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Category: 50 Fathom Adventure Log (Page 8 of 8)

50 Fathoms: Session 02-Fun at Brigandy Bay

Fun at Brigandy Bay



  • Mordecai: Human Air Mage Puritan from Earth
  • Liam: Human Shipmaster from Earth
  • Barchus: Scurillian merchant and Super native
  • Daxson: Doreen treasure diver native
  • Crow: Atani sharpshooter native
  • Rodrigo: Human priest and water Mage from Earth

Date: 3-28-14

XP: 2


The crew set sail for Brigandy Bay and made good time with only one Razor Wing attack on their journey which was quickly dealt with.

After arrival, the crew set about looking for work and repairing their ship. While looking for work the crew met Sarick the scurillian black market trader and information broker. He took a liking to the crew, particularly Brachus, and managed to get them an opium smuggling job to Azy Cay.

Meanwhile Father Rodrigo set up a soup kitchen and healing center in the middle of town. This surprisingly earned the liking of some of the locals but drew some friction from the local street gang the Brigandy Bay Wharf Snakes.

Crow spent some time scouting the docks for an easy vessel to “acquire” and through his aerial acrobatics earned the trust of a recently arrived pirate crew. He watched their movements and security while pretending to want to join their crew as a sharpshooter and border.

While in the The Black Queen waiting for Sarick; Daxson and Liam ran across a girl named Annie Mason who was forced into working as a prostitute at the Black Queen. She offered money if they could secure her freedom.

Once the smuggling operation was solidified, the ship repaired and stocked with provisions, the crew decided they would help Annie. To create a distraction Annie smashed Father Rodrigo over the head with a mug of ale and accused him of “touching her without paying”. This lead to an altercation with the bouncers and kicked off a bar fight. In the confusion Annie slipped away and the rest of the crew were able to slip out after a few well placed bribes.

While sailing to Azy Cay their ship crossed paths with dingy adrift with an unconscious sailor aboard. The crew took the sailor aboard and delivered their goods to Azy herself and were paid handsomely for their trouble.


Thoughts from the Crew

Brachus :

Saricks. Now that was a name that Brachus hadn’t heard in a long time. Brachus would be lying if he said that he “knew” Saricks, after all, Scurillians don’t really “know” anybody… they more… tolerate them. Even by Scurillian standards, Saricks had a reputation for being unpleasant, even to his own kind. It was unsurprising that Brachus would find Saricks in a place like Brigandy Bay.

Brachus didn’t know much about Saricks, but he knew about the scar. He had seen it once before, and the thought of it made him shudder. A scar that deep, to withstand years… maybe decades… of molting cycles would have almost surely have been fatal. Brachus had heard rumors that it was only through some mix of magic and religious ritual that had kept him alive. Maybe keeping the mysterious water priest around wasn’t such a bad idea. Brachus would make a note to make sure Fr. Rodrigo s shares were paid out in a timely fashion.
What really intrigued Brachus the most about Saricks was that if anybody might have information regarding the lost goods from “FSIE Company’s” final trade run, it would be him. Brachus was very interested in establishing a business relationship with this shady Scurillian.

From Brachus’ travel log:

Crow may be the death of me… Crow may be the death of us all. This rag-tag group of “sailors”, with one 7 day voyage in a crippled skiff, is going commandeer a frigate and sail the high seas? This kid is going to get us all killed.

Fortunately, I was able to convince the rest of the group that we needed to hear out Saricks about his offer. For all of our sakes, I hope this offer is worthwhile, I am not interested in becoming a pirate… even with the goal of obtaining a retroactive letter of marque.
I’m a businesscrab, I believe I can convince at least the water priest and possibly Mordecai that nothing good will come from stealing that frigate.

Saricks came through. $4,000 for a 4 day smuggling run to Azy Cay is better than I hoped for. I was able to convince the rest of the group that this was a best-case scenario for our plans, long-term. Fortunately, most of them seem to be motivated by money… if only to give it away to the poor. These Earth clergy will always be a mystery.
This will hopefully be the start of an ongoing business relationship and Saricks and I can get some word about my missing items. Judging by all of those trinkets, nick-nacks and collectibles in his office, he has to know something about where that crate is… or at least where it went.


We’ve only been together for a little over a week and we’re already on the verge of becoming pirates. I’m not sure how I was even considering that fool’s errand. Why does stuff like this always happen when Liam is in charge?

