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50 Fathoms: Session 21- A Navigational Error..


A Navigational Error..


  • Mordecai: Human Air Mage Puritan from Earth
  • Crow/Kadian: Atani guardian of the Great Tree
  • Kaliferous: Kraken mage


Date: 3-26-16

XP: 2


With Crow provisionally in charge due to mysterious food poisoning that affected most of the senior staff, it was decided to depart Brigandy Bay. As the ship sailed nearly out of sight,  Mordecai spotted a gang of cutthroats rushing up to where they were previously docked and looking for something and/or trouble. Seems the ship left just in time to avoid another conflict…

Crow decided to sail north and due to a navigational error ended up off course and into the Flotsam Sea. Unfortunately the ship stumbled upon a group of Octopons. Luckily Crow was wearing his magic ring and was alerted to the danger before the Crew could be surprised. A fight on the deck broke out as  Octopons attempted to disable to the ship and kill as many crew members as possible. Just as the tide appeared to be turning for the Crew, huge tentacles gripped the side of the ship and snatched Mordecai in air. A Giant Octopus appeared out of nowhere and appeared to be under the control of the Octopon Warlock. The giant beast tore at the ship, killed several crew members but was no match for the combined might of Mordecai, Crow and Kaliferious. As the giant creature pulled himself onto their ship and wreaking havoc in the process, the Crew managed to wound the creature and lower its defences. Kaliferious recovered from a blinding ink jet just in time to let loose a fire blast upon the Octopus. Fortunately this blast set off some powder kegs which caused cannons and shrapnel to fly into the beast’s head mortally wounding it. The day was won but at further loss in life and damage to the ship.

Setting sail towards Baltimus the ship narrowly avoided a magical storm coming from the center of the Flotsam sea. Inside of the gale the Crew was chilled by the sight of the ghostly vision of the Flying Dutchman. Fortunately, it was far enough away not to cause danger but the Crew now knows first hand that deadly horrors lurk in the Flotsam sea and that their destiny is to head to its heart one day to face the Hags..



High Admiral Caspian,


Considering your extensive training and experience with all aspects of ship command, I believe you will find this report one of notable and personal interest.  Primarily how recent events highlight a particular peculiarity with this crews command structure.


Owing to a relatively severe bout of food poisoning the ship found itself without a captain.  The events which ensued from this innocuous incident where anything but.  Instead, we found ourselves temporarily lost at sea and fighting the dark minions of the sea hags.  The crew remained true to their standard performance in such situations.  In turn, I find my confidence in their abilities for the great trials which lay before us to be in a persistent state of growth.


Ultimately, we suffered this temporary setback as a result of a highly limited command structure.  One that is exceptionally informal.  The captain has yet to choose a first mate.  Additionally ,the owners of the vessel, which are all aboard her, have not established any type of ancillary command structure among themselves.  Consequently, we found ourselves with no clear chain of command when the captain was incapacitated.  This void left open the door for our youngest crew member, Kadian, to take command.  In consideration of commanding a vessel, his skills are inadequate.  Inevitably, this deficiency caused a near disaster when we became lost.  


I will note that however inexperienced Kadian may be in the necessary skills for a ship’s officer, he does everything with the same level of passion and dedication characteristic of great leaders.  With training and discipline, I believe he would make a fine officer.  I intend to speak to Captain Daxson about this.
Kaliferous, Archmage of the Kraken Fleet

Tales from the Wilderland Session 01: Don’t Leave the Path

Ran a kickoff game of Middle-earth adventuring! We ran late and grew weary in the game, much like the characters we were playing. I really liked the hex-crawling, but I do think it could be even better in the context of a long-running campaign, and with using the actual The One Ring D&D rules once they come out this summer.

Barlimun befriended the Elf King Thranduil’s niece Landona. I’ve got a feeling that won’t go without repurcussions!

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The Darkening of Mirkwood

Screen Shot 2016-03-21 at 4.03.14 PMWanted to toss out something I’d like to keep an eye on for a potential post-50 Fathoms campaign for the Saturday Night group.

As you know 5e D&D version of The One Ring is coming out this summer. I would strongly suspect their current The One Ring products for Middle-earth will all be ported to 5e later in the year. I did some reading on their various products. While I would like to run a T.A. 1400-era campaign in Arnor at some point in the years to come, I believe The Darkening of Mirkwood may be a great campaign to run first.

The Darkening of Mirkwood hits all the notes of what our group is looking for, including kingdom-building rules. Keep reading for details!


There are over 300 RPG products rated on Enworld.org, and this is the ONLY product I’ve ever come across that has a rating of 100%! What folks are saying:

The scope of this campaign is massive, and it is so very well done. Maybe the best campaign ever made for any game.

Read more: http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?409294-The-Darkening-of-Mirkwood#ixzz43asko2eF

One of the best RPG campaigns I have ever played… and I have played many!

