Tabletop RPG Podcast and Roleplaying Resources

Author: Stan Shinn (Page 76 of 111)

Stan Shinn's 1e to 5e Combat Tracker

[UPDATED: Here is an updated version of my DnD 1e to 5e Conversion Tool I mention in the article below: DnD 1e to 5e Conversion Tool — 2015-11-01.pdf]

To convert a 1e monster to 5e, here’s a tool I’ve come up with. Please feel free to comment on ways to improve this. I’m sure the DMG will have some better specific guidance, but this will tide me over till November as I run some low-level 1e modules converted to 5e.

Here’s a video showing how to use the tool.

And here’s the PDF tool you can download for free. Aside from having the conversion table, it is a nice way to track combat, especially the theater-of-the-mind, grid-less style I prefer.

Is it perfect? Probably not. Love to hear your feedback if you have some tweaks to how to do this. Here’s how I came up with these stats: I took representative monsters with 1 – 8 HD from 1e and compared them to their equivalent stats in the Legacy of the Crystal Shard stats. I assumed the monster-to-hit for 1e was essentially +1 per HD. Doing some reverse engineering, I came up with the above math.


Here are the stat blocks I used for reference:

5e — 1d6 hp (3 avg), AC 13, +1/+2 To Hit, 1d6 – 1 DMG
1e — 1-1 HD, AC 6, +1 To Hi, 1d6 D

5e — 2d8 + 2 hp (11 avg), AC 13, +2/+4 To Hit, 1d12 + 2 DMG
1e — 1 HD, AC 6, +1 To Hit, 1d8 D

Giant Spider
5e — 3d10 hp (16 avg), AC 12, +3/+4 To Hit, 1d8 + 2 DMG
1e — 4 HD, AC 4, +4 To Hit, 1d8 D

5e — 4d10 + 8 hp (30 avg), AC 12. +4 To Hit, 1d6 + 3 DMG
1e — 4+4 HD, AC 6, +4 To Hit, 1d6 D

Brown Bear
5e — 5d10 + 10 hp (37 hp avg), AC 10, +5 To Hit, 2d6 + 4 D
1e — 5 HD, AC 6, +5 To Hit, 1d6 D

Air Elemental
5e — 7 HD (45 hp avg), AC 13, +5 To Hit, 2d6 + 2 D
1e — 8 HD, AC 2, +8 To Hit, 1d6 D

Running the original 1e stats through this method and comparing them back to the real 5e stats, you get this:

1e — 1-1 HD, AC 6, 1d6 D
Converted 5e — 1d8+1 HD (5 avg), AC 13, 1d6+1 D
Actual 5e — 1d6 hp (3 avg), AC 13, +1/+2 To Hit, 1d6 – 1 D

1e — 1 HD, AC 6, +1 To Hit, 1d8 D
Converted 5e — 1 HD, AC 13, +1 To Hit, 1d8+1 D
Actual 5e — 2d8 + 2 hp (11 avg), AC 13, +2/+4 To Hit, 1d12 + 2 DMG

Giant Spider
1e — 4 HD, AC 4, +4 To Hit, 1d8 D
Converted 5e — 4d8+8 (26 avg), AC 13, +4 To Hit, 1d8+4 D
Actual 5e — 3d10 hp (16 avg), AC 12, +4 To Hit, 1d8+2 D

1e — 4+4 HD, AC 6, +4 To Hit, 1d6 D
Converted 5e — 4+4 HD, AC 11, +4 To Hit, 1d6 + 4 D
Actual 5e — 4d10 + 8 hp (30 avg), AC 12. +4 To Hit, 1d6 + 3 DMG

Brown Bear
1e — 5 HD, AC 6, +5 To Hit, 1d6 D
Converted 5e — HD, AC 9, +5 To Hit, 1d6+5 D
Actual 5e — 5d10 + 10 hp (37 hp avg), AC 10, +5 To Hit, 2d6 + 4 D

Air Elemental
1e — 8 HD, AC 2, +8 To Hit, 1d6 D
Converted 5e — 8d8+5 hp (41 avg), AC 13, +5 To Hit, 1d6+5 D
Actual 5e — 7 HD (45 hp avg), AC 13, +5 To Hit, 2d6 + 2 D

