Tabletop RPG Podcast and Roleplaying Resources

Author: Robert Miklos (Page 6 of 6)

Iron Oak Family Saga

IMG_0450 IMG_0444 IMG_0446In our latest chapter of the Ironoak Family Adventure, Justin and Maldrin Ironoak led the Ironoak Family on a search for one of the Portals of Forever. Leaving Neara Red Oak behind to guard the newly liberated townsfolk, they quickly returned to Frosthold Fort, where they forced their way downstairs in search of the portal. The Party first had to solve the riddles of the Stone Guardian, who shocked those who got an answer wrong. The adventurers then confronted a water elemental, who granted one moderate wish to each of the party members. Finally, after avoiding a pair of spiky pit traps, they made it into the ancient room of the Forever Portal.
Inside, they were at first confronted by a beholder. That menace turned out to be an illusion. But as the storm picked up around the portal, Elena, the emissary from the Aradene Imperial Court, revealed herself to be a Mind Flayer, merely posing as a human from the court of the Aradene Imperial throne.
Before the Illithid could destroy the Forever Portal, the Party defeated the Mind Flayer. And with the two Tomes of Portal Management, the Party sped on their way to Silveroak.

Board Game Part III (Revenge of Talisman)

IMG_0441Grand-Prix-LogoIn the third session of the Board game Grand Prix, we played a starter game of Splendor, and then a lengthy game of Talisman. Unlike our earlier game of Talisman, this time the game turned on us, with Robert and Patrick being turned into toads, Emory harassing Martin’s character throughout the game, and almost all having very bad luck. More of a grind quite frankly. We’re putting Talisman on the shelf for a bit.


So Points awarded:


Robert 2 points for victory at Splendor

Nick 4 points for victory at Talisman

Patrick 2 points for 2nd place in Talisman


Overall standings:

Martin 8 points
Kevin P. 5 points

Nick 5 points
Brooks 4 points
Robert 4 points
Patrick 4 points
It is anybody’s contest at this point.  There is still time for people to jump in.

Board Game Grand Prix Deux

Grand-Prix-LogoIn the second incarnation of the Board Game Grand Prix, we had seven players crowded into a game of Talisman. Yes, the old, second edition version of Talisman; still one of the best classic character building board games there is! Since we exceeded capacity, we called it an Extra Hard game. Finishes:

Kevin P. – 1st place – 5 points
Martin – 2nd place – 3 points
Patrick – 3rd place – 1 point

So the ultimate standings so far this year:

Martin 8 points
Kevin P. 5 points
Brooks 4 points
Robert 2 points
Patrick 2 points
Nick 1 point

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