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Redmark Session 17: Bori ‘The Blade’

March 3-6, Third Age 1331

Lady Annie

Lady Annie

Some time passes as the heroes craft, do religious research, and carouse. Quintos makes his way to a party of nobles in Stonehelm and ends up accepting the challenge of Lady Anwendolin (or ‘Annie’) to avenge the theft of her prized horse.

Lady Annie was sister to King Corwyn’s wife, so doing a favor for the king’s sister-in-law seemed a good thing to do. All involved were sure it was all out of political posturing; it had nothing to do with Lady Annie’s charm and beauty.

Bori, A.K.A. The ‘Blade’, was last seen riding into the badlands to the west. He was said to be in disguise using the alias of a horse trader, of average height, lean and lanky, with black hair and black beady eyes. Lady Annie offered a reward of 50 gp for information leading to his capture, or 25 gp for proof of his death.

The heroes captured Bori and won back the horse. In appreciation, Lady Annie gave the heroes long-term use of a boat captained by a female captain of Osskaria of Greek descent

Reggie the Kitchen Boy

“Boy, bring me more wine!” “Boy, bring me more mutton chops!” If I heard that once I heard it a thousand times. I didn’t know my father, and my mother died in childbirth, god rest her soul. I’m told she worked in the kitchens, and evidently I was born to spend my life replacing her in the kitchens. Still, it could have been worse. There were many children in Dorn who were much worse off than me, begging in the streets, down by the docks hoping for fish from one of the fishing boats. Or worse yet.

And I was never beaten. Other kitchen boys were beaten, but never me. The ladies said the Duke had ordered that I should never be beaten. I wonder why. Some said that it was because I looked like his son, Leopold. A LOT like Leopold. Some snickered, but I didn’t catch why at the time. All I know is that I didn’t walk around with the bruises that the other kitchen boys and girls did.

But I’d rather have been beaten, to tell the truth. The Duchess Catherine was especially mean to me. She went out of her way to have me do the filthiest tasks, the hardest tasks, the longest tasks. No one would ever explain why she was so mean. And her son Leopold was a spineless dandy. He enjoyed being mean also, took after his mother. That treatment got me some sympathy with the other kitchen workers.

Then one day, about a year ago, the Orcs came. They were said to be raiding up and down the coast, looking for some sort of stone. I didn’t care. It upset my routine and made everyone on edge. By now, at 18, I was a man, but everyone still called me Boy. I sure didn’t like that. I remember Leopold dressing in armor, with a sword in hand, and I thought that he was just asking to be killed. He wasn’t a fighter, not like me. He had all these notions about honor, and chivalry, where as the kitchens and the castle ruffians had taught me that the winner got to say he was honorable. So win any way you could, and tell everyone later that you were honorable. Since the other guy wouldn’t be around to dispute it, who would know.

Leopold would sometimes train in sword fighting with me, since we were the same height and build. One time I made the mistake of winning, and he flew into a rage. I cleaned the latrines for a week. I never won again. That made Leopold very happy.

When Duke Archibald’s men rode out to meet the Orc Sea Raiders, the castle was too quiet. We waited and waited, hoping for some good news. Good news never arrived. Duke Archibald had been slain on the beach attacking the Orc Raiders, and what forces were left went flying back to Dorn Castle to try to withstand a seige by the Orcs. Leopold rode into the castle square, tears streaming down his face, and loudly proclaimed that his father was dead and that he was the new lord of the castle. How sad. At that moment, he needed to rally his people, but instead he felt it necessary to proclaim his position and lord it over people. Some people, reading the tea leaves, decided they had no confidence in their new Duke Leopold, and quietly slipped the castle walls. Most said they would catch a boat to Stonehelm on the coast, that Dorn was lost. I stayed. I don’t know why.

