- Turn off wireless phones (no calls in game)
- Have a “recording in progress” sign
- If Skype, have them record on their end
- Don’t talk about people / friends / families or disparage companies
- Avoid filler words (um, uh, like, ya’ know)
- Pop filter
- Avoiding pet / family noise
- No eating
- No saying “you” without describing the person
- No fizzy drinks pre-podcast
- Opening bumper (see script)
- Turn off fans if they make noise
- Write down timestamps of needed edits, and edit backwards
- Have a backup recording
- Podcast under a blanket (especially in a hotel) to reduce noise
These guys have a multi-year following, but FYI on the monetization possible with RPG podcasting:
- Would want it rated ‘PG’ (no cursing or overtly sexual or gore/torture type content)
- We do a lot of sexual innuendo (most of us I think) and maniacal villain out-of-character banter (Robert’s Godfather content). I’d really want to avoid that in actual play — I’d want any games I’m part of to be something my wife or my fellow church members of my nephews could listen to and I wouldn’t be embarrassed or apologetic about. Family-friendly fare leads to more listeners I think too.
- I’d want to be legally unassailable, so if the plan it to make money off ads, then would want to avoid IPs that could lead to issues if you took a for-profit approach.
You’d also want to decide if you want to primarily to it do make money or instead to focus on getting more listeners.
- Star Wars
- Middle-Earth
- Star Trek
- DC or Marvel Superheroes
- Firefly
- Here’s a list of a lot of Star Wars actual plays: https://community.fantasyflightgames.com/topic/219070-the-best-star-wars-rpg-actual-play-podcasts-and-videos/
- Above link shows comments that I’ve seen elsewhere and that I’ve observed myself — that you’re better off with rules light systems like Fate, Cortex Plus, and arguably D&D 5e where you can do theater-of-the-mind and avoid tons of dice rolling and math. Maybe 2d20 would be in that list. The big thing is not having miniatures which listeners can’t see.
- Star Wars Podcast Awards https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfXHzqNOKiPoubi1Ifd_9pypz__1MQGgdzLoCoUd1OXfTsfHg/viewform
- Critical Roll — 3.5MM views! Actual play video. Hugely successful. D&D 5e with a custom setting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-p9lWIhcLQ&list=PL7atuZxmT954bCkC062rKwXTvJtcqFB8i
- Titansgrave — Wil Wheaton actual play (video) — shows need for rules-list story system http://geekandsundry.com/shows/titansgrave/
- Dice For Brains — Star Wars Edge of the Empire Actual Lay — 100K+ listeners http://jacksonville.com/entertainment/2017-03-11/dice-brains-podcast-transports-listeners-world-tabletop-role-playing-games
- View of the setup for the above: https://www.facebook.com/nerdknowjax/photos/a.1380071072011733.1073741827.1360448010640706/1430533933632113/?type=3&theater
Amazon.com : Desk Clamp Mount Suspension Boom Scissor Arm Tripod Stand Holder for Logitech Webcam C922 C930e C930 C920 C615 : Electronics https://www.amazon.com/
Amazon.com: Logitech C930e USB Desktop or Laptop Webcam, HD 1080p Camera: Computers & Accessories https://www.amazon.com/
Amazon.com: Plugable 10 Meter (32 Foot) USB 2.0 Active Extension Cable Type A Male to A Female: Computers & Accessories https://www.amazon.com/
Amazon.com: Blue Yeti USB Microphone – Blackout Edition: Musical Instruments https://www.amazon.com/Blue-
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Amazon.com: Head Strap Camera Mount Universal for All Smartphones, GoPros, and Digital Cameras. iPhone 4, 5, 6 & Samsung Galaxy: Cell Phones & Accessories https://www.amazon.com/
iMovie (2013): Record video with the FaceTime HD camera https://support.apple.com/kb/
How to Improve Your Voice from a Cheap Microphone with Audacity
Five Tips to Start an Actual Play Podcast
How To Make A Successful Podcast http://www.fscinteractive.com/audio-blogging-how-to-use-podcasts-for-your-brand/
podcast – How do I record a session? – Role-playing Games Stack Exchange https://rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/1932/how-do-i-record-a-session
TableTech #3: RPG Podcasting Advice from Board With Life | GameCrate https://www.gamecrate.com/tabletech-3-rpg-podcasting-advice-board-life/12031
What’s up with actual play podcasts? Can anyone tell me about some that meet these guidelines? : rpg https://www.reddit.com/r/rpg/comments/2sy6oe/whats_up_with_actual_play_podcasts_can_anyone/
Recording Actual Plays – Happy Jacks RPG http://www.happyjacks.org/actual-play-games/
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Amazon.com: TASCAM DR-40 4-Track Portable Digital Recorder: Musical Instruments https://www.amazon.com/DR-40-4-Track-Portable-Digital-Recorder/dp/B005NACC6M
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