I’m considering using the new Tabletop Forge 2.0 beta which is in the works to run some Savage Worlds games. There are a couple of Savage Worlds mechanics which aren’t currently supported by the tool (they are, by contrast, supported in Fantasy Grounds). Not to worry though — here are two workarounds which will give you a good experience in Virtual Tabletops like Tabletop Forge until such time as Savage Worlds features are better supported.


Savage Worlds uses a card based system. Some Edges (what Savage Worlds call their feats/stunts) are wired to what card you get. To emulate this in Tabletop Forge, you’ve got two options:


Roll a d20 for initiative instead of drawing cards. Edges work basically the same way except Level-Headed (or Improved) allows roll 2 (or 3) dice and take the best, and Quick allows rerolls on a 5 or less. A 20 counts as a Joker.


Up the above to “percentile dice,” and changed the ranges for Quick and for Jokers accordingly.


Similar to d20 above. Roll a d12. This can Ace, and if you get 20+, it counts as a Joker. This has roughly the same probability as drawing a Joker from a deck of cards. Edges work the same as the above d12 rule: Level-Headed (or Improved) allows roll 2 (or 3) dice and take the best, and Quick allows rerolls on a 5 or less.


Bennies, like FATE and many other systems, have tokens to represent points you can earn or spend. Usually Bennies are represented by poker chips, glass beads, or some other small object.

To mimic this in Tabletop Forge, reserve a part of your mapping canvas to represent players and the GM and their tokens. See the below screenshot from a FATE game I ran using vanilla Google Docs some time ago. I created a picture of each character, and placed images of poker chips (bennies) below each photo. In another part of the ‘table’ I have a GM pile of Bennie images. I just drag the images from the GM pile to the pile beneath the player photo and vice versa.







(Click above to enlarge)

Works great in Google Docs; I hope to demo this soon once the Tabletop Forge 2.0 beta comes out.