Tabletop RPG Podcast and Roleplaying Resources

Author: Stan Shinn (Page 19 of 111)

Homebrewing a Star Trek Game

I’m working on a homebrew variant of the Where No Man Has Gone Before Star Trek RPG rules. I’ve spent a few hundred dollars on the Star Trek Adventures RPG, but in running this game a few times (as well as Conan, another 2d20 game from Modiphius), I’ve gotten a bit frustrated by the rules. Or, to be more precise, the rules organization. Here is one quote I found on a forum that sums up my frustration pretty well (emphasis below is mine):

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Historical Roleplaying Games

I  noticed an interesting home-brew game called Traveller: 1700 which appeared in Freelance Traveller (Traveller: 1700 link is at the bottom of this page). The notion of using Traveller rules to roleplay in colonial times got me to thinking about what historical eras I’d be interested to play in, so I pinged my game club gamers to see what historical eras most interested them. Here were their responses. I also jotted down some game systems that might work to play in those eras.

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Future Campaign Candidates

After some discussion, our podcasting group decided to move to a cadence where we run four weeks of podcast games, followed by two weeks of ‘B-Campaign’ games, and then repeat the cycle, at least till around the end of the year. We had at first started down the past of running a D&D campaign (“Shadows or Redmark”), but after a few games we realized that we wanted to do something besides D&D, since some of us are in a Saturday D&D campaign, and or a Monday D&D campaign.

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