I’m glad we got in good with Sarick. He’s not a particularly likeable fellow (do you call a crab-man a fellow? maybe I’ll ask Brachus… or maybe not), but he’s powerful and will be a useful ally. I need to remember to bring him something for his collection next time we are headed that way. Smuggling may not be the most respectable work, but it is better than stealing. Brachus says it was a good deal. I hope our involvement in Ms. Mason’s escape doesn’t become known – that could make things interesting on our return to Brigandy Bay – but it was the right thing to do.

Could this ragtag bunch get any more sketchy? It will be interesting to see what comes of the man in the dinghy.


We made it to Brigandy Bay in one piece an’ nearly got ourselves into a world of trouble. I sent Crow to scout things oot an’ learn woot he could aboot the otha ships. He came back so eaga an’ confident aboot a ship we could take. I got a little sweep’d up in it for a moment, meself. Right as rain, Brachus’ old friend came throogh and we took to smugglin for pirates instead is stealin from’em. I cannae say it be the ideal job. But keepin our heads a bit longa is always good. That bein said, I gotsta reconsida my choice fur first mate. Crows eaganess’ll bring more trouble than help, unfortunately. I’ll keep an eye on Daxson. He’s got a good a heed on those shouldas and we just might be needin such a thing.

I cannae forget to mention the joke that turned inta a rescue. A slave wench I hired for Daxson asked for help gettin ta freedom and we abliged. Oh! I’ve gotsta mention that she was from earth aft the war. We won! Brachus an’ Daxson dannae look to happy with me buyin drinks fur everyone when heard the good news. Not worry. I’ll make it back.

Hmm. I suppose freeing a slave counts as stealin from them pirates after all.


Some things nev’r changeth.

I surveyed the port. Brigandy Bay wast a rat’s nest of scum and villainy. Only the thin veneer of restraint from the local codes kept its seedy populace from unsheathing fell blades in an orgy of blood and treachery. They hath said I’d groweth accustomed to the Pirate ports, but I nev’r didst. Too much Puritan piety ranneth through mine veins.

I wondered. Wast this crew I’d fallen in with worthy of mine cause?

Those gents spake casually about, peradventure, becoming pirates. I’d spent seven years of dread service aboard the The Crimson Squid, a pirate boat. I recalled the bite of the cruel task-masters whip. Recalled the drunken breath of the Pirate Captain Cragtooh Targ who for those seven long years hath kept me a slave while he raped and pillaged his way across Caribdus.

To becometh a Whale Hunter or a Merchant? Aye. To becometh a Privateer with a commission to hunt down these foul Pirates? Gladly.

To betray mine Puritan beliefs and actually becometh a Pirate?


But there wast some hope of virtue in mine companions. I bethought of this a while wandering the city and happened upon Father Rodrigo. He wast setting up a soup kitchen and healing center in the middle of town. I hath said little, but in mine heart I admired that gent and his works.

And then as we setteth sail after a mission from the creature named Sarick, delivering the poor wench Annie Mason from her woe as a prostitute. Though the lady hadst hath given wage, we ignored it and secured that lady her freedom without charge.

Peradventure thither wast desire of virtue in mine companions. But would it beest enough?

I satteth at the dock and dipped the end of mine boot in the water. I bethought of the revelation that the water wast rising world wide. I was not sure mine companions felt the rising sense of urgency I didst. Evil would not willingly square evil. Only men of virtue would be up for the task. There wast a most wondrous evil in this world, and its unending, rising tide would destroy us all.

Unless we destroyed it first.


Dearest Abuela,

Sin comes not all at once, but by degree. It comes in the form of best intentions, in exigency, in excuses. I am surrounded by this insidiousness on a daily basis, and no charitable acts seem to be able to correct this downward spiral.

The gang that I have fallen into, for what else can I call it, wishes so desperately to thieve, murder and pillage their way through this accursed land. They visit dens of ill repute, and revel in its dirt and tawdry nature. I tried my best to balance the scales by healing and feeding as many of the sinners who inhabit this purgatory. But like digging a hole in sand, more fill up the hole no matter how hard I dig.

I healed hundreds and they still came. Little children whose mothers worked as prostitutes. Girlfriends of murderers and brigands. Everything seems to be relative here. A common refrain being “at least we didn’t murder them,” as if that was a viable option.

