Disclaimer; I will only comment on what I experienced.
This convention was jammed packed with people. I wonder how long Indianapolis will be able to hold it. People everywhere. But as always, there are still a lot to experience and wring out of the Convention.
- The Dealer’s hall. It was bigger and better than ever. You can really endanger your mortgage payment in there. So much to buy. I especially liked DCC, Troll Lord’s, and Hirst Arts. Dwarven Forge got waaaaay too much of my money.
- Baldman games had a good recovery from last year. The DnD experience was very good, and they had the mustering under control. It was a good story line. But still no swag. Not that I am overly fussy, but come on guys. Maybe an advanced copy of the Storm Giant book? Give me a little extra for my $150 please.
- Star Wars Edge of Empire continues to be a highlight. But you wonder why FFG doesn’t support it more. I think this system could conquer the earth if given more support. And Emory loves to play the Wookie and tear arms off NPCs. Good Times.
- Support for RPGs is at an all time high. From coins, to Syrinscape, to terrain pieces and models, we are in the golden age of RPG support products.
- People still bring their babies in strollers. You see this on the weekends, and I guess Midwesterners don’t trust or can’t get babysitters. I’m not sure why you would drag your six-month old to a jam packed convention full of BO and sleepy gamers. Its like a powder keg waiting to go off. “Hey, Cole (Insert stupid millennial name here), stop the baby from swallowing that d20!”
- Greyhawk Reborn will be skipped from now on. Evidently there are rules, rules that cannot be broken. Sorry, playing a first level character amongst fourth level characters may feed your ego, but being a sideline character es no Bueno. Take these rules and shove it, I ain’t gaming here no more.
- Southwest has a non-stop from Dallas to Indianapolis. 1h 50m. You have no excuses.
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