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IA Skirmish Debrief – 3/3/2016

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Here we go again. Both players decided they needed at least one more turn with the lists they constructed last week before passing final judgement on who reigns supreme. Sometimes a particular map or mission can favor specific unit capabilities or strategies, and sometimes it takes some practice to really settle in with a new list. And for sure sequels and rematches are always popular in hopes that they will live up to the original.

Be sure to click the List names to the right to see the specific figures and command cards.
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Furious Furries
Jim Bob
Fett’s Alliance


Chewbacca vs Boba Fett – Part II

swi11_previewThe Fett Strikes Back? Jim Bob definitely hopes so, but rest assured Mason and his furry gang will have something to say about that. Since both players are running the exact same lists again, it will be interesting to see what (if any) lessons were learned from the lopsided victory from a week ago.

Massassi Ruins – Lost Knowledge (Mission A)


This map provides a great combination of objectives and combat zones for point scoring opportunities. The objective goals require players to recover lost Jedi holocrons and transport them to a communication beacon where their information can be transmitted. Each transmission will award you 10 VPs, but there are only 30 possible points so the rest of the victory must come from good old fashioned combat.

To make a long story short, those furiously furry Wookies proved too much to handle for Fett and his Imperial lackeys once again, but it should be noted that the rematch was much more competitive than the first meeting between these two lists.

ShadowOpsThe pivotal moment came at the beginning of the second round when Mason played the Shadow Ops command card, completly disrupting Jim Bob’s strategy. Fett ended up getting defeated after much of his side’s planned offensive moves were negated by the timely command card Mason drew at the beginning of the round. At that point Jim Bob went into scramble mode. He managed to scrap for 10 points with a successful holocron transmission but in the end, all of his units were defeated (curse your furiousness, you Furries!!!).

This match did highlight some of the strengths and weaknesses inherent in these two lists and some of the lessons learned by playing them again. In particular, Mason made great use of Chewie’s Protector capability which made his units extra tough to damage. Keeping his units bunched together took full advantage of that bonus especially since Jim Bob’s list lacked any units with Blast attacks. Also highlighted was the fact that Jim Bob’s list lacked any real synergy between the units which unfortunately is typical of Mercenary (aka Scum) lists right now. Hopefully as more Scum expansion packs are released it will make that faction more competitive – only time will tell.


Mason 39 – Jim Bob 10
(army defeated)

Star Wars: Dawn of Rebellion — Episode 07

On Khubeaie, Isshtatha finds Chien, an old wookiee friend from the Imperial Slave Mines. They share a furry, growling reunion, and compare notes on the best brand of flea collar.

Rel helps Dredge construct a light saber, which he uses to dice cucumbers, carrots, and Imperial bounty hunters.

The group heads to Kwenn space station, where the Star Destroyer Relentless is docked for repairs. They must rescue undercover rebel spy, Dana Prenteen.

Daymont’s bar fight gets interrupted when his assailant is stabbed.

Carrying the stabbing victim to sick bay, Cornelius gets covered in foul-smelling disease-blood, ruining his chances of getting a date with a hot Jawa.

The rest of the rebels find Dana, but too late. She’s unconscious, surrounded by bounty hunters and an Imperial officer.

Dr. Tark Malin leaps into action and runs up to the bad guys, and says, “You found my sister!”

The bounty hunters stand confused.

Tark grabs Dana and sprints away, thanks to the power of his Rapid Happy Orb™.

The rebels kill the bad guys and run.

On the Tyranus, Tark finds Dana’s final transmission: Commander Adar Tallon, hero of the Old Republic, is alive. He’s hiding on Tatooine. The crew must find him before the Imperial bounty hunters do….

IA Skirmish Debrief – 2/25/2016

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Yay! With a second meeting in the books, the IA Lunch League can now be considered a thing. Again the attendees were Mason and Jim Bob, both seasoned skirmish newbs in their own right. This is the first Lunch League game to employ player created Lists using the super handy IA Army Builder. (Bonus points to Mason for winning the super awesome name contest)

Be sure to click the List names to the right to see the specific figures and command cards.
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Furious Furries
Jim Bob
Fett’s Alliance


Chewbacca vs Boba Fett

swi11_previewThe galaxy’s best sidekick facing off against the infamous bounty hunter that sold his buddy to Jabba the Hutt? Come on, could this match up be any more exciting?! Closer inspection of the two sides will reveal two very different list strategies. games-swia-chewyThe Furious Furries are made up entirely of powerful unique figures while Fett’s Alliance consists mainly of weaker multi-unit support deployments designed to overwhelm with numbers. Each philosophy has its strengths and weaknesses and therein lies the beauty of the endless combinations one can employ in the IA Skirmish game. Clearly the highlight of this clash will be seeing Chewie and Boba Fett wreak havoc in their own unique ways.