Lastly, we saved one fallen girl, and Irish women by the name of Annie Mason. She tried to pay us for doing what we were bound to do, but I wouldn’t have it. Most of the others in the gang supported me in this. Is that one more tug that the devil pulls at me to keep me in the company of thieves? I use the excuse that I am helping them find the path to the Lord, that I am having a good affect on them. But maybe that is the Devil’s trick to pull me down.

And finally Abuela, Annie Mason had every right to hit me on the head with that bottle. For although I did not do as she said in her ruse to escape, I thought it, God help me.

Fr. Rodrigo Salvatore

Adventures of the Crow: Episode 2

Our ship, the Jonas, if you can call it a ship, we have named to honor the dead Captain. If it’s that last thing I do, at least we honor that great man. Day’s pass as we traveled from that island, I have tied myself atop the mast and find comfort there, since there was no crow’s nest on this vessel. As we approached Brigandy Bay, I was day dreaming about the time on the island when I was 7 years old. I was running from the black wolves, my heart pumping, blood rushing through my veins as I jump to try to go aloft and lift myself above their sharp piercing teeth….

Then snapped back in the present, I look in the distance and see movement coming towards our Ship, the precious Jonas…. O no, it’s Razor Wings… Those foul creatures, they can tear the sails and the crew apart… I call down to Captain Liam, “Alarm, Alarm, Razor Wings off the Bow”. I draw my bow (made from the trees of Torath Ka), I steady my breathing, focus my eyes, almost sensing the blood in the lead Razor Claw and then release. My arrow strikes true right in his eye and kills the largest and lead Razor Wing. The flock splits in two, they now seem to charge even faster. I am deeply concerned for the crew. I must protect them…. No more will die under my protection…

As I dive towards the deck, I see Mordecai, the wind mage, raise his hands and a mighty wind buffets these creatures driving many into the water. Then Rodrigo, the water mage, opens his palms and water pulses out to punish the razor wings. O what power these Wizards bring to our ship, like the power wielded by the Red Men on the Island of Torath Ka. They are mighty, a power I hope to have one day.. I have much to learn, I will watch, I will learn… Then silence fills the air, all the Razor Wings are dead, Magic has killed them all. Their blood no longer pulses in their veins. .. I wonder if these mages can wield the power over life and death? Can they bring back all that have died in my past? That is something to explore indeed.

We gather ourselves and Captain Liam orders us to dock in Brigandy Bay. As we dock, I ask the Captain “Should we get a new ship?” I wink to the Captain. He says to scout for a vessel, but not to act without speaking to him first. I head off in delight, excited to find our prey. Which ship should be ours? Which ship will be named the Jonas to honor the Captain? I will prove myself to this crew, I am a man, not a boy. I can kill, I can conquer, I can destroy and be powerful just like the wind and water mages. I may not wield magic yet, but I am cunning. I can serve the captain. They will see, Crow can be very useful, Crow is a man.

The others have entered the port, while I stalk my prey… I see multiple ships, but then I see our Ship, our prize.. The vessel that WE need, that WE deserve. After all, the law of the jungle if you can take it, it’s yours… This ship is a nice frigate, she has sweet lines. Plus the crew is light, only 10 men on the decks (5 sleeping). The others are drinking.. They don’t know how to protect their prize, these fools will be easily parted from OUR ship. I approach and joke with the crew, they treat me like an animal, “Do a trick” “Can you fly” “How high can you fly bat boy”.. Then one bets me “10 pieces of eight” if I can fly up and around. I take his bet, to make them like me, then fueled with anger and rage, I fly higher than I ever have flown. Maybe that’s the secret, focus on the anger on the cruelty of others. It lifted me up.. It was beautiful…

After that amazing flight, they offered me their ale, they asked if I could fight. I actually started to like my prey.. I shouldn’t do that.. I need to keep my focus.. But I pretend to like them, I join their crew so I can get closer and learn more. They tell me they like their captain, I was hoping they didn’t a mutiny would be easier. They tell me they attacked a fishing boat, they tell me the captain will be drinking and carousing in the port for at least 3 more days… It’s perfect, the plan is in motion, I have the information we need to take OUR ship. Captain Liam will be so proud, we can call this mighty vessel the Jonas, a much more fitting ship to honor the dead Captain. All of the crew will be so proud.. I have found the prey, all I need is word from the captain to kill those on it and capture OUR ship… A warmth fills my beating heart, the blood coursing in my veins. It feels warm and comforting, it feels good. I am worthy, I am a man….

