
Tabletop RPG Podcast and Roleplaying Resources

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PAX Unplugged 2017 Recap

I’m fresh back from PAX Unplugged! Here some highlights. I also have a few dozen additional photos related to the below you can check out.

Roll20 Gang

In Nov. 2012, I joined a game group that a guy named Nathan was setting up to test drive D&D Next. The group has been gaming together each week ever since! I had to (sadly!) drop out due to scheduling issues, but I’ve stayed in touch and count these guys as some great friends whom I game (or work) with every chance I get. I was able to get together with them at an AirBnB home in Philly and play games all weekend between attending PAX Unplugged. It was a blast!

Stan's Roll20 'Redmark' Group from 2012

Stan’s Roll20 ‘Redmark’ Group from 2012

Dungeonesque on Display

My distributor was selling my game Dungeonesque! Was cool to walk by and see it on sale. The other side of that rack had Savage Worlds and Traveller. Pretty cool to share space with those iconic games!

Dungeonesque Sold by Studio 2

Dungeonesque Sold by Studio 2

Dungeonesque on Display

Dungeonesque on Display

Damien, Managing Editor

Damien, Rogue Comet Managing Editor


I was thinking of John B. and his interest in superheroes. The three supers RPGs that I say on display were:

  • Mutants & Masterminds (Green Ronin) — a long popular game loosely based on D&D 3.x / d20. Most highly supported supers game out there.
  • Icons Assembled (also sold by Green Ronin, which I thought was interesting) — A lighter-weight game loosely based on Fate. Also well supported with many supplements.
  • Masks (Magpie Games) — Sold at another booth. This game is based on Apocalypse World. Looks like a cool game, but not much support outside the core rules and default setting.

(by the way, I asked the Green Ronin staff, and the official pronunciation for their company is “Green RonEEn” (rhymes with “bean” or “lean”)).

Mutants & Masterminds

Mutants & Masterminds

Icons Assembled

Icons Assembled

Masks RPG

Masks RPG

Fate of the Norns

I know Mason and Todd particularly love the setting of Fate of the Norns (even if there is some debate on how easy/hard the Rune mechanics work, and if their alt-Norse mythology is sufficiently ‘historical’). I saw their booth at the con. More pictures in the full album. View more photos in the  full album.

Fate of the Norns

Fate of the Norns

Micro Dungeon Games

I know Robert has shown interest in microgames focused on Dungeons. I saw two on sale. I bought a copy of ‘One Deck Dungeon’ if anyone wants to check it out. View more photos in the  full album.

One Room Dungeon

One Deck Dungeon

Boss Monster

Boss Monster

PolyHero Dice (Wizard Set)

Got to see the actual copies of the PolyHero Dice – Wizard Set which Mason and I backed. Should arrive to us in the mail in December.

Pre-Release Dice on Display

Pre-Release Dice on Display

OGRE Miniatures

Boy, do I have a soft spot for the old Steve Jackson microgrames of OGRE and G.E.V. After seeing these models on display, I might just put this game on my Christmas List.

OGRE Miniatures Game

OGRE Miniatures Game

A Quiet Year

Kevin has talked about A Quiet Year a few times. Would love to play it sometime. Cool, minimalist game.

A Quiet Year

A Quiet Year

Arena Rex

John S. is developing his Gladiator themed game, so it was interesting to see Arena Rex again at PAX Unplugged (they were at ReaperCon last month).

Arena Rex

Arena Rex

Chris Cocks (WOTC President)

Chris Cocks (head of Wizards of the Coast) spoke. Seemed like a great guy with a vision for doing cross-overs between Magic: The Gathering and D&D (among other things). Showed a bunch of preview art for future Magic card lines, but nothing new on the D&D front.