Almost immediately the Orcs invested Dorn Castle. There were hundreds of Orcs, and only twenty fighting men left (most having died with their Duke on the beach). It took a week, with food running out, but on Monday night, around midnight, the Orcs battered through the main castle gate, and rushed into the castle grounds. Panic was everywhere. Most of the castle workers were cut down where they ran, as were most of the castle troops. But Duke Leopold was no where to be found. I thought to myself where would I go if I were Leopold. I quickly ran to the Duchess’ chambers, and sure enough, the two of them were barricaded in her main chamber. I rushed to them and asked if I could fight, could I help, and the Duchess spit out something about how she’d rather die then be helped by a bastard. Leopold held on to his mother’s robes, and the two of them braced for the Orcs as growls, grunts, and heavy footsteps got louder and louder.

I hid under a table in the anteroom, and saw it all. A troop of Orcs made it upstairs, quickly broke down the chamber door, pushed the barricade aside, and made quick work of the Duchess and Leopold. I must say that Leopold, in the end, acquitted himself quite well, and actually killed several Orcs before being cleeved in by the Orc troop leader. At that moment, and only that moment, I felt sorrow for him.

As Leopold fell, he did something so strange I will never forget. He took off his signet ring, his Ducal icon of authority, and rolled it under the bed. As the light went out from his eyes, as his face was on the floor, he moved his face and looked directly at me. And he winked. Then he passed.

The Orcs, having accomplished their task, and not finding me, left after tearing through the room and grabbing items of obvious value. A chest of gold and gems. A map on the Duchess’ nightstand that looked old. The Orcs seemed especially please with that. Then they left. I waited and waited. Then, when I was sure they were gone, I checked on Leopold. He was quite dead. So was his mother. I checked under the bed, and sure enough there was the signet ring. I grabbed it, and made a plan to use it to buy passage on a boat to Stonehelm. I made my way out of that funeral of a castle, slipping the walls in the middle of the night. I hid for several days in the warf building on the Dorn docks, until I was sure that the Orcs had picked up and sailed off. When I was sure, I came out, and found a village, Dorn, stunned by what had just happened.

Leaderless, no one knew what to do. I did. I immediately went to a boat, and inquired as to passage. The boat was near full, and I approached it with cloak on from the castle, and showed the boatmaster the signet ring. At once he seemed shocked, and several in the boat hustled me lower. One women called me “My Lord”. Another said they thought it was me, that they hadn’t seen me die, and that they were glad that I fled. Another said it was important to keep the Caravelle bloodline going, that it had ruled Dorn for 1300 years. I didn’t understand. The boat master said it was okay My Lord, I must be in shock. Then he said, and I’ll never forget, “Duke Leopold, we must get you to safety.” At that moment, I ceased to be Reginald Ferme le Bouche, and became someone else. I said “Right you are boatmaster, lets proceed with all haste to Stonehelm. But I, your Duke, promise to return one day, to retake Dorn and restore the Caravelle name.” And one day soon, I shall.

Duke Leopold of Dorn

Last Words From Rodrigo Salvatore

I write this for all of you now who may not believe that this old man once sailed on a sailing ship, felt the salt of the wind swept sea on his lips, and lived life on the raggedy edge. Now, in my old age, clothed in silk with Mitre in hand, that may be hard to believe. Once long ago I came to Caribdus from Earth, as many of your fathers and grandfathers had (although not too many of the Originals, as we call ourselves, remain). Almost immediately I fell in with a sailing crew, who God Almighty propelled on a sacred mission. We didn’t know it at the time, but we had been selected to challenge the Sea Hags, to stop the flood of this world. We fought many battles side by side, and in our final battle, at the Devil’s Cross, we finally defeated the hags, with the help of so many. With the help of Jomba Town and Tulago (now known as the Maori Federation). With the help of the Atani (now the Atanic Empire, full and glorious once again as it spread into many of the Receded Lands, lands that were reclaimed from the receding waters). From Admiral Duckworth (God rest his soul), and from the women of Asy Cay, including Annie Mason, (who you know as Madame Daxson).