 Works well enough for my purposes. Let me know your feedback! 🙂


Actual Play D&D 5e & 0e/1e Comparison

Game table before running the 5e game

Game table before running the 5e game

Quick Summary:

I’ve run the same 4 hour adventure twice using Swords & Wizardry White Box (a D&D 0e/White Box Retroclone) and now with the D&D 5th Edition Starter Set rules. Combat takes about the same amount of time regardless of system and there was very little difference in the speed or (in my opinion) the overall feel of the game.


A couple of years ago I wrote an adventure called “The Amulet of Shinkara.” I ran it at North Texas RPG Con and at a home game using Swords & Wizardry White Box rules. This page weekend I ran the adventure using the newly released D&D 5e Starter Set rules and pregens. Taking out time to assemble players, introduce characters, review rules, and time for breaks (which takes about 45-60 minutes for that), the actual real gameplay takes about 3 hours, regardless of edition. Altogether all game sessions ran about 4 hours including breaks and non-play time.

The Adventure

Even though this adventure is a mini-dungeon with several paths, in each of the three times I ran this game, people tend to go down the ‘wisest’ path (avoiding some dangerous looking doors and tunnels) and end up with the following the same seven encounters during the three hours:

  • Bridge and orc guard post (exploration)
  • Orc guard room (combat or negotiation)
  • Tunnels with chambers of orc women and children (combat or stealth)
  • Orc cook (roleplaying)
  • Garbage heap with broken ‘statues’ and rat swarm (exploration and combat)
  • Basilisk (combat)
  • Medusa (combat)

Combats generally took 10-15 minutes, regardless of edition. The final Basilisk/Medusa ‘boss’ scene runs about 30 minutes total, being essentially two back-to-back exploration/combat encounters strung together. In the 5e game, we ended up with four different combats during the three hours of roleplaying.

When I ran the 0e/1e games, I ran them at 3rd level. When I ran the 5e game, I started players at 1st level, then bumped them up to 2nd level after 1.5 hours (since it was a demo game). I don’t think the level differences had much effect on game speed.

In all game sessions, combat was theater-of-the-mind with no grid except for the last scene, which had a complex scene. For this last scene only I broke out the minis (and again, this was the same in all sessions).

General Impressions

I’ve been playing the 5e play test nearly weekly for about two years. I’ve played mostly at the 4th to 6th level range. I don’t think combat slows down a lot at higher levels; the HP progression and power curve are very flat, meaning combat time doesn’t ramp up dramatically the way it does in 3e or 4e. (Edit: this design technique is called ‘Bounded Accuracy’ — read more about this here. It’s a fairly amazing design technique in my opinion!).

In my 5e game, one player was new to tabletop RPGs — this game was his first time playing. We used the Starter Set pregens and rules but my custom adventure. The amazingly easy-to-use pre-gen sheets and clean, concise 30 page or so Rules booklet was the perfect thing for a newbie to pick up the game.

I noticed two differences in the feel of the 5e game:

Unlike 0e/1e, in 5e Magic Users and Clerics both have cantrips (minor at-will powers that don’t count against your spell slots). Both Magic Users and Clerics have an attack spell as part of their cantrips — Ray of Frost (Magic Users) or Sacred Flame (Cleric) — which do minor damage compared to fighters, but let the spell casters continue to use magic instead of using up spells and having to fall back, and do little save throwing a dagger. I like this feature — 5e has more satisfying play in my opinion vs. 0e/1e.

The other difference is the default lethality. 0e/1e is very lethal at low levels (or all levels, arguably). Gary Gygax in his later years started players at 3rd level just because of this lethality. 5e has ‘death saving throws’ so that if you fall to 0 HP (assuming you didn’t die outright due to damage from a single hit equal to your highest normal HP) you get death saving throws. Three successes mean you stabilize, three failures mean you really, truly die. I’ve been play testing for 2 years and had multiple situations where I was on the brink of death but managed to make the third saving throw. A great way to introduce suspense but minimize the actual odds of dying.

