin and cause of the alien signal. Starfleet has also advised that Romulan and Tholian ships have been sighted in the region, so we should exercise caution since they may well have detected the alien signal as well.”

What You Need to Know

Basic familiarity with the Star Trek universe (The Prime Directive, Phasers, ‘Beam Me Up’) is desired. Rules will be taught in-game, with all accessories needed supplied by the GM. Read the ‘Quickstart Rules for Players’ PDF below and pick a Pregen character from below if you have time before the game.


The game takes place in the Star Trek universe in the year 2266, during Kirk’s “Five Year Mission” in The Original Series. Adventures take place in the Taurus Reach which is a region of space in the rimward Alpha Quadrant. A zone of Federation expansion in the mid-23rd century, the Reach was also bordered by the Klingon Empire and the Tholian Assembly. It is largely an unexplored, stellar frontier.

Quickstart Rules for Players

Download and read the quickstart rules on your digital device.

Species Mix

For story reasons, we want about half or more of characters to be human.


Download and select a pregen from this folder.

Theme Music

Before we air the podcast, we will compose a nice intro. audio track with a voice-over using this as the background music.

You Starship

You are crew members of the U.S.S. Darius (designation NCC-502, a single-nacelle Saladin class starship).

'U.S.S. Darius' by unusualsuspex on DeviantArt

‘U.S.S. Darius’ by unusualsuspex on DeviantArt


Redmark Session 25: You Took My Life—Now I Take Your Future

October 24, A.D. 1415 (Earth Time)

Bring Out Your Dead!

Our five heroes find themselves in a strange land where their magic doesn’t work and everyone is speaking an incomprehensible language and eating escargot. A few mimes in berets roam about—an utterly terrifying place.

Fortunately, two our heroes—Ivamel and Duke Leopold—speak the language they call “French.” They tell Ghost Dancer, Marcus, and Quintos that they are in a place called Agincourt on the eve of a battle with someone called “The English.”

The man the party had seen with an Urthjarl Stone in the hilt of his sword turns out to be Edward III, Duke of Bar. He’s a real Weinstein. He disappears into his tent complex to abuse an unfortunate young woman he calls “Miss Tuesday.” Within the hour, a man pulling a cart exits the tent complex hauling away the dead, bruised body of Miss Tuesday. Duke Douchebag has beaten her to death.

Dude Looks Like a Lady

Ghost Dancer, stripped of his magic, turns to his disguise kit. In a few minutes, he’s in drag and ready to help the party bluff their way into the Duke’s pavilion as Miss Wednesday Morning—or as Mason calls him out-of-game, Mrs. Ghostfire.

Duke Leopold commandeers the cart and its hauler, identifying himself as the Duke of Dorn. The humbled hauler agrees to bring the party of Moors (“Allah! Allah!) into the pavilion. Duke Edward needs his ladies, and this new one looks exotic—and a bit feisty. With a bit of an Adam’s apple.

Ghost cross-dresses and gains entrance to the holding hut.

Ghost cross-dresses and gains entrance to the holding hut.

Into the Holding Tent

Leopold talks his way into the pavilion, and has all the guards trembling at this new, mouthy noble. The party goes into a holding tent where they loosely tie Ghost Dancer to a pole alongside two other poor wenches destined to fall into the clutches of the perverted Duke Edward. Marcus remains with Ghost and protects him from being groped, beaten, and Shawshanked by the guards. Meanwhile, the rest of the party goes into the main pavilion.

The party splits up. Always a good idea!

The party splits up; always a good idea!

The Duke, the Sword, the Kobold, and The Dark One

Leopold talks his way into the main pavilion, brushing past the guards with noble contempt. They find Edward speaking Latin to his sword and small tendrils of flame briefly flickering on the blade. Then, they hear an outhouse gimp with a high, squeaky voice speaking French to Edward about magic.

Leopold enters and parlays with the Duke. Deception ensues!

Leopold enters and parlays with the Duke. Deception ensues!

Leopold introduces himself to Edward, and tells him that he has brought him a sorcerer who can teach him how to use his sword: Quintos. Quintos speaks in Latin, impressing the Duke. Then Quintos clutches his own Urthjarl Stone, granting him a brief spark of magic, which he uses to cast Thaumaturgy, making his eyes glow red and his voice boom.

The outhouse gimp—a kobold shaman, as it turns out, caged in a small structure designed to look like an outhouse—cries out that Quintos is actually the Dark Lord, Dis-Dool. Edward is even more impressed. Quintos says with his booming voice in Latin, “Give me the sword, and I’ll show you how it works.”

Edward eagerly hands over the sword.

Ivamel’s Revenge

As Quintos holds the sword and brings the two Urthjarl Stones in proximity of each other, they both begin to glow brighter—and Quintos feels more magical.

Ivamel, who recognizes Edward and remembers what he’s done to Ivamel (though Ivamel does not yet share that story with the party), can wait no longer. He sprints to Edward, sword drawn, and stabs him as he says with a grim look on his face, “You took my life; I take your future.”

