
Tabletop RPG Podcast and Roleplaying Resources

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The One Ring 2e Online Dice Rollers

One consideration for my next campaign game is making sure the dice are accessible. People forget their dice, or need to game remotely and don’t have dice, or otherwise have challenges which make having some form of digital dice option a must-have in my games. The One Ring RPG uses propriety dice. How do you game virtually using dice for The One Ring RPG? Here are some options.

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Play Consistently with Same-Universe Tabletop RPG B-Campaigns

One problem I’ve tried to tackle several times over the years is what to do when you aren’t able to play your normal ongoing tabletop RPG campaign game, but you still have players who want to play. We’ve tried a few things in the past that haven’t really worked out to be a consistent, well-received solution to this problem. I’ll review several options and show what we’ve decided is our group’s best solution to this problem.

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