Now, many folks will like a more lethal game, or otherwise see these minor differences as something they don’t want in their game. Not to worry — the Dungeon Masters Guide (due out Nov.) will be essentially a ‘hackers’ guide with lots of dials to emulate the game feel of your choice, be it more lethal games, slower healing, slower XP/leveling, etc. In my opinion, having played all the versions of D&D, this it the most hackable, house-rulable version I’ve every seen.


My verdict? This is my favorite version of D&D. I loved 0e White Box and 1e. Didn’t play much 2nd edition. Played some 3.x and 4.x but both were too crunchy and miniatures oriented for my tastes. 5e is everything I liked about the original version, with improvements which I happen to like, and the option to house-rule away any differences not to my taste.

While it may not end up being everyone’s favorite edition, I would suggest it could at least become many people’s 2nd favorite edition. I really do think it delivers on the promise to bring people of many different play styles together at one game table in a very satisfying way. Also, in my opinion this is hands down the best introduction-to-tabletop-RPG product ever produced, easier even than the Pathfinder Beginner Box or old Red Box to ease new players into the hobby. Having a great, modern gateway system like this does the entire hobby a favor by introducing new players to the wonderful world of tabletop roleplaying.

D&D 5e Release Schedule


D&D 5e now has a release schedule. Below are the key dates, plus summaries about the Basic PDF and Player’s Handbook.

  • July 15th — Basic Dungeons & Dragons – 96 pages; free
  • July — Icons of the Realms Starter Miniatures Set – Minis for first two 5e adventures
  • August 19th — Players Handbook – 320 pages
  • August 19th — Hoard of the Dragon Queen Adventure – 96 pages. Level range: “The first book goes from level 1 to level 7 or 8 (depending on how the DM and players go through some sections).
  • September 30th — Monster Manual – 320 pages
  • October 21st — The Rise of Tiamat Adventure – 96 pages. Level range: This one goes from levels 8 to 15.
  • November 19th — Dungeon Master’s Guide – 320 pages
  • January 20th — Deluxe DM Screen


Basic D&D is a PDF that covers the core of the game. It’s the equivalent of the old D&D Rules Cyclopedia, though it doesn’t have quite the same scope (for example, it won’t go into detail on a setting). It runs from levels 1 to 20 and covers the cleric, fighter, rogue, and wizard, presenting what we view as the essential subclass for each. It also provides the dwarf, elf, halfling, and human as race options. In August, with the release of the Player’s Handbook, Basic D&D will expand to include the essential monsters, magic items, and DM rules needed to run the game, along with the rules for wilderness, dungeon, and urban adventuring. (The Starter Set already covers the aspects of these rules that you need to run the included campaign.) As WOTC introduces new storylines like Tyranny of Dragons, they’ll also make available free PDFs that provide all the rules and stats missing from Basic D&D needed to run the adventures tied into the story. The adventures released as part of Tyranny of Dragons are playable without requiring any of the core rulebooks or the Starter Set. With just the Basic Dungeons & Dragons rules, you can play D&D for years. (Source:

Classes in the PHB are Fighter, Rogue, Cleric, and Wizard], the Monk, Ranger, Paladin, Barbarian, Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, and Druid.
Races are Human, Elf, Dwarf, Halfling, Half-Orc, Half-Elf, Gnome, Tiefling, and Dragonborn. Plus Drow as a subset of Elves – there are at least two rubraces per race. (Source:

One-shot: Fiasco Superheroes

Fiasco_coverFor our April 26, 2014 game, since Stan was jet-lagged from an oversees trip, Jeff gave Stan a break and ran Fiasco. A great time was had by all — a superheroes B-Team ended up in space fighting an alien super-weapon. Luckily, we saved the day, although I can’t claim that we were quite as noble as the Justice League or X-Men.

Dreadfall Episode 01: Working Man

Episode 01: Working Man

Date: 4-12-14


  • Stan (the man)
  • Jeff (Flin)
  • Mason (Castle)
  • Jim Bob (Sam)
  • Robert (Philip)
  • John (Ezra)

All the characters are from the same plantation called Greenfields and have all posted into the Apprenticeship through various means. Somehow the group has all been selected to be as part of the same squad while they do missions together. These missions are an in important proving ground for the students to graduate to Citizen status.