Imperial Labor Camp – Infiltration (Mission B)

map_imperial-labor-campThe Imperial Labor Camp map was selected at random from a list of maps neither player had played previously to provide an even playing field. The mission’s objectives were simple, infiltrate your opponent’s deployment zone with at least one figure to receive VPs at the end of the round. Of course, points are awarded on the spot for combat victories, and it’s obvious from first glance that there will definitely be some violence going down on this map.

After all the hype, this match turned out to be completely one-sided. Mason’s Furious Furries stormed out of the gate, immediately snatched up the bulk of the energy shields, and then set up in wait for the unsuspecting Imperials to come bumbling into their trap. Fett’s Alliance did not disappoint them, as Jim Bob turned in a performance of questionable tactics and general incompetence that should have earned him a good Force choking.

This match seemed to take a bit more time, most likely due to its combat heavy nature. Neither team had reached the deployment zones by the time limit, but victory was clearly in Mason’s furry hands. With Fett on the verge of being dogpiled and only a measly Stormtrooper and Officer to bail him out, Jim Bob wisely conceded the day.


Mason 15 – Jim Bob 0
(time limit – victory conceded)

IA Skirmish Debrief – 2/18/2016

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This was the first meeting of the IA Lunch League, with Mason and Jim Bob in attendance. Mason had never played the skirmish game type but was familiar with the campaign game and basic IA rules.  To learn the skirmish mode, the suggested map and lists from the Skirmish Guide were used. Mason chose the rebels, so Jim Bob succumbed to the power and seduction of the dark side!

Click the List names to the right to see the specific figures and command cards – built with the super handy IA Army Builder.
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Default Luke List
Jim Bob
Default Vader List


Luke vs Vader

swcelebration_previewIt’s as if one of the most quintessential Star Wars scenes is unfolding right before your eyes, but this time the fate of galaxy rests on your shoulders (hint: use the force). While there are endless options for putting together your own IA Skirmish Army, the suggested lists in the Skirmish Guide are the perfect starter for a learning the ins and outs of the game. Playing arguably the two best characters in the game (Luke seems to be the popular choice, but there is no denying Vader can wreak havoc on the ill prepared) is a great way to start.

Mos Eisley Outskirts – Get to the Ship (Mission A)

mos_map_skirmishAs it turns out, the outskirts of Mos Eisley are an even wretcheder hive of scum and villany! (Ben… why didn’t you tell me?) Mason chose the Blue deployment zone and Jim Bob lined up the Imperials in the Red zone. The primary objective was to control the red launch panels (marked with the “A”) on the ship in the center of the map. Doing so would give you 2 victory points (VP) each at the end of the round or 5 VPs if you spent an action to flip them over. Of course, you can also score lots of points just by blasting the other team (and come on, which one of those is more fun?) First one to 40 wins.

For sure, Jim Bob’s previous experience with the map came into play here, though one should not underestimate the power of Vader going beast-mode on the Rebels. While Luke’s pitiful band had their hands full with the Sith Lord Supreme, the Imperial Storm troopers made quick work of securing the objectives and putting points on the score board. The Rebels finally started to whittle away at them while trying to avoid Vader but it proved too little, too late.


Mason 8 – Jim Bob 44

50 Fathoms: Session 20- Trouble at Brigandy Bay

Brigandy bay

Trouble at Brigandy Bay



  • Mordecai: Human Air Mage Puritan from Earth
  • Daxson: Doreen treasure diver native
  • Crow/Kadian: Atani guardian of the Great Tree
  • Kaliferous: Kraken mage
  • Rodrigo: Human priest and water Mage from Earth
  • Kukukachoo Grael guest star

Date: 2-27-16

XP: 2


The Crew head to Brigandy Bay to repair, rest up and setup some trading deals. Upon arrival Daxson and Crow they attempt to talk to their smuggling contact Saricks who works for the Coalition and operates out of the Black Queen. Upon entering the Queen they are stopped and told the Coalition wants to speak with them. They manage to speak with Saricks but are not allowed to leave the Queen without a bar fight with a Graul and two Half Ugak bouncers.