Chris Cox, Head of WOTC

Chris Cox, Head of WOTC

Fiend Folio

Back at the AirBnB, I ran another beta test of my Stranger Things inspired game, and let folks choose the monster. The gang chose a Khargra from the Fiend Folio. Love the art! Was fun to run this creature. Ended up playing out a game like Tremors with the creatures bursting out of the ground. Feedback was great on the rules! I think this has solid potential so I will continue to improve and expand this game system.

Monster from the Fiend Folio

Monster from the Fiend Folio

PAX Unplugged Review

So overall what did I think?

PAX Unplugged Guidebook

PAX Unplugged Guidebook

Feedback is underway on the PAX Unplugged Forum (I left some comments there) and on Reddit. Quick summary: they ran it like a PAX Expo which resulted in long lines for games, and no ability to preregister for anything. Expo hall was great, but gaming left much to be desired. Hopefully they’ll learn from their mistakes.

Robert, you should read the above to get a general sense of what RPG players are looking for at cons, plus some interesting ideas on how to improve the experience which could apply to Lone Star Game Expo.

Crowded PAX Exhibit Hall and Gaming Area

Crowded PAX Exhibit Hall and Gaming Area

Rebasing Techniques for MechWarrior Clix Figures

Thought I’d pull together notes along with photos to show my technique for rebasing MechWarrior minatures (which had a Heroclix style dial-base). I have some custom Mecha wargame rules I’m working on, and the clix dials annoyed me since aesthetics are a big part of wargaming in my opinion.

Step 1: Rebasing and Creating Basing Material

Using pliers and using some safety protection glasses (since there can be sharp pieces of plastic flying) I carefull broke off the MechWarrior minis from their bases. In a couple of case I use a utility knife to pop them off (cutting away from myself towards a towel on the table).

Then I created basing material by taking some clay kitty litter, and using a mortar and pestle to grind the material down to a find sand with some loose chunks.

Then I used 5 minute epoxy to glue the models onto 2″ round MDF wood bases I got from Texas Toy Soldier.

Step 2: Gluing on Basing Material

Next up, I used 100% PVA glue and used a paint brush to paint the bases with glue. Then I sprinkled the crushed kitty litter basing material on, and let that dry (I put it next to a fan to accelerate the drying process).

Step 3: Sealing the Basing Material

After it dried, I then watered down PVA glue with about 50% water and 50% glue and brushed that on. When dry it will form a seal to keep the basing material in place.

Step 4: Beasty Brown Base Coat Paint

Using various Vallejo paints, I do a full base coat of Beasty Brown and let it dryl.

Step 5: Highlights with Leather Brown

Next I highlight (sort of a heavy dry-brown) with Leather Brown and let dry.

Step 6: Drybrush with Bonewhite

Lastly, I drybrush with Bonewhite. Now the rocks really start to pop! If I get too much paint in some places, I’ll apply flocking or grass in that spot to ‘fix’ it. After these dry I re-apply Beasty Brown around the rim to fix any spots where Leather Brown or Bonewhite got on the sides.

Step 7: Applying Flock Grass and Static Grass

I paint on 50/50% PVA glue/water with a brush in certain spots, I sprinkle on grass flocking, then turn upside down and tap off the excess. Then using 5 minute epoxy, I glue static grass clumps.

The Final Product!

And here’s what the finished product looks like! I might try some different grass flock material colors when I do this in the future, but I think it looks pretty good!

Redmark Session 22: The Battle with the Squid-headed Monster

March 22-23, TA 1331

Ash wakes and recounts a dream of being tossed overboard, only to be rescued by mermaids of some kind. With that on his mind, the group continues on their way. Lalago is seen with a thin old man named Snick via Quintos’s scrying. The previous attempt to scry for Lalago had shown her with a fat man named Leander. After seeing this, Marcus sought guidance from Mars to determine if the group could heal Lalago and was told that yes, the group can heal her.

