A great new video showing how you can use the Overviewer App to turn your iPhone or iPad into a document camera.
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These two graphics from https://www.reddit.com/user/TheYLD/ are a great quick way to understand the new series of novels that are coming out and what order to read them.
We have started a Dicehaven Book Club where we select and read one Sci Fi or Fantasy book each month and then meet for about an hour via Zoom to discuss (and have a private GroupMe for off-line discussions of the books). I thought I’d share the structure of how we (at the moment anyway) plan to organize our club.
Our newly formed ‘Dicehaven Book Club’ (which some of our role-players are in) is reading “Firefly – The Magnificent Nine” in January. Which got me to wondering, when does this book fit in the TV series timeline?
I’ve been experimenting with icons for use in my upcoming Star Trek RPG hack. Right now I’m leaning towards Battlestar Galactica DRADIS-style icons, which I think works really well.
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