Chick Lit is hot. According to Jana Reiss, religion book review editor for Publishers Weekly:

It’s the hottest trend going in Christian fiction. It’s trendy, it’s edgy, and it’s appealing to that all-important younger market.

According to the Christian Booksellers Association, it’s a market that drives sales of Christian fiction to more than $2 billion annually.

What’s fueling this trend, and is Chick Lit the best name for it? Insight from this great articles says: 

Of the country’s estimated 3.5 million single evangelical Christians, three-quarters are women, Golan says. But putting them all in the "I’m 30 and have to meet Mr. Right now" category would be a mistake, she says. That’s why Steeple Hill Books prefers "hip lit" to "chick lit."

Read full article: Christian chick lit is trendy