Heading out toward the large volcano through dense jungle, the group is uneasy due to the various sounds and smells new to them in this area. They come upon a group of gorillas beating on some kind of carcass on the ground. Marcus bravely stepped forward and attempted communication, albeit in a very simplistic form. After a brief interchange, the gorillas hoist up and throw the carcass they had been beating toward a small hill at the edge of the clearing. Marcus and Ivamel investigate the body and Marcus finds a necklace (one with birdclaws in a specific pattern) that resembled one worn by Lalago’s brother.

Somewhat disturbed and concerned, the group heads around the hill and discover a doorway leading underneath the hill. Seeking answers, the group heads into this tomb and finds a large room with 8 sarcophagi and a large statue of a roman soldier. The soldier is holding a staff with a two headed eagle atop – Marcus and Quintos spend a moment to converse and determine what exactly this might mean. The group searches the various sarcophagi and find a bag with some gems inside one coffin.

Marcus takes two stones from the bag and places them into the empty eye sockets on the Roman soldier statue and a doorway opens behind the statue. The crew walks down the now open hallway and finds a pool of muck and mire. Two disgusting creatures rise from this pool and began attacking our heroes, flinging disgusting balls of filth – catching two of our combatants, hindering them both. After a small struggle the two creatures are defeated and the group collects itself, cleans itself (as much as possible) and heads further into the underground labyrinth.

Quintos, thinking tactically (to the surprise of some), sends his own down a long hallway to scout ahead. Through his unique connection, he is able to see a large room with a monstrous creature and a cage full of people. There are also several creatures loosely resembling the corpse seen above ground who seem to be worshiping the creature in some manner. Sensing the urgency of the moment, the group wades into battle, striking down the grey skinned servant creatures first before turning their attention to the squid-headed monster. Quintos’s quick thinking allowed him to sneak away with a woman nearest the squid-head, likely saving her life. Fearlessly, our heroes went at the monster with blade, staff, and spell – taking psychic blasts in return. After a short battle our numbers won out and the captives were saved, though the monster managed to slip away.

Searching the room, the party found a quiver with 8 arrows (2 with blue fletching, 2 with red fletching, 2 with yellow fletching, and 2 with black fletching), one unidentified potion, and a heart shaped clasp for a cloak. There is still one small chamber that the group had not thoroughly explored, but sensing danger if they chose to say behind, the party fled the tomb to head back above ground with the rescued captives.

Redmark Session 21: A Heroes Welcome & Bad Squid

March 20-21, Third Age 1331

Finally arriving on the main island, the party sticks to it’s water walking rock star entrance routine(mostly due to Marcus’ insistence) and walks right into a welcoming party ambush led by non other than King Pa-hu-ack, himself. It turns out that the parties reputation for unbelievably legendary heroism preceded them. Fortunately, no serious injuries were sustained from the ambush or subsequent party. Aside from the worse case of food poisoning Quintos has ever endured. Rancid squid is never a good idea. But he received little pity from his companions, as it was very much self inflicted. Maybe next time he’ll listen to the locals when they suggest he not join the eating contest. On the bright side, a new friend was made. Ash, who is also from Redmark, had been spreading his beliefs among the people here for some time.

As the evening began to wind down, they met Tama. He’s sister had wondered off beyond the great wall, which is forbidden, and never returned. Tama was able to sneak out and find some clues. One of which was a giant bloody boar tusk. Desperate to find her, he asked the heroes for help and they readily agreed. Plans were made to leave under false pretenses in the morning as to avoid alerting the natives of the heroes’ intent of going beyond the wall. The attempted secrecy failed miserably. But only because the king was cheating by using a shaman who can see the future.

It wasn’t all bad, though. The king and his shaman were friendly and offered help. A few trippy drinks later, Quintos was dancing uncontrollably, and Marcus and Ash both had visions. It would seem that brain eating squid(revenge of the squid maybe?), friendly apes, lying pigs, and other oddities are in the parties future. That and the specific instructions that they must kill Tama’s sister or she’ll destroy the entire village. What could possibly go wrong?

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