I had a great time playing Mutants & Masterminds last night with my game group. We are trying out different Superhero game systems to see which RPG would be the best fit for our collective GM and play-style preferences. Our group really loved playing Mutants & Masterminds and it is definitely a strong contender for future Superhero campaigns. After running it we had some ideas on how to make it easier to track damage and conditions.
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There is some speculation on the DC Universe forums that DC may do a re-release of DC Heroes. Background: DC Universe (see
https://www.dcuniverse.com) is an online platform for streaming movies, TV, and reading 20K+ comics. They also have some ‘unscripted’ shows which are things like talk shows and cosplay, and now their adding RPG actual play streaming featuring DC Heroes at the end of this month. Continue reading
I’ve been doing a bit of reading on DC Heroes and its history and also reading up on Mutants and Masterminds (aka M&M, which is the generic version of Green Ronin’s ‘DC Adventures’; it’s the same system, but one has the DC characters and the other doesn’t). Based on forum posts and reading through the rules (and having played M&M 2e several years ago, but not having played DC Heroes), here’s my observations on the two systems. Continue reading
If anyone ever wants to use a digital map with fog-of-war effects for in-person gaming, this looks like an interesting solution: InfinitasDM. Read more.
Here is my latest thinking about the ‘stuff I’m itching to run someday’. Interesting how things evolve: see my post in early 2019, post in 2017, my post in 2016 and my post in 2014 of things I was itching to run in prior years. Continue reading
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