Tabletop RPG Podcast and Roleplaying Resources

Keyboard Shortcuts for Writing on the Mac

Doing your writing on a Mac? Learn some of these shortcuts to boost your productivity:

?A move to beginning of paragraph
?B move one character back
?D delete character to right
?E move to end of paragraph
?F move one character forward
?K delete text to end of paragraph
?N move to next line
?O insert newline
?P move to previous line
?T transpose characters
?? delete word to left
?? delete word to right

Text Field
?? move one word left
?? move one word right
?? move to beginning of line
?? move to end of line

Text View
?? move up one page
?? move down one page
?? move to beginning of line
?? move to end of line
?? move to beginning of view
?? move to end of view

Read other shortcuts Rixstep

1 Comment

  1. Katherine

    I thought I’d find some helpful Mac tips here! 🙂

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