I often find myself longing to sit on the deck of Liberator’s Wrath once again, to talk to my many friends who we lost long ago, and that thought brings a smile to my face. So as I write this, I raise a small glass of Scotch (who would deny me one small drink, after all, I am the Archbishop!) for my friends Crow, and Liam, and Daxson, Mordecai and Brachus. They are all gone now, having lost Captain Daxson in the final climactic battle when we defeated the Caribdus Inquisition naval forces off New Madrid. I leave this letter to you, Mi Abuela. As a Masaquani, your long life promises that you will outlive me. Just as well, for I miss my shipmates. I end this with a quote from one of my favorite English writers, Shakespeare:

“Our revels now are ended. These our actors,
As I foretold you, were all spirits and
Are melted into air, into thin air:
And, like the baseless fabric of this vision,
The cloud-capp’d towers, the gorgeous palaces,
The solemn temples, the great globe itself,
Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve
And, like this insubstantial pageant faded,
Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff
As dreams are made on, and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep.”

Archbishop Rodrigo Salvatore, June 19, 1611 AD

50 Fathoms: Session 35- Battle of Devil’s Cross- Final Session

Battle of Devil’s Cross



  • Kaliferous: Kraken mage
  • Rodrigo: Human priest and water Mage from Earth
  • Mordecai (in spirit): Human Air Mage Puritan from Earth
  • Daxson: Doreen treasure diver native

Date: 6/17/17

XP: 5


The Crew spent time mourning the loss of the friend Mordecai, gathering support, talking to their allies and finally meeting up with Admiral Duckworth and the Kraken Great ship.

They met up with Duckworth who pledged his support and then called for Admiral Caspian with the bone whistle. The Great Ship arrived and was still towing the Sphere, to which was handed over to the Crew.

Kal and Rodrigo placed their hands on the Sphere and found themselves transported inside the hollow object. Here they faced the four elemental Spirits: water, earth, fire and air. They discovered that the Kraken had imprisoned them long ago to harness elemental magic. The elements would lend their power against the Hag’s but with two conditions: 1) No more mages nor new magical abilities given 2) the doorway between Caribdus and Earth would be sealed. Both of our heros agreed to the  bargain, but Rodrigo did so with a heavy heart. His one true goal was to see his Abula again.

Finally ready to face the Hags the Crew set sail with the following allies and their ships:

  • Captain Daxon- Liberators Wrath and Crew
  • Captain Azy Angsley- Lady’s Virtue (Brigantine),
  • Admiral Duckworth- HMS Justice (Man of War)
    • Two frigate escort ships
  • Admiral Caspian- Kraken Great Ship
    • Two Kraken Cutters escorts


The proud fleet sailed directly towards Devil’s Cross, with Daxson leading they skillfully and carefully picked their way across the treacherous Flotsam Sea. Along the way they found a frigate, the Donna Briann, being pulled into a massive Whirlpool. They saved the ship by towing it out of the whirlpool. Grateful, Captain McCoy then pledged his ship to help them fight the Hags.

Reaching the outer border of the Devil’s Cross, the Fleet had to face a powerful ring of massive protective storm. This storm didn’t move outward, but had the force of a hurricane as it swirled around the Devil’s Cross constantly. The Fleet spent hours fighting the storm trying to sail true and managed to burst through the storm wall and into its eye, Devil’s Cross itself. Many ships were damaged on the trip and two smaller escort vessels lost at sea, but they finally made it! The first difficult task was now complete.

Surprisingly the waters were calm and peaceful and they sailed undisturbed into the middle of the ‘Cross. Steeling themselves, they spoke the Hags name out loud: Maka, Mala, and Mana and poured the Earth water in the sea. Suddenly, the illusion of peacefulness was broken, below the waves it revealed a rotten waterlogged Ograpog with massive hordes of Octopons and zombies. The weather turned foul as the three Hags burst out of the water 60’ above the waves. These horrible undead creatures loomed over the ships and began to laugh and cheer with glee. They knew of the Crew and mocked at their seemingly  foolish attempt to stop them. With the illusion removed, the Crew spotted a portal hovering in the air, Earth seen clearly on the other side and huge volumes of water were pouring through the rift. At the middle a tortured Maiden was magically bound to it and screaming for help.

The battle was now underway! The Hags called forth lightning and attacked the Fleet. The Crew quickly activated the Kraken Sphere but for some time nothing happened. Luckily they still had the Water Dragon orb which they used to summon forth a fully grown 40’ Sea Dragon. This Dragon seemed be driven with a keen intelligence and the Crew sensed the soul of their friend Mordecai as the beast brutally attacked the Hags. Finally seeing something as a threat the Hags attention was diverted from the ships and to dealing with the new Dragon threat.