Father Rod, Mordecai and Kukukachoo setup the standard Soup Kitchen but are attacked from a mysterious robed figure and several henchmen.  They manage to take out the henchmen and attempt to capture the robed figure who turns into a bat and flies away. They find all the henchmen have a red blood drop tattoo on their body leading to more questions than answers.

Heading back to the ship the Crew wisely set up a watch rotation and find themselves attacked yet again by the Kehana Crimson Sparrow and his crew. (GM note: Crimson Sparrow was one of the slaver leaders of Jomba Town who escaped because Bracus was being greedy). Sparrow managed to slip on board and attack Daxson but proved no match for Daxons skills. Overall the pirate attack was repelled but not without some bloodshed

It seems Brigandy Bay is no longer a safe place. Has the Crew made too many enemies? Where else does danger lie?




High Admiral Caspian,


We recently made port at Brigandy Bay.  The crew has had previous dealings with the local smuggler king, Sarricks, and believed he might have useful information.  Having no previous involvement with Sarricks, I chose to accompany the other crewmen.  I was also very curious about their plans.  It turns out Father Rodrigo is the one setting up these soup “kitchens” I’ve heard rumors of.


The experience was interesting.  Many came to be fed.  Few were noticeably impacted beyond temporary satiation.  In my opinion, little of substance was accomplished.  Notably, the crew was rather supportive of the effort despite this.


The most significant moment of these last few days was the attack against us while Rodrigo was working his kitchen.  The only detail that is of import is the strange entities that attacked.  One escaped by transforming into a bat and flying away.  As you know, this is odd.  Changing one’s shape is almost unheard of.  I only recently learned shapechanging was even possible through Kadian, who swears our attackers used magic different from his.


The humans in our group fear they are an evil creature from their world known as vampires, who are the work of the devil.  Their descriptions were rather vague and decidedly unacademic.  This leads me to believe the humans have made no official or concerted effort to study vampires.  As such, all I can say with certainty about them is they use magic and can shapechange.  If they are indeed purely evil as the humans claim, I recommend we make what effort we can to eradicate them before they become a larger problem.
Kaliferous, Archmage of the Kraken fleet



Back in Brigandy Bay and Brigands All around

– Through the Eyes of a Crow

Seeing the Great Kraken Ship with the gleaming gold ball edge over the Horizon.  I am beaming with pride.  What a great experience, we met the mighty leader Admiral Caspian of the Kraken.  Earned his trust and we have the mighty Kraken weapon in our control.  Huzzah!  One more piece in the puzzle to defeat the hags.  Once again tested and we pass the ordeal of fire.

So again we are on our way to Brigandy Bay.  After docking Captain Daxson tells me to come along as we are heading to our smuggling contact Saricks who works for the Coalition and operates out of the Black Queen.

Upon entering a crazy human bartender seems to act out of dis-respect to our captain and his crew.  She tells us with indifference we can’t see him and we must wait in the bar.  And we wait for much too long, finally the Captain and I turn to leave.  But we are blocked at the door, by a Graul and two Half Ugak brothers.  This was their mistake.  We use agility and skill, not to kill them, but cleanly get past them and head to the ship.  Latter I fly into Saricks room as carroway screecher and deliver a message to Saricks to meet us.  

Back on the ship, we find out that Father Rod, Mordecai and Kukukachoo setup the standard Soup Kitchen but are attacked from a mysterious robed figure and several henchmen.  They claimed a crazy robed figure who turned into a bat and flies away. I found that hard to believe.  But I guess, I can change into a caraway screeacher, maybe there are creatures like me out there.  Hmmmm
Heading back to the ship, I asked the captain should I double the watch and he agreed.  So we set up a watch rotation and found ourselves attacked yet again by the Kehana Crimson Sparrow and his crew.  Sparrow managed to slip on board and attack Captain Daxson, but proved no match for Daxons skills.  I fought bravely on the deck and helped repel the foul pirates.  It seems that Brigandy Bay earns it’s namesake that there are Brigands all around.


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