
Tabletop RPG Podcast and Roleplaying Resources

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Elements of Successful Dicehaven Organized Play

For several years, I’ve been intrigued by the idea of setting up an organized play program for our local game club.

At any given moment, we have multiple concurrent campaigns with several GMs. I’ve noticed that if we lack the required quorum of players or if the GM is absent or not up to running the game, either we cancel the game or run a one-shot game with a new character. Missing opportunities to game or always gaming with a new character is not ideal, and so organized play with persistent characters has long been an elusive goal.

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Hope of the Jedi Episode 03

A session report for a Star Wars campaign using Fate Accelerated RPG rules.

Arriving on Tatooine, seeking a job to get money for ship repairs, the Jedi companions encounter Sion Syko, a seedy Rhodian with connections to the local underworld. Syko, for a ‘modest’ fee, introduces the heroes to Teckla Biblo, a nervous looking human who will pay for transport for a container containing undisclosed contents. 

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Hope of the Jedi Episode 02

A session report for a Star Wars campaign using Fate Accelerated RPG rules.

Ruto, Darro, and Lumpawaroo have just escaped their carbonite prison on a Star Destroyer. Aboard their newly captured ship, a Corellian YT-2000, they soon find themselves facing a flight of four TIE Fighters which have swarmed to intercept them. After a furious space battle, the heroes destroyed the TIE Fighters and made the jump to lightspeed.

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Hope of the Jedi Episode 01

A session report for a Star Wars campaign using Fate Accelerated RPG rules.

In the era of the Republic, in a time before the shadow of the Empire fell across the galaxy, young padawan are sent on a diplomatic mission to the planet Teranon.  Three they numbered: Ruto the smallest (trained by Yoda), Darro (a former stormtrooper), and Lumpawaroo (a Wookie without a family).

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Using 1″ Poker Chips for RPGs and Wargames

I’ve been a big fan of using 1″ poker chips in RPG and wargames for years.  Back in 2017 I pioneered the idea of Stoplight Damage™ and I sold sets of these tokens in my 5e Gamemaster Toolkit Kickstarter. Beyond their use in tracking damage in RPGs, I’ve also found them handy when differentiating squads of soldiers in 3+ player wargames. Need to differentiate your squad of six American WWII soldiers from the other two players with squads on your side? Just use sticky tack to affix 1″ tokens of the same color to your squad’s models.

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