Meanwhile, Kal noticed the Sword of King Amemnus was being pulled and pulsing downwards to the sea bottom. Heading the suggestion, both Kal and Daxon leaped in the water facing hordes of Octopons, Sharks and Giant Octopus as they let the Sword draw them ever downwards. They fought their way down while hordes of creatures surged towards the surface the duo did their best to gut and maim their enemies along the way. Daxon’s keen eye spotted a massive Octopus making its way towards the Liberators Wrath and he skillfully gutted the beast and saving the ship from a massive attack.

On the surface the battle raged on. Father Rodrigo fended off Octopon borders all the while focusing his magical attacks on the Hags. The combined might of Rodrigo and the Dragon brought the first Hag, Mala, down with an explosion of putrid flesh and bones. However things looked grim as the full might of the Octopon reinforcements made their way to the surface. Every ship of the Fleet was overwhelmed with the sheer number of vile creatures.

However an unexpected ally arrived, the Kaumatua Warriors from Jomba Town arrived with their Maori Grual leader Eti in the lead! Unknown to Daxon, his love Annie Mason quickly repaired her ship, met up with the Warriors and agreed to tow them through the storm. These warriors surged towards overwhelmed ships and lent their marital aid. They rowed their long boats screaming their Haka war chant as they leapt into battle.

Beneath the surface Kal and Daxon found themselves in what had been the palace square  and spotted at a beautiful golden statue depicting a Masaquani, Kehana, Kraken, Atani, Grael, and Doreen together in sign of peace.  The hand of the masaquani looked like it was missing a sword, to which Kal quickly placed the Sword of King Amemnus. The Sword burst forth with a white light that speared through the water and struck the Hags, dissipating their sickly green magical armor. The Sword now pulsed with a white magical light and seemed to yearn to be taken into Battle! The duo now made their way to the surface.

With two Hags still alive and causing havoc the Fleet was struggling to combine their fire and deal with the undead and Octopon borders. Father Rod and the Dragon turned their attention to the closest Hag, but another ally joined the battle. An Atani airship flew into the Cross using some sort of magical energy drawn from Crows Elder tree! The flying ship blasted one of the Hags causing it to stumble back. At the same moment a torrent of air, water, fire and earth shot up. The Kraken Sphere had finally activated! The four elements formed into a massive ‘Terrormental’ which completely obliterated the 2nd Hag- Mana  .

Enraged by the loss of her two sister, Maka Mallus, the final Hag, screamed and ripped the wings off of the Dragon and crushing it beneath her feet. Rodrigo struck out at the Hag causing her to weaken. At this moment Kaliferous and Daxon emerged from the water with the empowered Sword. Kal deftly stuck at Maka dealing the final blow and ending the Hag menace forever.

With the death of their masters the Octopons dissolved into a black ooze revealing the tortured body of  trapped Masaquani. The weather cleared and the water lost its sickly hue.

The portal to Earth and its torrent of water slowly closes as the Maiden was freed, but a small vessel slipped through the crack at the last moment.

The Maiden came forward and thanked the Crew, telling them that Hags were using her Portal to Earth to flood Caribdus and were recently using her to try and find a way to Earth itself. The Maiden then made a deal with the Elementals to bring land to this sunken world in an attempt to bring balance back to Caribdus. She faded away thanking the Crew for their hardship and effort.

Not only did the Crew save Caribdus but they also kept the Hags from harming another world as well.

While the Crew celebrated their hard won victory, Father Rodrigo peered into the vessel that had slipped into this world at the last moment. He found his lovely Abuela sitting on the deck smiling at him.

With both worlds saved and the land changing beneath them what further adventures will the Crew find for themselves?

Tis a bitter sweet ending to the tale. Many friends were lost- Liam, Crow and Mordecai. They died protecting the world and the future.

In the end, when the Hags fell the ever present storm cleared and the sun shown down on the Flotsam Sea for the first time in thirteen years, hope rises again.


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