The next day, I find Captain Liam. I tell him of the prize. I am excited, then we tell the rest of the crew. Strange, they are NOT excited that we can take OUR ship from these ruthless men. After all they have killed fishermen, but to my dismay they seem to not want to take this prize. We are the predators not the prey, we are the strong, we should be able to take our ship. They speak of rules for pirates, of money from this port. That we don’t want to break some rules… I don’t understand… They tell me we are NOT taking the prize, instead they want to take a woman and transport some cargo.. Finally, I see the woman, as she strikes one of our crew with a mug. I am confused, but I feel the blood coursing in my veins and I jump in the fray. Swinging my fists and joining in the bar fight, this is fun. Then Captain Liam try’s to grab me, I playfully slip under his arm and kick a drunk sailor.. I think about picking his pocket, but from the glare from Captain Liam, I realize that may not be a good idea and I slip out with my Captain.

We rush to the ship and board, loading this woman and our cargo, we head off for a distance port…

Days pass then I spot from my elevated position, a man on a raft. I cover him with my bow as Daxson, the newest crew member, swims up to the raft. The man seems to have been stranded, he has a gun but no balls or gunpowder. Strange, I am curious, who is he, what did he do, what does he know? The as a crew we decide to bring him on the ship.

We dock in Azy Cay, we trade our goods and decide to drop off the girl. She offered to pay us pieces of eight, and our crew decides NOT to take it. Why? I don’t understand? If we transported a cow for money, we would be paid, if we transported a noble man for pay, we would be paid, if we transported an ugly hag we would have been paid, we just transported cargo and WE WERE PAID. This beautiful woman has ensorcelled these men, they did not take her pieces of eight over my protest. I don’t understand these rules of civilized men. I must learn more… I must learn to read, I must gain power, I must gain knowledge… I think these men can help me…

I can only think what adventure lies next…..

All Images from the book 50 Fathoms

50 Fathoms: Session 01-The Maiden Voyage

The Maiden Voyage



  • Stan/Mordecai: Human Air Mage Puritan from Earth
  • Mason/Liam: Human Ship Master from Earth
  • Kevin/Barchus: Scurillian merchant and Super native
  • Jim Bob/Daxson: Doreen treasure diver native
  • John/Crow: Atani sharpshooter native
  • Robert/Rodrigo: Human priest and water Mage from Earth

Date: 3-15-14

XP: 5 (3 for game session, 2 for backstories)


The party (minus Daxson) were all aboard the Rebecca, a frigate, captained by Jonas Abram delivering lumber from the Free Towns to Kiera. The ship struck something large off the coast of Torath-Ka and the hull was ripped open. The ship was beached and the Captain ordered the Party to search for provisions on the coast. The Party ran across a fleeing Doreen(Daxson) being chased by a pair of Yellowbacks. After dispatching the Yellowbacks,saving Daxson(who was stranded himself) and gathering the meat the Party headed back to the ship to find it burnt to the water line and the entire crew missing and a trail leading into the jungle.

They followed the tracks to a Ugak ritual sacrifice at a “Red Pool” being led by a shaman. 5 crewmembers, Captain Abrams and the Atani-Black Crow were tied up awaiting sacrifice The Party engaged the Ugaks just in time to see Captain Abrams be pushed into the sacrificial pit. Before the Party could dispatch the Shaman he managed to summon a Giant MonkApe. Through a heroic battle the Party was able to dispatch the Ugaks and the MonkApe with Liam delivering the final blow to the great beast.

The party managed to repair a wrecked skiff and salvage some provisions from the Rebecca and made for Brigandy Bay. Not far off shore they discovered the wreck of the LaLa, the ship Daxson had been serving on, with another scurillian clinging to the floating debri. The scurillian , Equais, told them the tale of how the LaLa was attacked and wrecked by a giant shark the Ugaks had summoned. She also told a tale of how she discovered, through careful measuring, that Carbdus was still slowly being flooded. She does not know how or why but she is very sure in a few years the low-lying cities will be under water.



