
Tabletop RPG Podcast and Roleplaying Resources

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Dicehaven Sci-Fi / Fantasy Book Club

We have started a Dicehaven Book Club where we select and read one Sci Fi or Fantasy book each month and then meet for about an hour via Zoom to discuss (and have a private GroupMe for off-line discussions of the books). I thought I’d share the structure of how we (at the moment anyway) plan to organize our club.

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Dicehaven 2020 Survey; Voting for EnWorld’s Favorite AP Podcast

As we prepare for our upcoming podcasts in 2021, we’d love to know more about you! Please help us by answering four quick questions in our quick survey.

Also, voting is now live for the next two weeks for EnWorld’s Favorite AP Podcast! We’ve been nominated, so if you like our actual play podcast, we’d love it if you could vote for us at EnWorld. (You’ll need an EnWorld account but that is quick and free to setup).

Thanks for your encouragement and support!



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