Christian chick lit, recently featured on the Today Show and described by Steeple Hill Executive Editor Joan Marlow Golan as novels for modern Christian women who wonder,”How do I live authentically in the kind of world we live in?,” continues to grow in popularity. In response to the genre’s growing readership, the authors of Steeple Hill Cafe, launched, a blog community that’s welcomed over a thousand visitors since it’s launch in late March.

Veteran authors like Lori Copeland, Annie Jones, Kathryn Springer and Lynn Bulock add depth to the blog mix of newer authors like Marilynn Griffith, an African American home educator, Rachel Hauck, a youth pastor’s wife and Susan May Warren, a former missionary to Russia.

Griffith, whose first novel debuts with Steeple Hill in 2006, put together the blog with the help of her husband.

Griffith said: gives Steeple Café readers a chance to get to know our authors better and have a little fun doing so.

And there is fun indeed, with entries like “Hallelujahs on a Harley” and a recent “Living With the Top Down” contest with a Barbie convertible prize. The blog reaches the inner chick of all readers, especially the fifty percent of American women who attend church each week, according to the Barna Group.

The “Are You a Faithchick?” poll is another popular post, allowing readers to earn petals if they “own a cool devotional Bible but can’t remember the date” or “own one or more WOW worship CDs…and a karaoke machine.”