
Tabletop RPG Podcast and Roleplaying Resources

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Combat Speed Part 1: 5e Combat Metrics

Our climactic set-piece battle. Was proud to have Dr. Dennis Sustare (second from right, author of Bunnies & Burrows) play in my game!

Our climactic set-piece battle. Was proud to have Dr. Dennis Sustare (second from right, author of Bunnies & Burrows) play in my game!

I did some combat speed calculations in my D&D 5e Middle-Earth game at this year’s NTRPGCon game. In our big climactic battle we had 31 combatants (6 PCs, 3 NPCs, 11 goblin archers, 8 goblin swordsmen, 2 Orc chiefs and 1 troll).

Combat rounds were 10 minutes (< 1 minute per player with me managing three groups of bad guys in around 3-4 minutes).

Bad guys fought to the death. After 5 full combat rounds, 22 enemies lay dead and some PCs on the verge of death.

What’s interesting is 10 minute combat rounds (for around 6 players) is the same speed of combat for most old school games (Call of Cthulhu, Stormbringer, Classic Traveller) I’ve run or played in recent months. As opposed to 20-35 minute combat rounds for Pathfinder/3.5e and games like Savage Worlds.

5e really does run fast! Shorter battles with < 10 enemies run about 1-3 combat rounds, 20 minutes average, about like the other old games. And with smaller battles (1 or 2 enemies) it can go even faster!

In my next post I’ll talk about recent Stormbringer and Cthulhu games I’ve played, and how those experiences factor into my analysis of RPG combat speed.


The Impact of the 'Bunnies & Burrows' RPG

Classic 'Bunnies & Burrows' game

Classic ‘Bunnies & Burrows’ game

I’m reflecting on how much I admire Dr. Dennis Sustare and his Bunnies & Burrows game from the 70’s.

Yeah, we play Rabbits in this game! :-)

Yeah, we play Rabbits in this game! 🙂

Bunnies & Burrows (or ‘B&B’ as we called it, in homage to ‘D&D’) was originally published in 1976, only two years after the first role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons was published. B&B was very innovative for its time.

Dr. Sustare GM'ing B&B

Dr. Sustare GM’ing B&B

Some firsts in the game:

  • First RPG in history to have a skill system (Classic Traveller, debuting the next year in 1977, would also have a skill system).
  • First role-playing game to have detailed martial arts rules.
  • First RPG in history to allow you to play non-humanoids.
  • First RPG to appeal as widely to women as to men.

I loved the spirit and innovation of B&B! So happy to have played in Dr. Dennis Sustare’s B&B game at NTRPGCon back in 2013! Read more about this game’s history — a lot of tabletop and video RPGs owe more than they know to this lesser known game.

My friend Marshall brought us bunny ears to wear. Ha!

My friend Marshall brought us bunny ears to wear. Ha!

Stellar Tactics Version 1

Our Gaslight Heroes game didn’t have quorum last week so we moved gaming to Wednesday and ran a Stellar Tactics beta test. Biggest change we identified were 1) using standard rather than vector movement, and 2) using scenarios to break up the endless wait-and-see tactics players might otherwise employ. I’ve got about 15 changes we identified for the rules.

Star Trek Skirmish Game

Star Trek Skirmish Game

In an upcoming version I’ll also have specs for soldiers and vehicles so we could use these rules for any modern or futuristic miniatures wargaming.


Upcoming games will support soldiers and vehicles such as hovertanks and drones.

Low Prep RPG Games: Part 7

2015-07-02 23.50.45A Bullet Campaign is a format where you take a villain, determine their diabolical goal, then list out a few bullet points of steps they’ll take in executing their plan. It works great for high level campaigns, but works for adventures as well.

Here’s an example of an adventure written in about ten minutes, inspired by flipping through pages of monsters and magic items. It contains a backstory and motivation, then bullet points of events that may unfold.

“The Return of the Sky Elves” Adventure

Summary: Banished Sky Elves are staging a return with plans to enslave the local region.