The fight begins, and the Duke's bodyguards come to his aid

The fight begins after Ivamel’s biting words, and the Duke’s bodyguards enter the fray.

Meanwhile, Back in the Whore Tent…

Leopold comes from the pavilion to the wench-holding tent and tells the guards that Edward has called for the dark hottie, aka Ghost Dancer. Marcus, outside of the tent, waits and pulls the tent over Ghost and says, “Follow Me,” as the sounds of battle erupt from the Pavilion.

Ghost and Marcus go into the pavilion. Leopold, however, feels an unusual feeling for one of the wenches. What is this strange feeling? It’s something called sympathy, apparently.

Rescuing Ghost!

Rescuing Ghost!

He frees the wench who claims she has a baby she needs to tend to. Leopold tells the guards the Duke wants another lady for his crazy night of debauchery. Leopold gets the woman outside and frees her. She runs off to tend to her infant daughter—Joan of Arc.

Let’s Do the Time Warp Again

In the pavilion, all hell has broken loose. Ivamel gets really stabby with Edward. The fire sword speaks to Quintos: “Hey, ya’ll.”

The sword also says it must be wielded by one worthy, and then it leaps to Ivamel’s hands. Ivamel speaks the Latin phrase etched on the hilt, conjures full flames, and stabs Edward through the mouth…but not before the imprisoned kobold gets a chance to pick up a dropped dagger and stab Edward, too.

The Battle with the Duke

The battle with the Duke and his guards.

Ivamel decapitates Edward and sends his flaming head rolling. Then he looks up to see Ghost Dancer performing a writhing, shimmying dance as two guards poke their heads into the pavilion to see what the noise is. When the guards see Ghost doing his stripper dance and odd contortions, they shake their heads at the growing perversity of Duke Edward, and leave.

Ivamel downs the Duke!

Ivamel downs the Duke!

Looking at his new sword and then at Ghost Dancer and, Ivamel makes a crack about the group having two flamers now. Ghost is not amused. Well, maybe a little.

Leopold runs in and joins the group as Marcus prepares to cast banishment and hopefully return them to Vridensia. The kobold begs to come with them, promising them to of great help and service. Quintos, instead, casts fireball at the outhouse-cage, and the kobold shrieks in flames. Marcus, remembering how things went wrong with Hashar the Bugbear, is happy to see the kobold burning instead of joining the party.

Marcus casts the spell. With a whoosh, the party flies the same kind of tunnel that got them to this place called Agincourt. They whoosh along and end up back in the hut at the village by the giant King Kong wall. Those who were watching this banishment ceremony ask the party why Ivamel hasn’t gone anywhere, and the party realizes that their journey to France only took a mere blink of an eye in Vridensia time, but clearly took an hour or two in France-time.

That’s when the other observers (Ash, the chief, the village shaman) notice that Ivamel is now holding a flaming sword he didn’t have a second ago, and that Ghost Dancer is suddenly dressed like a strumpet. Everyone freaks out, and the party realizes that while they still have much work to do, they now have two Urthjarl Stones, a flaming sword, and a small glimmer of hope that they can save Thrëa from the dark forces that seek to destroy it.


  • Ivamel—Gets a sweet new Flame Sword +2 (+3 if flame is activated); almost gets a pet kobold
  • Ghost Dancer—Some mascara and a nice purse that matches his loincloth
  • Leopold—A sense of sympathy
  • Quintos—Jock itch—wait…that’s just a little Hunger of Hadar left over
  • Marcus—A strong desire to get back to Juana-Nona and make sure she doesn’t have an Adam’s apple

Licensed RPG Podcast Poll Results and Analysis

In my Thursday group we starting talking about doing an actual play podcast. 24 hours after I put up the poll on licensed RPG settings, we’ve gotten some good response! 175 votes as of me writing this post.

We’ll have a dribble of extra votes over the next week I’d think, but most of the response is in at this point.

Here are my observations along with some commentary about the viability of doing an actual play podcast campaigns of the top settings.

The Results (175 voters)

  • Adventures in Middle-Earth (Tied) — 29%
  • John Carter of Mars (Tied) — 29%
  • Star Trek Adventures — 18%
  • Firefly Role-Playing Game — 13%
  • Star Wars: Edge of the Empire — 11%


The Runners-Up

Star Wars scored last. I’m thinking this is partly due to the crowded Star Wars podcasting space (there are multiple FFG Star Wars actual play podcasts out there), and maybe partly due to the system (my personal polling shows about as many people play or prefer the older d6 system than the newer FFG system; not everyone responded well to the new rules), and partly due to franchise fatigue (so many movies, cartoons, novels, etc., that you’re got your fix already).

Firefly was second-to-last. Still a beloved setting which I would not mind taking for a spin. Its following has never risen to the level of Star Trek, Star Wars, and Middle-earth fan-bases.

Now on to the top three and what it means for us.

The Top Three

Adventures in Middle-earth was tied for first place. That it would be in the first slot didn’t surprise me. What totally surprised me is that it was tied with a game not yet released!

