A nice interview with book reviewer Tim Frankovich on Christian Fantasy on the INsites blog:
read the article
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A summary of some Catholic authors, many of them fiction writers:
Catholic authors have created a niche for themselves that is growing in popularity in both fiction and non-fiction. American Gate Magazine has a wonderfully comprehensive list of best-selling Catholic books, Catholic publishers, the Catholic Book Publishers Association Bestsellers list, Jesuit authors and the Catholic Press Association book award winners.
Read more: Catholic Authors
An insightful interview with Frank Peretti: read article
A resource for Catholic writers: Catholic Book Publishers Association Bestsellers, Online Catholic Bookstore
Michael Hyatt envisions the death of traditional book publishing:
I am convinced that we are only one device away from a digital publishing tsunami. Consider what happened when Apple launched the iPod in October of 2001. They provided an end-to-end solution that made downloading music easy, portable, and fun. Now,
30-plus million iPods later, iPods are everywhere.
Read more: From Where I Sit: The Death of Traditional Book Publishing
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