Crew rescued:

  • John Smith, a, 24-year old Englishman from Earth, circa 1673.
  • Mongrel, a kehana
  • Senor Miguel Figuroa, a Spaniard from Earth, circa 1547.
  • Caras and Cais Cath, two masaquani twins
  • Equais, a female scurillian

Character excerpts:

Father Rodrigo Salvatore
March 17, 1571 – I write to you, Dearest Abuela, in this Diary, because I know only you will understand what I write.I was in transition on an assignment for the Inquisition, or what you can call it in the accursed Pugatorio, when something from hades struck the ship and made us beach on the shore for repairs. I was sent on a mission on an island hell with a crab man and a half man with skin of Azul. Only Dios knows why I have been accursed with this. I was able to use the new divine powers of water that our Lord has gifted me with, and I killed some large lizard like creature. Oh, Abuela, the creatures in this Purgatory would amaze and concern you. It is as you taught me all those years ago, about another land with all of these creatures. Little did I know that I would one day be there. I thought your stories were mere fairy tales.We defeated the lizards, and returned to the ship, to find it in flames. The incompetence of the Protestants is amazing, as they must have left their ship unattended. How typical. We plunged into the jungle to rescue the Heretics, only to come upon some accursed Monkey Man and his evil pool of blood. The group fought hard, almost like Spaniards would, and we defeated the Monkey Man and its blood elemental. I again used the powers Our Lord gave me upon my exile to this place, and I will continue to call upon it to advance his cause and purpose.We set sail in a repaired Skiff, and came upon yet another Crab person, this time a female. Will wonders never cease.Fr. Rodrigo Salvatore

Liam McCormic
1st Mate’s log…or acting capt’n now that Abram’s deadHoot a mistake we made thinkin t’would be another normal run. Everything went to shite when some blasted sea devil smashed the side of our ship and forced the capt’n to beech her. It be me third time ship wrecked since I got to Caribdus. Capt’n Abram sent me and a few landlubbers lookin fur anything that might be useful. Twasn’t long till some crazy Doreen came rooning outa the trees straight for the sea, crazed as madman, and chased by some yellabacks. It was me old mate, Daxson. We dealt with the dobber birds, Daxson joined us, and we found an ol’skiff.We headed back with the news and found the ship burned down, the crew miss’n, and blood all aboot. We made sure the provisions were all secure and went afta the capt’n, crew, and a bit-o revenge. Ye don’t attack me crew, burn me ship, and get away with it! Some dum bug bit me and got me all sick on the way. It’s things like this that make me really hate jungles. We found the capt’n and crew under guard by some Ugaks. Capt’n Abram was on some pedestal with a fancy dressed Ugak, who we assumed to be the leada. Without warnin, he kills the capt’n! The bastarts!! Everything after that t’was mostly a blur. I do rememba blowin the brains outa some giant monkey’s head, tho.We were only able to save a hand full of the crew, Crow being among’em. Poor lad. He always viewed the capt’n like a father and didnae take his death well. He brought me capt’n Abram’s things and I let’em keep the pistol. He be a good lad.

We set ta fix’n the skiff and then made for port in Brigandy Bay when we came across the wreckage of Daxson’s old ship. We saved a female scurillian and continued the journey. We should really look into acquirin a bigger ship soon.


Comrades (and Brachus does hope that he may be so bold as to call you his “comrades”), you all fought brilliantly and Brachus once again finds himself indebted to others for his life. While the good “Priest’s” powers do not seem to fall in line with what Brachus has witnessed in New Madrid, Brachus will accept his presence so long as the priest does not anger his god and bring destruction upon us all. Tread carefully clergy who follows “funny hat”.
Brachus also took the liberty to come up with some optimal trade routes in order for us to upgrade from this small vessel. Given the news that the seas are rising, Brachus does believe that a larger ship should be our top priority. While Brachus understand why we are making way to Brigandy Bay, Brachus also feels as though he needs to remind you all that this is not a friendly place. Buying goods will not come cheap, even with Brachus’ connections, and sailing in a skiff from there will take many days to the next port, making hauling food dubious, at best
Look for Brachus’ proposal under separate cover in the near future… the calculations and algorithms are still being optimized by myself and the Scurillian that we rescued.
Until then…

 Mordecai Boone
The tempest around Mordecai raged. It was of his own creation — a storm usually meant to propel ships or delay pursuing boats. But the battle at hand was not of ships but of blades: Mordecai and his companions fought with wild-eyed Ugaks fanatics. The minions of Blood Magic fought to keep uninterrupted their impious ritual underway on the sweaty isle of Torath-Ka.Near the Eldritch substance of the pool Mordecai caught sight of the shaman, his incantations nearing their crescendo.The faint scar on Mordecai’s forehead flamed red as Mordecai’s pulse quickened with rage.The puritan’s eyes narrowed, his lips a thin white line of determination. He pressed through the fray, his blade a flashing whirlwind of bloodied steel. Several heartbeats later Mordecai confronted him.