Backstory: The Sky Elves are an evil, winged race living in the heights of a mountain. Generations ago the Sky Elves began plans to enslave the local region. Only the centaurs knew of the elves plan so they intervened to defeat them. A powerful centaur wizard forged an artifact known as the mage-ring to magically unmoor the Sky Elf mountain from its rock base, leaving a rock basin below which became the valley. The centaurs then for generations guarded the valley and the magic ring to prevent the Sky Elves from returning. Recently, a sky elf mage appeared to a local magistrate in a vision and struck a dark deal to pay mercenaries to recover the ring in exchange for power in their future, dark kingdom. These mercenaries have killed local farmers and used centaur-style arrows to frame the centaurs and set the stage for questing mercenaries to retrieve the ring.


  1. The mercenaries frame the Centaurs. The players are traveling in a rural location when they come across a girl crying over her dead father — killed needlessly as he farmed by distinctive red arrows. Investigation reveals these arrows are similar to those of a local Centaur tribe. His cabin has a map to the location of a mysterious artifact known as the mage-ring.
  1. Mercenaries spread rumors about the Centaurs. The local tavern has rumors of an evil centaur tribe bent on slaying all non-centaurs in the region. Some say the mage-ring which holds the key to defeating the centaurs.
  1. The farmer’s map reveals the dangerous path to the mage-ring. An impassable mountain range surrounds the hidden valley, but the farmer’s map shows the location of a hidden tunnel. Inside, the players will face encounters with 1) a catacomb slug, 2) a swarm of sharp-teeth cave imps, 3) water-elementals in a catacomb stream, and 4) a chained, lost relative of one of the players (but who is really a doppelganger).
  1. When the mage-ring is removed, the Sky Elves return as warring slavers. If the players arrive at the center of the valley they find a shrine with a statue (which later animates and fights the PCs) holding the ring. If the ring is removed from the statue, clouds will darken and a large mass appears overhead. The mage-rings power to keep the flying mountain at bay dissolves and an army of flying elves descend to attack the players. The centaurs, who were framed and really allies, not enemies, will appear to aid the fight.

For the above example, you can probably get by with just the first sentence of each bullet point. When you are originating the idea, you just need enough notes to trigger your memory, not a full description of the scenes you’ve created. Sketch a rough map if you want, make sure you have some stat blocks handy for the people and creatures, and you’ll be ready to run the adventure!

Low Prep RPG Games: Part 6

2015-06-05 14.33.22One really easy to run format is a Triggered Mission. These games follow this format:

  1. Opening Mission — Initial scene where the PCs are assigned a mission. It could be to fight an evil villain in his lair, rescue someone, or pull off a heist. The key concept is there is a location that the PCs have to investigate and scope out before the final act.
  2. Prep — The following scenes are investigation, strategy, and preparing to accomplish the goal. The PCs drive the action; the GM simply answers questions.
  3. Boss Scene Trigger — At a certain point (usually ½ or ? through the game), regardless of what the PCs are doing, something ‘triggers’ the final climactic scene. The trigger is important because it makes sure you have time for the final infiltration and boss fight.
  4. Boss Fight — This is the final set piece battle.

Some examples of Triggers:

  • You receive a secret message from an informant tell you something is happening at a certain location and time (which is only minutes from now).
  • You are rescuing a kidnap victim held in an impregnable fortress. You discover they will be relocated and there is an optimal time and location to free the victim. At the Trigger point, you receive word the victim is being moved.
  • You are exploring a dungeon. At the trigger point, the next door you open is the lair of the boss monster. (You may want to redraw the map on the fly so that the final room or cavern is now at that point in the dungeon crawl).
  • You are exploring a derelict spaceship. After the fourth room you investigate (regardless of where in the ship you are), the fifth scene kicks in, which is a boss fight with an enemy.

To create a quick Triggered Mission adventure, follow these structured steps:

  • Invent a villain.
  • Put the villain in a fortress or sanctuary that has guards, traps, or hazards.
  • Have the villain possess something (an artifact or kidnapped person) that the PCs desperately need to rescue.
  • Have an open ended part of the adventures where the PCs can investigate the fortress, gain clues, scope out guards, and lay plans to infiltrate the fortress or location.
  • At a time of your choosing, announce a ‘trigger’ that forces the PCs to make their move. Maybe the artifact is going to be destroyed, the kidnap victim killed, or some other disaster.

Triggered Missions are one of the easiest types of games to run. Aside from sketching out the lair or ambush location and coming up with a villain and object or person to rescue, the players drive all the action. You can sit back and enjoy the story that unfolds!

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