John Carter of Mars had the same votes as Adventures in Middle-earth. Why so popular? I suspect it’s because of (1) a dedicated fan base that has grown over a century and which hasn’t seen much love (aside from a single movie that was ‘meh’, no cartoons, no movies, just a lot of fans), and (2) the nature of Sword and Planet pulp adventures makes the settings a swashbuckling romp that I could see quite appealing for those wanting something to listen to during the morning commute. 

Burroughs wrote 11 of the original John Carter of Mars books. Anyone who’s read them knows the Star Wars is an homage (if not a blatant rip-off) of this Burroughs setting (see a review of the ties here, with adaptations of Jed (to Jedi) and Padwan (to Padawan), etc.).

Star Trek Adventures came in third. Still a strong showing. The current Star Trek Discovery, the recent Star Trek movies, and a fan base since the 60’s contributes to a perennial interest in this franchise.

47% Want a 2d20 Setting

It is also notable that both John Carter of Mars and Star Trek Adventures each use a version of Modiphius’ 2d20 system (which I reviewed here when Mason ran a Conan game with 2d20 rules, and which I analyzed here). 47% of respondents would most like to listen to licensed setting that happens to use a 2d20 system. That’s half the market! Over time if we ran both John Carter of Mars, Star Trek Adventures, and maybe other 2d20 settings like Conan, we could really tap into a nascent but high-demand 2d20 fan base. Whether or not these folks are actually interested in 2d20, or just the setting (regardless of system), it still remains that Modiphius is dominating the licensed-IP market with a broad base of fans.

Pros & Cons of Running the Top Three

Adventures in Middle-earth

Adventures in Middle-earth is nearest and dearest to my heart. I would love to run a 4th Age campaign someday. I’ve been plotting an epic campaign for 20 years with some cool elements I’d love to roll into the story arc. Thing is, I love this setting so much, I’d want to really pour myself into it with a lot of energy on research Tolkien’s legendarium, being true to the rich history, and having great props like original poems and riddles. I’d want to re-read the Silmarillion, The Hobbit, and The Lord of the Rings. All of which is to say, I don’t want to run this setting until I’m not also running my Redmark campaign and I’ve had a change to do some serious preparation.

With a Game-of-Thrones type big-budget series coming to Amazon Prime TV in 2020 (see the details here), I could also see 2020-ish timeframe as an ideal time to run a Middle-earth campaign to coincide with the interest the TV series will generate.

Stuff to verify: We’ll want to experiment with theater-of-the-mind combat to make sure we can make 5e rules run fast and in an appealing way on audio.

Star Trek Adventures

Star Trek Adventures could be a cool, planet-of-the-week series that would lend itself to multiple GMs (each GM taking over the control of an NPC captain, and adventures being episodic, much like The Original Series). The system looks cool, but like Star Wars: Edge of the Empire, has a bit of crunch to cover all the science and gadgets of the setting.

I am a bit concerned over the future of the Star Trek franchise though. The current Star Trek Discovery series went out of the way to drop an F-bomb (which was totally needless in my opinion). Now there is strong signs Quentin Tarantino will direct the next Star Trek movie, and requiring that it be Rated R. JJ Abrams and Paramount have apparently signed off on this. Star Trek meets Kill Bill? This rush to be needlessly edgy has me a bit worried for the long term tone of the franchise.

Stuff to verify: We need to read and try out the rules.

John Carter of Mars

John Carter of Mars is slated to Kickstart later this month. Modiphius has been working on this product for nearly two years with extensive beta testing, so I expect the products are ready-to-print and the Kickstarter is just for marketing and raising capital for the print run. I’d expect PDFs of the RPG materials (and possibly the print material as well) to be out in the first half of 2018. We should know by end of December what those timelines are.

I’ve read ‘A Princess of Mars’ (the first John Carter book) at least three times. I read the entire series in High School and it is one of my favorites. The system promises to use a 2d20 LITE system, rumored to be much like Conan. It will lead to fast-paced rules adjudication. If this promises to be true. I could see myself running a John Carter of Mars campaign pretty easily. It’s a great, swashbuckling style pulp setting with a Tarzan, lost-empires vibe. With the theater-of-the-mind approach to combat, I could see myself running a John Carter of Mars campaign with little effort, making this a strong contender for campaign-style actual play podcast in 2018 or 2019.

Stuff to verify: We’ll want to find out the release date when they announce it in December. We need to read and try out the rules.

Side note: here’s a blog post with some preview images of the upcoming products.


For 2018, I could see running Starblade and Shadows of Redmark as original IP settings. Star Trek Adventures and John Carter of Mars could be viable 2018 licensed IP settings. Mason might be able to run a podcast actual play campaign post-Numenera. We also have our ShinnCon’s (currently slated for T.A. 1640 era Middle-earth games) to consider. I could see myself kicking off Adventures in Middle-earth in late 2019 or 2020 after we wrap up the current Redmark campaign. And of course, by 2020, who knows what new shiny’s will be out to capture our interest!

These are just my thoughts though. I am really looking forward to discussing these settings with my game group to see where interest lies and work out a potential podcasting schedule.



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