The shaman.

Mordecai’s mind raced back to the moment months before when he’d first encountered Blood Magic. It was the daughter of the Wind Mage Kinkaid, his mentor. They arrived too late to save her; her blood was spilt to invoke Blood Magic’s foul sorceries.

Mordecai had mastered the art of wielding a sword, but not the art of forgiveness.

Mordecai screamed above the squall: “Thou art not half the man thy mother was!” His blade leapt out, its path true.

The head of the shaman severed cleanly, the force causing it to fly several feet away. A sickening splash echoed through the tempest, and the head sank, its lips coiled into a malicious grin.

Movement came from below the ich. Mordecai knew intuitively a nightmarish creature would appear. As the storm continued to rage, it was not the demon below he feared, but the demon within.

The storm of unforgiveness which raged in his heart.

Adventures of the Crow: Episode 1
The rain was striking my face, not heavy rain but a steady flow, it was peaceful and quiet. The water rolling off my wings almost tickling them. The waves were caressing the ship. I was in the Crow’s nest, my namesake and place of safety, doing my duty as the lookout for the Rebecca, our mighty frigate. It was dark, visibility was challenging and my mind was wandering from my duty, thinking about this past 5 years sailing with Liam, Barchus and my second father Captain Abrams it has been a great adventure. I have learned much from Captain Jonas Abram, during this time. Some day, I might even be a first mate like Liam or even, should I dream… a Captain like Jonas….As we neared the island of Torath Ka (The Savage Land), my mind wandered to my first father, Rayford (the Jamaica slave) who raised me on the island of death (as Rayford called it). I was thinking how my life has changed and how it is better now that I am off that accursed rock……Then I heard it, a huge tearing sound. Suddenly racing through my mind – WHAT HAVE I MISSED? Why was I day dreaming, the Captain (my second father) has told me NEVER to daydream on watch. What have I done… As I scanned the waves and ship below me, from my perch above the ships deck, the boat listing to one side…. We have been struck by something, and are taking on water…..

Then in moments, I saw the Captain appear on the deck, barking out orders to the crew.. I glided down to my father, tears in my eyes, a physical reaction to my feeling of failure of my duty and to the Captain and the crew. Due to the rain, I don’t think the Captain realized I was tearing up.. He barked an order at me, to help with the rigging and shouted to the crew, “BEACH THE SHIP MEN!! BEACH THE SHIP”. I felt a failed feeling in my chest, my daydreaming, my lack of focus, my momentary laps of duty to watch for anything in the water…. Had I crashed the Rebecca (our ship) by my own hands, by lack of focus on my watch? Had I condemned us back to the island that had tortured me as a youth, the island that had taken my first father (Rayford).. What had I done….

I listened and executed the Captain’s every word. During the chaos of the moment I don’t think the other crew members saw my tears of failure and doubt. The visible fear that I had just failed the very crew that had nurtured me for these past 5 years, and quite possibly damned them to the island of terror that Savage Land, Torath-Ka…

The mighty Rebecca, was beached on the island of death… The Captain ordered part of the crew to search for provisions (Liam, Barchus, Mordecai and Rodrigo)… I think Jonas sensed my sadness and kept me with him… As normally, I would go with the first mate on boarding actions, or requisitions…

Back at the crashed boat, the Captain ordered the rest of the crew to start stripping anything of value and inventorying it on the beach.. He also ordered half of the crew to start scouting a perimeter. Moments latter, they were on us.. Again, I failed in seeing them come. I thought to myself “I MUST focus more, I cannot keep having my mind wander, what have I done AGAIN!!”..

