Tabletop RPG Podcast and Roleplaying Resources

Category: RPG Tips (Page 1 of 3)

Using 1″ Poker Chips for RPGs and Wargames

I’ve been a big fan of using 1″ poker chips in RPG and wargames for years.  Back in 2017 I pioneered the idea of Stoplight Damage™ and I sold sets of these tokens in my 5e Gamemaster Toolkit Kickstarter. Beyond their use in tracking damage in RPGs, I’ve also found them handy when differentiating squads of soldiers in 3+ player wargames. Need to differentiate your squad of six American WWII soldiers from the other two players with squads on your side? Just use sticky tack to affix 1″ tokens of the same color to your squad’s models.

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Session Zero and Social Contracts

The notion of a Session Zero is gaining in popularity in roleplaying games, especially when starting a longer-term RPG campaign. A Session Zero is setting aside the first game of a campaign (the session before Session One) to talk about what the players and GM want and don’t want during the upcoming games. It’s a great chance to level-set expectations, find key areas of interest, surface areas of discomfort, and listen to each other in order to collectively ensure everyone involved has a great time.

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