
A Classic Traveller Adventure

The ship’s systems alert you to an incoming communication from the Imperial Scout Service. The express boat which has just appeared delivers an urgent and highly confidential message. A holographic projection appears before you, illuminating a dour-looking human male wearing Imperial Scout Service senior officer insignia.

“Greetings, team,” he begins. “We have a problem in the Halicron star system and you are the closest asset. We’ve lost communication with our research team on a planet in that system and need immediate eyes dirt-side. There were no known threats in the system. With luck, it’s just failed equipment.”

But your luck has recently been in short supply. As you engage your jump drive, one of the crew says what you’re all thinking: “I’ve got a really bad feeling about this.”

This Classic Traveller game is set in the Third Imperium and has a Battlestar Galactica feel. We’ll do classic (lethal) character generation using the Classic Traveller Starter Set.

The Mourning Wolf

The Mourning Wolf

Sun Fury Starfighters

Sun Fury Starfighters

Ship Side Views

Ship Side Views

Ship Deck Plans

Ship Deck Plans