Tabletop RPG Podcast and Roleplaying Resources

Author: Stan Shinn (Page 53 of 111)

Star Trek Adventures Playtest Update: Closed Beta Testing

sta-tos-2_1_origSo, looks like the upcoming Star Trek playtest will be closed, not open, so even if you’re signed up, there’s no guarantee you’ll be in the playtest. So I’m keeping my fingers crossed! Supposedly surveys will go out around two weeks after GenCon, and the playtest will start sometime in Sept., with all dates subject to change. Here’s what Modiphius said on their forums:

There will be a play test once we put rules to paper. Right now we’re concerned with what does everyone want. The play test will be conducted like all of our play tests, pdf made available to those in the program. These are not open play tests but only for those who are approved. Each version or two there will be a survey.


Traveller: Overcoming Combat Armor Near-Invincibility

I posted over on the Traveller forums regarding how best to deal with Combat Armor. Feedback was that best attack against Combat Armor is to use Gauss rifles or Heavy ACRs with AP ammo. Gauss rifle is already AP5, and with AP ammo that becomes AP9, heavy ACRs are not quite as good but cheaper.

In our case though, Laser weapons are made for boarding actions, low recoil and not too destructive to the ship. So our best bet on a ship like we were on would be Laser Rifles instead of Laser Carbines.

Gauss Rifle

Gauss Rifle

Upcoming Games for August

Note: I will keep this blog post updated with game and attendance updates.

Saturday Night Games

  • Saturday, August 13 6:30pm — 50 Fathoms (Jeff’s House)
  • Saturday, August 27 6:30pm — 50 Fathoms (Stan’s House)

Thursday Night Games

  • Thursday, August 11 6:30pm — Gaslight Heroes [Yes: Mason, Jeff, Todd; No: Kevin, John]
  • Thursday, August 18 6:30pm — d100 Legend (Game of Thrones-Style Fantasy) 1-Shot (Stan’s House) — Mason would like to playtest a gritty d100-based Fantasy system called ‘Legend’ which is a variation of Runequest (the d100 system that powers Call of Cthulhu, Stormbringer and others). If we like the system, this system could potentially power a Game of Thrones style gritty fantasy campaign with House Management. We’re kicking the tires on the system to see if we like it; plus it will be a great, fun one-shot! [Yes: Mason, Stan, Robert, Chris, John; No: Kevin; Maybe: Jeff, Todd]
  • Thursday, August 25 6:30pm — Gaslight Heroes [Yes: Mason, John, Jeff, Todd; Maybe: Kevin]

Ragnarok Group Game

  • No game this month due to John’s birthday bash


Traveller: Retaking the INS Wolf

On Aug. 4, Mason ran a great game of Traveller, a erstwhile one-shot that will segue into an ongoing ‘B’ campaign he is thinking of running.

It was an amazing game! We used 15mm miniatures and a ship map sized to 15mm scale. We also used some transparent templates which proved very useful for blast and movement measuring.

2016-08-04 22.17.25
Rebels had stolen the INS (Imperial Navy Ship) Wolf and Orion. Our mission was to retake the Wolf.

Combat rounds were fast and furiuos — averaging about 6 minutes per combat round. We did discover that combat armor makes you nearly invincible if you only have laser carbines attacking. We’ll need to rethink our strategy (maybe using laser rifles with backpacks or something else) for any future battles with this amazingly tough armor! Our fight with Combat Armored opponents lasted 13 rounds and about an hour and 20 minutes. During that time we had tons of action though — folks diving for cover, using smoke grenades, multiple grappling attempts, knocking weapons out of hands, recovering weapons, throwing people around, hacking doors, intimidation and carousing, and negotiating with rebels who had started a self-destruct mechanism. It was great fun!

My favorite moments:

  • John giving a long time speech describing his verbal intimidation attempts to get an opponent to stand down, only to realize he was a -3 (untrained) for intimidation, then suddenly switching to his carousing skill: “Hey, on second thoughts, how about we stand down and grab a beer?”
  • Stan having a Vacc Suit hyperventilation episode from character generation, then realizing that we had a big EVA to get to the target ship. Lots of hyperventilation roleplaying, exacerbated by failing multiple Vacc Suit rolls and nearly missing the target ship altogether.

2016-08-04 22.17.26

— Stan

2d20 Conan Game Shows Promise for Star Trek Adventures

I was run down today due to allergies so Mason offered to run a one-shot of the Conan 2d20 system. I was particularly interested to see how the 2d20 system played. My assumptions about the game from a read through (see my prior post) turned out to be more or less correct. I was a bit nervous that the damage calculations (which use a dice pool system similar to Mouseguard, Lady Blackbird, WEG d6 and others) would be slow or awkward, but after a couple of combat rounds it was really fast. We had only two players and faced 3 opponents in each combat, but combat rounds averages < 10 minutes per round even with our rules lookups (which were many).

I loved this system! Mason is a great GM. I am now VERY excited about the Star Wars game as this will be an excellent system choice I think!


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