This is an epic campaign setting for The One Ring and I love it (despite the bittersweet nature of trying to fight the encroaching shadow).

Read more: http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?409294-The-Darkening-of-Mirkwood#ixzz43asxRWqA

This is an epic 30 year campaign for The One Ring Roleplaying Game. Very few campaign books are on this level of excellence. For a long time The Great Pendragon Campaign was the best out there. In my view, The Darkening of Mirkwood has now taken that top spot.

Read more: http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?409294-The-Darkening-of-Mirkwood#ixzz43at8gseG

What it is

The Darkening of Mirkwood is a complete campaign for The One Ring, set in Mirkwood over the course of three decades. It allows you to tell your own epic saga, following your heroes in their quest as the tale of years unfolds before them.

The Story

The Necromancer may have been cast out of Dol Guldur, but a lingering darkness remains over Mirkwood, a shadow that will grow ever longer as the years draw on – unless a band of brave adventurers step forward and hold back the gloom.

Stand firm against the Shadow and maybe the Darkening of Mirkwood can be averted. Falter for even a moment and all that you know and love will be lost.


The Darkening of Mirkwood takes place between 2947 – 2977, placing it a few years after the death of Smaug and the Battle of Five Armies, but ending with at least another 40 years before the War of the Ring. For reference, King Theoden of the Rohan is born in 2948. The campaign covers over 30 years of adventuring, with humans passing the torch to their sons as the campaign advances.

Campaign Structure

Each campaign Year includes a Fellowship Phase with some mechanics for the ‘between adventures’ events. Some years might just indicate a slow in the spread of Shadow, making it easier to maintain personal assets. Other times, events might give a hero the opportunity to assist the Dwarves in reclaiming their territory, provide the chance to consult with Saruman, or aspire to title in the clans of the Woodmen.

Kingdom Building

The campaign includes rules on Holdings, that allow the heroes to establish their own places in the region – like farms, small commercial ventures, or similar. Such Holdings require attention and maintenance, but they help involve the character and support their drive for greater Standing and improved Wealth. They make for personal assets that invest the heroes in the protection and prosperity of the region.

The Darkening of Mirkwood

IA Skirmish Debrief – 3/10/2016

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This is the first IA lunch league to include 3 players! Jeff was free to join in on the fun this week, so we put together a little scenario to accommodate all of us getting in on the action. Using an idea from the guys over at Imperial Propaganda, each team was built with a 30-point buy for deployment cards and 10 command cards consisting of 1-unique for the leader (3 point card), 2-two point cards, 3-one point cards, 4-zero point cards.

Be sure to click the List names to the right to see the specific figures and command cards.
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Chewie’s Strike Team
Jim Bob
Vader’s Strike Team
Fett’s Strike Team


A Nal Hutta Standoff

3-skirmA stalemate where everyone has a weapon pointed at someone else. All the threats are equally balanced to ensure a mutual disadvantage; no one is walking away from this standoff with what they came for. This tricky situation is a favorite of Hutt gangsters looking to setup and get rid of multiple rivals at once. In this case Darth Vader, Boba Fett, and Chewbacca all received an “anonymous” (we know it was you, Jabba) tip that one of the others was spotted alone at the Kuat Space Station. On the surface it looked like a simple snatch and grab job until that first step through the airlock and then the wheels came off.

Kuat Space Station (Expanded) – A Simple Job (custom)

map_kuat_expandedThis is a slightly expanded version of the Kuat Space Station map with customized mission objectives to suit a 3-player skirmish scenario. The mission objectives focus on the leader of each strike team. Points are scored normally through combat but when the strike team leader kills a group, the player is awarded double the Victory Points. At the end of the round if the strike team leader is still alive, an additional 2 Victory Points are awarded! As usual, first player to 40 points wins.

The action started with Jeff deploying from the red zone and heading toward both of the crates in that area. Mason deployed from the yellow zone and quickly moved to control the southernmost terminal. Jim Bob found his team facing action on two fronts as he deployed from the blue zone and looked to both acquire a crate and control a terminal. As intentions began to unfold in the second round, Jim Bob decided against splitting his team in two and pulled his units back from the terminals leaving them open for Mason. Using Fett’s superior speed, Jeff made a run for the crate on the far right which set up a clash between Vader and Fett’s support units over the crate between them. Vader began plowing through them and putting points on the board.

LordOfTheSithAs the lead began to build, Fett and Chewie got into gear with one common goal between them – stop Vader or this show is going to be over with real quick. They both put forth a good effort, getting some damage in but more importantly putting stun and weakened conditions on him. It looked like the tide might be turning at that point, but Jim Bob was able to rally with the powerful Rally command card to shake off the harmful conditions and continue the Brutality. That left Vader free to take down Fett and with double the points, easily secured the victory.

The moral of this story is: Sith Lords are mean.


Jim Bob 52 – Mason 9 – Jeff 6

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