They were the Ugak, the Red Men of Torath-Ka.. They had surrounded us…. I wanted to fight, but the Captain offered surrender, since the stronger members of the crew had left to gather provisions… The Red Men bound us all and lead us back to the Red-Men’s camp. Using my lithe frame and double jointed abilities, I was slowly and quietly worked my way out of my bonds … As we approached the Red Man gathering, we saw a Shaman, a Ugak – Blood Wielder and they had a Shrine with a huge Red Pool, of what looked and smelled like blood.

The largest Red-Man was speaking with the Blood Wielder. They placed us on the Stones of the Shrine next to the Red Pool.. All that was racing through my mind, was Damn this Island, my failure may have cost my life and the life of my friends… How have I failed them…. I must redeem myself… Next the Blood Wielder took the Captain to the head of the Pool, but before Jonas’s walked from my side he whispered to me “My Son, It will be OK, you are a man now.. Trust yourself”. I tear started to fall from my eye…

As Jonas was at the top of the Pool with the foul Red-Man Shaman, noise came from behind.. It looks like the other members of the crew were crashing through the brush… Then all hell broke loose, as the crew (Liam, Barchus, Mordecai and Rodrigo) and some new Doreen, I had never seen came to our aid…. I moved quickly, free of my bonds, and flipped over a Red Man using my wings to help me. This Red Man, whom Barchus had already clawed, was quickly strangled by the very rope they used to bind me (a fitting end for this vile Red man). Then, I scrambled to where my bow lay on the ground so I could shoot the Shaman who was about to slay my second father Jonas.

I was too late, tears welled up in my eyes, as he was killed…. Then RAGE filled my heart, Red Blood Rage!! ALL OF THESE RED MEN WILL DIE!!!! ALL OF THEM!! I WILL CHASE THEM ALL AND KILL THEM ALL!!! How dare this Island take my second father. This Island of death….. At that moment, I blacked out and cannot remember what happened, the RAGE fueled me and my loss of my father.. I have fragments of memory, some large beast arouse from the Blood Pit, I shot it in the eye and slowed it.. I killed another Red Man with my bow.. And then I was running through the jungle and finally snapped out of it my hands running red with RED MAN blood in the jungle as I killed two that ran from the scene of my fathers death…..

I slowly wandered back to the Shrine and Red Pool, numb from my loss.. Tears now flowing down my cheeks, uncontrolled.. I walked up to Liam and said “Why”….. Then “I am sorry”….. I don’t think he knew what I meant. I thought to myself, I am sorry I daydreamed in the Crow’s nest, if I just could have seen what might have struck the Rebecca and warned the crew… I am sorry, I did not see the Red Men surround us on the beach before it was too late.. I am sorry, I did not attempt to break free earlier around the Red Pool, I might have been able to save my father Jonas Abraham, a great man. And why did I not offer my life, so that I could be taken first by the Red Man Shaman, so Jonas could live and I could finally give this Damned Island what it truly wants my VERY SOUL….

As I reflect back now, some seven days after the incident, I am up in the rigging (as we have no crows nest, no place of safety), my father is dead. He last whispered words, where that “I am now a man”.. We have salvaged a make shift ship, nothing like the mighty Rebecca, but she can sail. I know in my heart, my soul became darker that day. My loss, our loss, the Captain was a great man… I vow to be like him, disciplined, focused, loyal to the crew – never leave a man behind, help those in need like he helped me these many years and be curious and explore the world….

Rest in Peace my father, my Captain.. Jonas Abram you are a great man. It was my honor to serve under your command, and my gift to be your son. My only hope is that I will make you proud and live up to your high standards and legacy.

As we approach the free town of Brigandy Bay, I can only think what adventure lies next….

Funny how things work out, I swore I had seen the last of Liam McCormic. At least that’s the way I’d planned it. But I’m lucky he showed up when he did to save my hide. He is running with quite an interesting crew – all of them outsiders except for Brachus. I think Liam has the potential to be a good captain but I’m not sure I trust his judgement completely. Still he is quite handy to have around in a pinch – what a crack shot on that giant ape.

The one I am happy to see is Brachus, though what he is doing out here on the open seas I’ve no idea. If not for his involvement I think I would bid this group farewell, but he may be able to make this whole adventure worthwhile for the lot of us. We shall see.

I may have some contacts in Brigandy Bay that would give us a good deal on supplies or possibly even a ship, but any offer we get will surely come with strings attached.


All Images from the book 50 Fathoms
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