Our tale begins in the year 1356 of the Third Age. In the bustling town of Lanador, a band of adventurers finds themselves united in a humble tavern. The heroes of this story are as diverse as they are formidable:
Author: Stan Shinn (Page 1 of 111)
We lost a dear friend, Robert Armbruster, several months ago after his courageous battle with cancer. Robert was a beloved member of our gaming community, and we shared many joyful years of tabletop adventures together. He was also an enthusiastic participant in a book club that a few of us tabletop RPG gamers founded.
To honor Robert’s memory, we established an annual book club award to celebrate the top book from the twelve we read during our monthly Dicehaven book club meetings. This year’s winner was The Black Company by Glen Cook.
I like the Cortex Prime RPG and its earlier incarnations, such as Marvel Heroic Roleplaying. Things that have given me pause in running Cortex games are the numerous SFX, having the GM track when players roll 1s, and the long combat time due to multiple rounds before a scene is resolved. I’ve found the Agon RPG (and its generic counterpart, the Paragon RPG) to be a nice improvement in terms of the GM having less to track (moving the cognitive load to players to independently manage their own resource tracks and charges) and having scenes quickly resolve.
Now I’m looking at running a superheroes campaign, and I think using the Paragon RPG as the core rules would really suit my tastes. Here’s my candidate house rules, which add some Cortex Prime / Marvel Heroic Roleplaying rules to Paragon to do superheroes.
Our story opens in the year 1126 of the Imperial Calendar. Storm Fury pilots with call signs ‘Rookie’, ‘Maniac’, and ‘Eight Ball’ patrol an asteroid belt in the border system of Stelanor, near likely enemy jump entry points.
Check out this video, wherein I look at the using wooden bricks to make dungeon walls for a quick and convenient dungeon and stone wall solution in D&D and other RPGs.
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