Headmaster Crab calls the group in wee hours of the morning to inform them that a train scheduled with a beryllium is late and hasn’t checked in. The group has been instructed to find out what happened and get the train moving again.

The group heads out and during the trip Castle creates a set of night vision goggles. They find the train derailed, powered down and partially wrecked. The Engineer is hidden in a locker and is terrified of some horrible creatures (Dread) that dragged the conductor away in the woods. Ezra administers first aid to the terrified man and Flin inspects the tracks to discover it seemed to be have melted by some sort of acid.  In addition, Castle repairs the Repulsor to form a protective bubble and rigs it with a Burst in case the Dread show up again.

A few of the group search the rest of the train only to discover the leg of what use to be a Watcher and a lot of blood, the rest of the Watchers and crew are missing. Castle climbs the telegraph pole and rigs up his datapad to transmit a distress and ask for a crew to get the train back on the track. While up there he spots two clearings off to the west.

Once Ezra hears that there might be living survivors pulled into the woods he “convinces” the rest of the group along to help search. Philip stays with the survivor hidden in safety of the train cabin with the Repulsor bubble Castle rigged up.

The group stumbles into a clearing where they see a very ancient dome shaped structure. While investigating, Castle is attacked by a huge Centipede type Dread. The Dread is subsequently heavy wounded and splits itself in half and one of the half’s attempts to flee. Sam manages to take down the other half easily and the Dread is no more.

Castle discovers that the structure is indeed very old and pre-Dreadfall. He discovers two Datapads  and two dead people. One person has been shot in the back of the head and another was killed by shotgun to the head.

Both Datapads are damaged but Castle is able to recover this message:

<<begin transmission>>

<<…lost data…>>

…a strange man claiming to follow ‘three and a half gods’seems to be the only person who can stand up to the creatures.
Clancy says the attached coordinates are somehow important — he game me the coordinates before he died. He was eaten by monsters before he could explain why they were important.
My friend, I am sorry to report that the monsters are coming your way. We cannot send anyone to assist you — we will be lucky to survive ourselves.
To die at the hands of these creatures is a death most foul. I believe you have the gun you use to shoot fowl off of the comm towers? You may want to opt out if the beasts come your way.

<<end transmission>>

 Ezra hears a blood curdling scream from the direction of the next cleaning and runs off to investigate. He runs towards the sound and finds a jet black bipedal Dread with a long elongated head, a huge set of jaws with wicked teeth, spikes protruding out of its chitinous body and a long tail( think Aliens). This Dead looks to be feasting on the missing conductor. Ezra also sees there is a living Watcher “gooed” to the tree alive, possible the Dreads next meal.

Philip who has been listing over the Comm reminds the group they have the Distributor Blast and Castle thinks it will reach this clearing. Philip triggers the Blast and drives the Dread away. The Watcher is saves and turns out be none other than Flin’s enemy and rival Ronald Barker.

Help of course arrives after the Dread has escaped. Castle hides the working Datapad and gives the Watchers the broken Pad and Philip gives them the pre-tech shotgun.

Maps used:

Episode 1: inside structure Episode 1: map




Headmaster Obadiah Crab taunted our heroes at great length, mocking them each as a ‘Working Man.’ Here is the inspiration.

“I get up at seven, yeah,
And I go to work at nine.
I got no time for livin’.
Yes, I’m workin’ all the time.

It seems to me
I could live my life
A lot better than I think I am.
I guess that’s why they call me,
They call me the workin’ man.

They call me the workin’ man.
I guess that’s what I am.

So I get home at five o’clock,
And I take myself out a nice, cold beer.
Always seem to be wond’rin’
Why there’s nothin’ goin’ down here.

It seems to me
I could live my life
A lot better than I think I am.
I guess that’s why they call me,
They call me the workin’ man.

They call me the workin’ man.
I guess that’s what I am.

Well they call me the workin’ man.
I guess that’s what I am.”

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